Lets talk Wii

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Lets talk Wii

Post by Winnow »

1UP gives new Wii dancing game a 3/10.
because all the other wii games besides zelda turn out to be fun for approximately 20 minutes
It's time to fess up. Does anyone else feel like me that there will be a ton of Wiis on ebay soon as people figure out that they are great impulse buys but worthess for the most part for longevity?

How's that Wii Sports treating you? Playing all of those great Wii games a lot?

I hear next to zero about the Wii except for first time buyers on the first day.

Gimmick with bad graphics! 20 minutes and done?
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Re: Lets talk Wii

Post by Aslanna »

Why the Wii bashing? Because in 10 months time it's close to surpassing 360 sales of almost 2 years? I bet that has something to do with it!
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Re: Lets talk Wii

Post by Winnow »

Aslanna wrote:Why the Wii bashing? Because in 10 months time it's close to surpassing 360 sales of almost 2 years? I bet that has something to do with it!
I'm not arguing that Nintendo has a great marketing department. I'm arguing that the Wii has no lasting appeal past watching a relative split their pants during a holiday get together when they try and Wii bowl drunk.
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Re: Lets talk Wii

Post by Boogahz »

The Wii owners I know still play theirs regularly...so I guess that means it wouldn't have lasting appeal to....you?
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Re: Lets talk Wii

Post by Funkmasterr »

I have played mine a bit lately, but not a lot. Then again, I haven't played my 360 in 3 or 4 weeks either (will change in a few days when the damn games finally start coming out again). The wii has plenty of lasting appeal just with the virtual console alone. However metroid does come out this month, and super smash brothers is later this year with mario coming soon too - those three games alone will make the system worth it, but I have a feeling once the ball really gets rolling with the wii games, we will start to see more decent titles consistently.
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Re: Lets talk Wii

Post by lmnt9 »

The only reason I bought one was for the Sports game for parties. People love to box and bowl drunk.

I've tried several games - all crap and hard to control. I guess the answer would be to just use a regular controller, then at least I could control ExiteTruck.
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Re: Lets talk Wii

Post by Funkmasterr »

As stupid as I know this sounds - buy the little 15 dollar plastic steering wheel that you put the remote in. I realize it shouldn't really make a difference, but I am able to control need for speed a lot better on the wii with that steering wheel then I was without it.
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Re: Lets talk Wii

Post by Akanae »

If you are having trouble controlling Wii games then I suggest you either learn how to play video games, or learn how to purchase good ones. In other words "learn2play"

I got my Wii on the release date and I am still enjoying it, definitely not a one trick pony for me. My current favorite game for it is Alien Syndrome (an RPG with Smash TV like controls). Also I can play Cooking Mama at pretty much anytime.
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Re: Lets talk Wii

Post by lmnt9 »

Akanae wrote:If you are having trouble controlling Wii games then I suggest you either learn how to play video games, or learn how to purchase good ones. In other words "learn2play"
lol, I'm sure you were an expert as soon as you plugged it in, but this thread is entitled "Lets talk Wii" not "Lets talk Wiigo"
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Re: Lets talk Wii

Post by Akanae »

Thats the beauty of the Wii, it's so simple that everyone who isn't borderline retarded can play it instantly.
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Re: Lets talk Wii

Post by Animalor »

I'm on the fence regarding the Wii. There's some fun shit coming to it but I'm afraid that it'll suffer from the same fate as the DS. That there's so few titles that appeal to me as a gamer that it gets hardly any use at all. I'm considering trading in my DS and titles for a PSP-slim if the non-kiddy don't start showing up soon.
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Re: Lets talk Wii

Post by Sueven »

In my experience, people play their wii's much differently than their ps3's or xbox's.

Everyone I know who has a wii continues to play it, however, they play sporadically. They'll pull it out maybe once a week, play for a few hours, and put it back away. They'll also play with friends or in social situations.

Everyone I know who has a ps3 or an xbox almost never plays. They will wait until a new game is released that they're excited about, they'll buy that game, and they'll play extremely often until they've beaten the game or it's lost its fun. Then the system sits dormant until something else exciting comes out.

I should mention that the wii owners I know are not regular gamers. They typically don't own many/any other consoles, typically don't play pc games, etc. They don't expect video games to be a primary source of entertainment in their lives, just a minor diversion. They don't care much about graphics, and they probably won't care any more in another few years. The xbox/ps3 owners I know generally are regular gamers.

The big lesson of the wii is that the majority of the console-buying market falls into the casual rather than gamer crowd.

Will the wii have the longevity of the ps3 or xbox? Well, I have no expertise, but I would guess no. But why is this at all important? The wii is just a gamecube with a new controller style, is it not? It certainly didn't take the development time or resources of the other two consoles. Plus nintendo has been making money on console sales from the start, no? A machine which sells at a profit and required little up-front investment should not require the same longevity as one which sells at a loss and required significant up-front investment.
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Re: Lets talk Wii

Post by Aslanna »

Animalor wrote:I'm on the fence regarding the Wii. There's some fun shit coming to it but I'm afraid that it'll suffer from the same fate as the DS.
Based on the weekly sales numbers the DS is generating I'd say Nintendo would be quite pleased if the Wii "suffered from the same fate as the DS."
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Re: Lets talk Wii

Post by Sueven »

I think that, when assessing the success or failure of a piece of technology, folks on VV (along with similar people located elsewhere) tend to put way too much focus on the consensus opinion regarding that piece of technology as expressed by technology nerds (and I mean that in a non-pejorative way) who care enough to argue about that piece of technology on the internet. This demographic is a very minor subset of the greater and far more important demographic of all those who consume that sort of technology.

