Fk I'm getting old!

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Fk I'm getting old!

Post by valryte »

Man, a couple days ago I sprained my lower back muscles. It started to hurt a little bit the next day, then more the following day until like the 3rd day when I went to get out of bed and fell like a rock to the floor. My gawd is that painful. I feel like a fkn old man :( Doctors gave me some muscle relaxer and ibuprofen 800. Its getting better, but still hurts a bit getting up from a chair.
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Re: Fk I'm getting old!

Post by Jarori Bloodletter »

I know how that feels.. 2 back operations later and i STILL hurt.
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Re: Fk I'm getting old!

Post by masteen »

But are those damn kids staying off your lawn?
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Re: Fk I'm getting old!

Post by Xanupox »

I am wondering what the long term negatives are of our lifestyles in front of the PC.

In the generation or two before us, people got out of the house, did sports, MOVED their bodes a majority of the day. Most jobs were not sitting in a chair for the bulk of your hours, couple that with a recreational lifestyle of followed up gaming (sitting in a chair).

I just wonder how much our bodies support structure has atrophied due to this lifestyle and when we will see it.

I know when I get injuries or I participate in things that I wouldnt expect to feel the pain from, well I do. I feel much older than a 36 year old man.

My job consists of sitting on my ass for 8 hours straight, then I come home and plop down in front of the PC. The most movement/strain I have to exert in a day is walking to my truck to go back and forth from point A to B.

Now, outside of the mandatory GYM sessions (3-4 days a week for an hour) and the chasing around the house of my 3 year old... I don't get much "conditioning" in my life for physical development. I think a lot of us are in a similar situation.
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Re: Fk I'm getting old!

Post by Sirensa »

Yup... I find myself slouching after I've been at the PC awhile. Have to consciously straighten myself up. It's horrid. At least I'm not spending nearly as much time here as I used to!
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Re: Fk I'm getting old!

Post by valryte »

Well I WAS getting better then all of a sudden it hit me really hard. I ended up sleeping on the floor hoping it would be better the next day. Well it wasn't and I simply could not get up. The pain was horrendous. I ended up having to call 911 to take me to the hospital on a stretcher where I was welcomed with a cocktail of pain killers. Don't think it took more than 2-3 minutes for the drugs to kick in. Was so very nice :) Anyways they did a CT scan and sent me home with a prescription for percocets. I spent the next 3-4 days sleeping only waking up to eat something and then popping more pills. It feels much better (though I'm sort of scared now to lift anything heavy). Have to see the doc to get a referral for a specialist, but chances are I'll just be getting a recommendation to start seeing a chiropractor to deal with calcification (unrelated to my injury) which can cause some long term issues later on.
I am wondering what the long term negatives are of our lifestyles in front of the PC.
Well I work from home as a software architect/developer so yeah I sit all day long. I used to have horrible pains, but I corrected that by investing in a high quality chair (got a Humanscale Freedom chair). Best money ever spent on a chair. I used to have a fridge in my home office, but I got rid of it to force myself to actually get up and go downstairs to the kitchen throughout the day. I also schedule errands in the middle of my work day so I get out for a break. But yeah that's probably still not enough.
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Re: Fk I'm getting old!

Post by miir »

I used to (6-7 years ago) have frequent lower back pain/problems.
I'm not in great shape by any stretch of the imagination but for the past few years I've been biking/rollerblading 2-3 times a week and doing a very light workout every other day that's purely core strength exercises. I haven't had any back pain in the last 5 years.

The absolute worst thing you can do is to start relying on painkillers/muscle relaxers and wasting your time with chiropractors and specialists who will treat your symptoms and prescribe you lots of pills but probably won't do anything to address the actual cause of the problem.
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Re: Fk I'm getting old!

Post by valryte »

The absolute worst thing you can do is to start relying on painkillers/muscle relaxers and wasting your time with chiropractors and specialists who will treat your symptoms and prescribe you lots of pills but probably won't do anything to address the actual cause of the problem.
Well the painkillers/muscle relaxers aren't for long term use. That was to get past the immense pain that prevented me from getting off the floor (standing, walking etc...) and allowed the swollen/irritated muscle to recover. As for the chiropractor, that's just one way to deal with calcification in your spine where if left untreated will cause the vertebrae to fuse together which then limits your range of motion. It can get pretty bad. One way to avoid it is with yoga. Yoga is probably the best way as that will usually do a lot more than what even a chiropractor can do, but chiropractors do have their benefits. But you have to make sure you see a doctor first to make sure you don't have any major issues (which requires xrays, ct scans, etc...) otherwise chiropractor will make it worse if you happen to have a major issue with your disks (slipped, herniated, etc...) But any decent chiropractor should be requesting these anyways before even treating you.
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Re: Fk I'm getting old!

