LOOT 2010 Edition

It's the most wonderful time of the year.
Fairweather Pure
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LOOT 2010 Edition

Post by Fairweather Pure »

I just got back from seeing family in MO. Let's see everyone's loot this year.

Me: Games, and lots of them.

Resonance of Fate
Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood
Need for Speed Hot Pursuit
Fallout: New Vegas
Just Cause 2

3D Dot Game Heroes

I usually don't post what others in my family have gotten, but I am particularly proud of the job I did this year.

Wife: 2 diamond rings - Khole's was having one hell of a holiday sale this year. 50-60% off all jewelry and you received Khole's Cash. I bought my wife a really nice ring when the sale started and was given a large amount of Khole's Cash to use in a weekish time frame. I went back to spend it (since I couldn't spend it anywhere else) and ended up getting her a smaller, companion ring to the first. I don't buy jewelry (last thing was her wedding ring around 6 years ago), so she was honestly surprised and amazed, especially when she opened the 2nd one. The only thing better than a diamond ring for xmas is two! She cried. I cried. It was awesome.

Kids: I am passing on info for the greatest gift I have ever given my girls and I may not be able to top this for years, if ever.

http://www.amazon.com/KidKraft-65078-So ... B001KF1M38

I relaized early last year that I was going to get my kids a dollhouse. The problem is, I know fuck all about dollhouses. So, I set out to learn. Very early in 2010, I bookmarked 3 different houses. I had a high/mid/low range for both quality and price. The highest was about $250ish and I was not intending to spend that much, even though it was for both of of my girls. Well, I bookmarked the site of the house and checked in on it every now and then. Lo and behold, it went on sale for 50% off during the 4th of July weekend, only while supplies last. I didn't even hesitate. A couple of days later, this huge package arrives weighing around 80lbs. I've been storing it in the laundry room for the past 6 months.

Pros: It has 12 rooms. It's about 5 ft tall. It's all wood and has amazing color and attention to detail. It accepts Barbie sized dolls. Each room of furniture is individually wrapped, which means 12 more gifts for the kids to unwrap. All the furniture is modern (flatscreen TV and computer monitor, front loading washer and dryer, ect) and all are made of wood, making it extremely durable. It has rubber, caster wheels to move it around. All 4 sides are accessible for play. This means you can have 4 kids playing in their own areas, all at once. Your great grandkids will be playing with this, which cannot be said of all those plastic barbie type houses.

Cons: Assembly was around 2.5-3 hours (but it had the best instructions and high quality parts I have ever used to put anything together). It weighs around 80 lbs. It's fucking huge.
Last edited by Fairweather Pure on December 28, 2010, 1:09 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: LOOT 2010 Edition

Post by miir »

I got us a Dyson.
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Re: LOOT 2010 Edition

Post by Psyloche »

Eagles shirt
Sweater which resembles the kind Mrs Weasley makes (wtf Dad you bought all the girls Coach purses?)
Box of Romeo y Juliet Cigars
Cigar cutter

No cigar nut, but I do enjoy one now and then and I definitely like this brand, so the wife chose well.
Hijoputa 80 DK - Undermine
Psyloche 80 Rogue - Hyjal
Baaka 80 Paladin - Hyjal
Churrasco 70 Tauren Warrior - Firetree
Rennard 70 UD Priest - Firetree
Sinjin617 - Ogame.org (More or less Retired)
Seithyr 70 Monk - Veeshan (Retired)
Psyloche Wenusberg 70 Rogue - Veeshan (Retired)
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Re: LOOT 2010 Edition

Post by Canelek »

Mom got me a enameled cast-iron Dutch Oven and a Kinect. :D

I'm moving on the 14th so will try them both out that weekend. yay!
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Re: LOOT 2010 Edition

Post by Leonaerd »

himilayan salt rock candle holder
organic shaving soap
snowboard wax and iron
90 minute massage
a qp
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Re: LOOT 2010 Edition

Post by miir »

Cons: Assembly was around 2.5-3 hours (but it had the best instructions and high quality parts I have ever used to put anything together). It weighs around 80 lbs. It's fucking huge.
I got my son a train table this year which took nearly 2 hours to assemble and it also weighs about 80lbs... ugggggh. :D
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Re: LOOT 2010 Edition

Post by Bubba Grizz »

Finally put this thing together (after about an hour) for my son and played with it for about an hour before he got pissed and pushed the whole thing over. The thing looks impressive but it is really not all that stable. My wife was furious and put the whole damn thing back in the box and put it "away".
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Re: LOOT 2010 Edition

Post by Spang »

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