Thus (and I'm speculating) the DS might not look like a raging success, because there's not a whole lot of excitement for it which is discernable within the nerd-gamer zeitgeist, even though it's objectively an overwhelmingly successful product.
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Re: Lets talk Wii

Post by Canelek »

I'll buy one as soon as I find one! I played a bit at a friend's house when I was down in LA. LOVED it! I also bowled a 289(or whatever score is while missing only 1 strike). ;) Tennis is fun as well. However, I have never seen/played any other games. Entertainment from that one experience is enough for me to fork over the small sum though. Think it may need the other players though--not sure how long I would play alone.
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Re: Lets talk Wii

Post by Funkmasterr »

I am playing Big Brain Academy right now - my girlfriend wanted it so we got it. It is pretty fun, but I can't see it providing really lasting entertainment. Like a lot of the games for the wii right now though, it's more fun multiplayer.

I have bowled a 300 once in wii sports, I have came close a bunch of times since but never got another !
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Re: Lets talk Wii

Post by Niffoni »

The Wii has proven to be a great compliment to my current gaming setup. Between my PC, PS2 and Wii, there's almost no game of note I can't play in some form or fashion, and I do it pretty cheaply.

It's not a good sign for so-called next-gen that there are more releases for the PS2 that I'm looking forward to than there are for the PS3. I know this will change in 2008, but that's then, this is now.

Wii has a few huge titles coming, and not much else on the near horizon, so I'm thinking there's gonna be at least a month or two after the holiday season where it'll collect dust, but I've gotten more than my money's worth out of it already, and that seems to be the consensus, which I imagine is part of why it's outselling every other company's consoles (except their own). I doubt it will have the staying power of the PS3 and 360 in years to come, but you can't possibly see it as anything but an absolute first round knock-out victory for Nintendo (who I'm not ever a fan of anymore) and for the mass market of video game entertainment. They took it to the next level in terms of expanding the market in a way that Sony and Microsoft both claimed they'd someday do, but never did. Sony is left using a 600 dollar machine to hold its pecker with, and 360 is huddled in a corner repeating over and over "It's not fair! It was supposed to be MY time!" as Wii, a full YEAR behind them, laps them in sales, and goes zooming off into the distance.

I'm just waiting for the other shoe to drop on Nintendo when the market realizes that Wii doesn't have the legs of the current generation. Will it be the end of a craze, or will they pull another rabbit out of their asses ("look everyone, it's a whole new console.. WII PINK!!") and go sailing ahead again, leaving everyone else to wonder how it all could have gone so very wrong?

Full disclosure here, I wouldn't be cheering on the Wii at all if I hadn't made a prediction more than a year ago that Nintendo was the only company that seemed poised to innovate and make real waves in the market, and was quickly scoffed at. Nintendo? How can they innovate? They can't even do HD graphics! You can't be innovative without HD graphics! But there you have it. The market's changed, if only for the time being. It shook things up, and the business needed that. So I guess maybe I AM a fan, a convert, whatever you want to call it. Me like games. Games gud.

Edit: None of this means I won't be getting a PS3 or 360. I already want them. I just can't justify the purchase yet. The time will come, though.
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Re: Lets talk Wii

Post by Neost »

My wii has become a dust gatherer since i picked up a 360. I've turned it on twice in the last couple of months when i noticed the blue lights flashing to indicate a system update. WOOHOO I GOT A DIGITAL CLOCK!!!!

Anyway, I played wii sports, legend of zelda and tiger woods golf on it and had a blast. Then i started looking for more games and found nothing else i cared for at all. SSX Blur is a pain with the wiimote, didn't care much for wario smoothmoves, my daughter plays mama's cookoff every once in a while if she's here and that's about it. I've not found anything else that looked exciting enough to plop down cash for, even at used game dealers.
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Re: Lets talk Wii

Post by Canelek »

Actually had them in stock at Best Buy today and I passed. I guess I was just really excited about finding one. Cheap, but I would just be throwing money away for something I rarely will use. :)
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Re: Lets talk Wii

Post by Funkmasterr »

They finally did something new with the wii shop channel. They have a Metroid Prime 3 trailer there, you just download it quick, then there are 5 different videos you can watch (2 don't unlock until tomorrow.) Obviously, since there is no memory on the thing, the videos just stream, but it was not slow so I had no complaints.

On the other hand, I hate how they reorganized the games on the wii channel, I really want to just be able to pull up all games at once instead of by system or genre.