Post by Leonaerd »


I commute to work. 60 minutes of sitting on my ass in the car. I work 9-5, sitting down for the entirety of my work. we get an hour to ourselves, and I usually spend about 50 minutes of that hour playing ping pong with my buddy. We're really into it so it's exhilirating. To be honest, though, bending over to pick up the ball between plays is much more of a workout than the rest of the game. After work, I drive an hour home, then...

On Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays I play basketball at the gym I'm a member of. It's usually 5v5 full court. Typically I play for 30 minutes to an hour. Some Fridays I play less just because I'm fatigued. I started this routine about 2 months ago and I can say that basketball absolutely kicked my ass into shape. It was so frustrating not being able to keep up at first that I just hammered through the sweat and lung weakness and rib pain and disgusting smelling clothing. My motivation was to not be embarassed on the court. Motivation is all it takes.

Tuesdays, Thursdays and sometimes over the weekend I strength train. Usually I sprint for a half mile or so to get my heart rate at warp speed and then hit the weights as hard as I can for 15-20 minutes until I can hardly lift any weight. The motivation here is that I was a skinny little shit and teh ladies want something to grab onto. Motivation is all it takes.

My recommendation to all of you with lazy pains is to get one of those big Definity balls and a couple free weights and just work out in your own living room. It doesn't have to be crazy... just a start and a routine. Hell, you can drop down and do friggen pushups while you're medding.

I think I'm younger than most of you, so I doubt it's as easy when you've been lazy for a long time. What sparked my desire to workout was that after one (ONE) week on the job, I already noticed a little flat tire forming at my waist. I've been skinny my entire life and I wasn't about to be a skinny fat kid.

Ultimately, my point is that it doesn't take much time to get in shape. I have a desk job and I sit in front of my computer a lot, just like many of you. Start somewhere and train HARD!
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Re: Fk I'm getting old!

Post by miir »

LOL man, you're 22... Many of us are DOUBLE your age.
Ultimately, my point is that it doesn't take much time to get in shape.
I don't mean to sound harsh, but you really have no fucking clue how difficult it can be to get into (and stay) in shape when you get into your mid to late 30s.

10-12 years ago, I was in great shape but I rarely worked out.
I could come home from work, bike/rollerblade 10-15 km, hop in the shower and meet up with friends and go drinking til 1-2 am and be up, early for work at 8am.

These days, I'm working out regularly but the days I go biking or rollerblading, I'm so wiped I crash out by 11pm and still feel it the next day.
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Re: Fk I'm getting old!

Post by Winnow »

My dad used to have really bad lower back pain. He hurt his back early in life.

It came to a point where he was afraid to use his back for anything. Doctors would just prescribe pain killers etc. Finally, a doctor said it was probably from lack of use. My dad started slowing exercising his back, first just using one of those balls to roll around on. A few weeks later, his pain was gone and hasn't returned.

There's always a good chance that lack of use is the cause, especially in our lazy society (especially the Euros).

I don't exercise much but everywhere I go, I power walk, take the stairs, etc. I have dead sexy calves because of it. Any women with a calf fetish, I'm your man. (placeholder for Pilsburyesque story)
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Re: Fk I'm getting old!

Post by Lalanae »

I don't mean to sound harsh, but you really have no fucking clue how difficult it can be to get into (and stay) in shape when you get into your mid to late 30s.

It's insane, the difference in how your body responds. You never realize until you're there!
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Re: Fk I'm getting old!

Post by Leonaerd »

We'll see! My roommate from this past year at MSU is on the cycling team, has a resting heart rate of 40 beats per minute, and is 35 years old. When I met him I thought he was my age.
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Re: Fk I'm getting old!

Post by miir »

Never said it was impossible...
I have many friends in their 40s who are in awesome shape...
I also have friends in their early 30s who are in horrible shape.
When I met him I thought he was my age.
Nearly everyone I meet think I'm a lot younger than I really am.
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Re: Fk I'm getting old!

Post by miir »

My dad started slowing exercising his back, first just using one of those balls to roll around on.
Those balls are awesome.
I do my side/back stretches and crunches on a ball.
I also sometimes use one as a desk chair.
They are great for building core strength and stability.
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Re: Fk I'm getting old!

Post by Fairweather Pure »

miir wrote:Those balls are awesome.
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Re: Fk I'm getting old!

Post by Winnow »

I was waiting for a Dwight Schrute joke!

Cant find the actual scene : (
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Re: Fk I'm getting old!

