My wife and I have done a lot so far this year, with much more to go. It's been pretty exciting as each project gets completed.
Here are pictures of our flower beds in the back. We finally got rid of all the previous owner's lava rock. I hate that stuff. So ugly. We replaced it with a blueish slate type of rock that was expensive as fuck, but it was on sale. Still, it took more than what I had first anticipated. My wife rounded out the first round of planting with lots of Hostas.
Here's a couple of views of the completed beds.
From the kitchen


Another outside

Birdbath area

View out or back windows

Here is our next major bed to tackle along our other wall
Also, we redid part of our entryway with bamboo wallpaper. Next up, we're going to get rid of the carpet and get stone steps that will match our living room floor and entry way.

Here's a random view as you come up the stairs
Finally, I replaced some previous art with some pin up art downstairs.
In the next several weeks, our roof gets repaired, our kitchen gets a new ceiling, and we get our first professional lawn treatment. Next summer, I get to redo my bathroom and we're absolutely going to get a tankless water heater. We've put that one off for about 3 years.