Turning Point: The Bomb and the Cold War (Netflix)

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Turning Point: The Bomb and the Cold War (Netflix)

Post by Winnow »

Turning Point: The Bomb and the Cold War on Netflix is one of the best documentaries I've ever seen. It's hard to get an unbiased view of developments in the world between the end of WWII and Present day conflict in Ukraine but this documentary is the best attempt I've seen.

It's nine episodes and worth watching. The last few episodes really give you a good understanding of how Putin came to be and why he is such a serious problem and digs into his mindset. The documentary doesn't sugar coat the United State's flaws as well.

Also, I listen to an excellent book recently titled "1946: The making of the Modern World" which goes into detail the direct aftermath of World War II. Most history books, education etc tend to stop at the end of the war and then talk in general about the Marshal Plan etc but man, 1946 was a crazy year. MILLIONS died after the war was over. There was extreme nastiness still going on and also very interesting how the world was divided up between Russia and the West/US. It was actually like a 5 minute conversation Churchill had with Stalin, throwing around countries for each side to create the post war borders. Highly recommend this book. Eye opening and it fits perfectly in right before the Turning Point documentary.
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