Post by valryte »

I've been skinny my entire life and I wasn't about to be a skinny fat kid.
In high school I weighed about 118 until I decided to join track. I graduated high school at 112 lbs. So trust me I know all about being skinny. After that I got into weight lifting and got up to about 185 over the course of 3-4 years. But then I got into my career as a software developer and it all went down hill from there. I've got 2 weddings coming up in the next 6 months and I want a new suit, so I got some motivation to shed some weight. :)
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Re: Fk I'm getting old!

Post by Fairweather Pure »

I wrestled at 103 lbs my senior year in high school. I just weighed in at 190lbs. It's not bad, since I used to be really underweight. My best weight is around 165-170. Being 20-25lbs overweight isn't the end of the world for me since I still look so goddamn good, but I certianly don't want to keep getting fatter!
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Re: Fk I'm getting old!

Post by Fash »

I graduated high school at 216, and within a couple years of that was up as high as 255... I created my own easy fad diet and dropped down to 185 which i maintained for a while before rising up to 195-200, a range that I stayed in for about 4 years. Then I met my girlfriend and turned 30... I gained about 30 pounds in the past 10 months, which mystifies me as I don't think my eating has gotten any worse. I think it's stress... I have managed to lose about 10 of that now, but still want to lose 20 more.

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Re: Fk I'm getting old!

Post by Canelek »

Yup, those exer-ball things are fantastic! It was a big reason I was able to avoid rotator cuff/labrum surgery a few years back.

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Re: Fk I'm getting old!

Post by Aabidano »

You never realize until you're there!
Getting back in shape is harder and harder the older you get, assuming you don't cross a threshold where you can't anymore. Which can happen a lot sooner than you think. Maintaining a minimal level of condition is work, but not all that bad. 30-40 minutes x 3 days a week is enough for maintenance, for me anyway.

I've got one of the balls and a Nordic Track ski machine. Great low impact workouts.
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Re: Fk I'm getting old!

Post by valryte »

I wrestled at 103 lbs my senior year in high school. I just weighed in at 190lbs. It's not bad, since I used to be really underweight. My best weight is around 165-170. Being 20-25lbs overweight isn't the end of the world for me since I still look so goddamn good, but I certianly don't want to keep getting fatter!
I'm at 207 now and that's about about 35lbs overweight for me and while it's not all in my gut, it sure seems like it to me hehe.
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Re: Fk I'm getting old!

Post by Tyek »

I played in the coaches soccer game for our league today. People playing in the game ranged from 22 to a few of us near or just over the 40 year old range.

This was the first time I have played a game in 7 years, and 6 of my 9 knee surgeries have come in that time. I had one incident where I was running for a ball and the other player clipped my leg. Had to come out for a while, thought I had torn more cartilage, or damaged the ligament, but I was able to walk it off. Overall I was surprised. I was extremely rusty with my passing, but I got 2 of our 4 goals and I am not nearly as sore as I thought I would be. The knees feel weak and sore, but not unbearable. I even came home and did some yardwork...

guess tomorrow is the real test though.
When I was younger, I used to think that the world was doing it to me and that the world owes me some thing…When you're a teeny bopper, that's what you think. I'm 40 now, I don't think that anymore, because I found out it doesn't f--king work. One has to go through that. For the people who even bother to go through that, most assholes just accept what it is anyway and get on with it." - John Lennon
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Re: Fk I'm getting old!

Post by Leonaerd »

Tyek wrote:I played in the coaches soccer game for our league today. People playing in the game ranged from 22 to a few of us near or just over the 40 year old range.

This was the first time I have played a game in 7 years, and 6 of my 9 knee surgeries have come in that time. I had one incident where I was running for a ball and the other player clipped my leg. Had to come out for a while, thought I had torn more cartilage, or damaged the ligament, but I was able to walk it off. Overall I was surprised. I was extremely rusty with my passing, but I got 2 of our 4 goals and I am not nearly as sore as I thought I would be. The knees feel weak and sore, but not unbearable. I even came home and did some yardwork...

guess tomorrow is the real test though.
That's amazing, Tyek. With all the shit you've had to go through that day must have been glorious.
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Re: Fk I'm getting old!

Post by Tyek »

Thanks Leonard, felt so good to be back on the field. I was not the best player out there yesterday, but with a few weeks of getting in game shape and some touches I would be, I know that sounds conceited, sorry, but I truely believe it. Most of the guys play together so they stuck me at right midfield, but I made some nice runs and got my goals. Even would have had an assist but the forward choked.

The wife was even warming up to me trying the adult league they are forming, but the take out and my getting up limping tempered her enthusiasm a little.

The best part was that my wife was seriously turned on watching me play and we had a fun evening last night after the game.
When I was younger, I used to think that the world was doing it to me and that the world owes me some thing…When you're a teeny bopper, that's what you think. I'm 40 now, I don't think that anymore, because I found out it doesn't f--king work. One has to go through that. For the people who even bother to go through that, most assholes just accept what it is anyway and get on with it." - John Lennon
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Re: Fk I'm getting old!

Post by Spang »

Tyek wrote:The best part was that my wife was seriously turned on watching me play and we had a fun evening last night after the game.
Did you put it in her butt?
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Re: Fk I'm getting old!

Post by Tyek »

Spang wrote:
Tyek wrote:The best part was that my wife was seriously turned on watching me play and we had a fun evening last night after the game.
Did you put it in her butt?
She told me to let you know that region is a 3 goal or more area, so no I did not.
When I was younger, I used to think that the world was doing it to me and that the world owes me some thing…When you're a teeny bopper, that's what you think. I'm 40 now, I don't think that anymore, because I found out it doesn't f--king work. One has to go through that. For the people who even bother to go through that, most assholes just accept what it is anyway and get on with it." - John Lennon
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Re: Fk I'm getting old!

Post by Anuin »


So I seriously injured my back (that required surgery and a 9 month rehab/recovery period), and have had back issues ever since. But I have learned a lot of things about back care that have really helped me out.

I think miir has really hit it on the head, and that the number one thing you can do to help our your back is to strengthen your core (not just your lower back). The ab muscles are equally important, so keeping a strong core will really go a long way to preventing injury.

There are a lot of exercises that I feel are back neutral (they don't put a lot of stress on your back). I've always loved the captain's chair and those hanging ab straps, and really don't be afraid to do things like pilates or as you said, yoga. Usually there are actually programs for both specifically targeted at helping with back pain, so at the very least let your instructor know. Losing weight will help out a lot too, if you needed any more motivation.

Also, from what I've experienced, sleeping on the ground can often times be worse than your bed, the key to any back relieving sleep is to have leg support. You need to make sure that you have support under your knees (or between your legs if you're a side sleeper), and definitely avoid sleeping on your stomach. If you've ever noticed, if you lay down with your legs completely flat then your lower back naturally arches. Now if you elevate your knees your hips rotate and your lower back is flush to the ground. Sleeping with a leg pillow was one of the greatest things I've ever done for my back.

I'm sure the doctor has told you a lot of those things already, but I've gotten a lot of relief from those tips.
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Re: Fk I'm getting old!

Post by Drozzt »

valryte wrote:Man, a couple days ago I sprained my lower back muscles. It started to hurt a little bit the next day, then more the following day until like the 3rd day when I went to get out of bed and fell like a rock to the floor. My gawd is that painful. I feel like a fkn old man :( Doctors gave me some muscle relaxer and ibuprofen 800. Its getting better, but still hurts a bit getting up from a chair.
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Re: Fk I'm getting old!

Post by Chidoro »

miir wrote:LOL man, you're 22... Many of us are DOUBLE your age.
Ultimately, my point is that it doesn't take much time to get in shape.
I don't mean to sound harsh, but you really have no fucking clue how difficult it can be to get into (and stay) in shape when you get into your mid to late 30s.
Little late to this discussion but Miir hit on a really good point. If you ever fall out of a working out routine for a number of years and then start again and you are in your mid to late 30's, it's going to be a challenge. What I have found interesting is that it has been easier for me to rebuild muscle mass then it has been cardio. I have been a runner for as long as I remember. 38 minute 10k's at 13, 15:30 5ks as a HS senior, sub 1:30 half marathons in my early 20's. But I have f'ed up my ankles so many times that nearly any time I try to get into running again, I ultimately twist or sprain them, particularly my left one, on even the smallest crack or rock on the road. I hate runnning on a track as it's so damn boring so I ultimately end up starting up after about 6 weeks from my last twist, and screwing it up again at least once w/in the next 6 months. It stinks, I don't feel like doling out money for a bike, and walking just isn't cardio to me.

As far as back problems go, about 10 years ago I got a severe back spasm from my shoulder blade down about 6-8 inches on the left side of my spine. It made me collapse to the floor and couldn't stand up, could barely breathe, and was taken to an ER on a back board. Now it reoccurs about once every 2 years and it's the worst pain I have ever felt so I certainly sympathize Valryte. I wish I could tell you it gets better but back spasms seem to have muscle memory. It doesn't matter how much you work out, if you get stressed, you may get it happening again in the exact same spot. It stinks and I hope it doesn't happen again. But getting old is better than the alternative I guess.
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