Metroid looks cool though !
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Re: Lets talk Wii

Post by Sylvus »

Wii has just passed 360 as the best-selling "next gen" console.
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Re: Lets talk Wii

Post by Niffoni »

Apparently with Nintendo's failure to up the production of key components, the Wii is on course to be the first console I've ever heard of that will fail to be able to keep up with consumer demand for the second Christmas in a row.

But really, just a flash in the pan. Any day now they'll stop selling. Really.

(Seriously though, I imagine it's got at least this Christmas to continue to dominate, and then til 2009 before it becomes bin-ware. I'm sure Nintendo will be hearbroken. I just hope their billions upon billions of dollars in revenue will be enough to console them.)
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Re: Lets talk Wii

Post by Boogahz »

I counted 24 Wii's in-stock at the Best Buy near me last weekend. I doubt they were on the shelf for long though.
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Re: Lets talk Wii

Post by Winnow »

Enjoy your Wiii Sports! At least you can put those old low res TVs rotting in the closet to good use. I've still yet to see a game on the Wii (and there never was one on the Game Cube its entire existence) that I want to play that would make me want to take a generation leap backwards in technology. FFXII, of that same graphical generation, really was unplayable specifically due to the crappy graphics of the console, not because of the game's quality itself.

Wii will continue to sell to the charades crowd and be played about as much as Trivial Pursuit was back in the day and it very may well get you through a family get together or two. It will make Nintendo money so good for them. Thankfully, Microsoft can lose money hand over fist and still continue to support a better platform with quality games and online support.
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Re: Lets talk Wii

Post by Aslanna »

IGN seemed to have a good impression about Mario Galaxy:
Although it was fleeting, it was great to see something new and we can report that the Cookie Factory level looks as good, if not better, than what we had already seen. This is one Wii game that can proudly stand next to the best-looking Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 games.
We could go on and on about Super Mario Galaxy, but you really only need to know one thing: it's awesome. Nintendo has been stingy about doling out details on Mario's latest adventure, but it is a near-certainty that the wait will have been worth it come November.
And honestly I don't think Nintendo cares too much if your Wii sits in your closet since they already racked up the sale. And if you hadn't seen the July numbers they sold 425k in the US so it's a lot of sales indeed. (170k for the 360!)

Of course I'm sure they wouldn't complain if you bought a few of their games as well.
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Re: Lets talk Wii

Post by Niffoni »

Don't get me wrong, I think it's great of Microsoft that for the second console generation in a row, they placed a respectable second. Maybe someday they'll make a console that appeals to the video games market, but for now they can snuggle yet another silver medal tightly, and be proud of a job adequately done. At least they aren't Sony!

(Pssst, when you make a 360 degree turn, you end up right back where you started)

(Yes I'm still buying one this Christmas. I just couldn't resist :) )
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Re: Lets talk Wii

Post by Pherr the Dorf »

Wii still gets as much play around here as the 360, more for the kids than me but that works and I have fun playing all the goofy games with them
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Re: Lets talk Wii

Post by Winnow »

Wii sales are slowing in Japan and the U.S.

US: software and hardware sales up: but Wii and PS3 down
According to The NPD Group, Nintendo Wii sales dropped 5 percent from July, while the Xbox 360, with 277,000 units sold, witnessed a sales increase of 63 percent from July. To round it out, the abysmal Playstation 3 sold just 131,000 units--a drop of nearly 18 percent.

Sure, the Nintendo Wii is doing well and it continues to sell better than the competition, but the main reason the Xbox 360 did so well last month was its software. Most notably, Madden. According to NPD, Electronic Arts sold 897,000 copies of the Xbox 360 version of Madden, representing the first time in years that a non-Sony console topped the Madden sales list.

I've said it once and I'll say it again--software and software alone will drive hardware sales after the initial hype dies down. And if the 5 percent drop in sales is any indication, maybe the Nintendo Wii's hype is finally dropping too.

Halo 3 will undoubtedly be the biggest game of the year. With millions already enjoying previous iterations, tomorrow's release could be the biggest we have ever seen. For many casual gamers, the release of Halo 3 means it's time to buy an Xbox 360. And it's this cadre of individuals that Microsoft has been waiting for.

Up to this point, the Playstation 3 has performed about as poorly as we can expect from a console. With no games to tout as deal breakers, the PlayStation 3 is dead in the water. And while some still hope for the days of Killzone saving the PS3's day, it's time to give up hope--nothing can save it now.

But Nintendo is in an entirely different situation. There is no denying the fact that Nintendo has a stranglehold on the industry and has realized that by appealing to the general public instead of just gamers, it can have some success.

But the main issue with Nintendo is its poor software library that is rife with mini games and barely appealing titles that don't offer enough of an experience to appeal to owners for too long. At this point, the Nintendo Wii feels more like a novelty item than a video game console.

But for all of its issues--shoddy hardware and underpowered technology--the Xbox 360 will take the day as long as Halo 3 becomes the success we all expect it to be.

By the end of this year, Halo 3 will sell millions of times. And as long as current Xbox 360 aren't purchasing the game two or three times, we should expect higher console sales numbers going forward.

Much like Mario games of the '90s and Final Fantasy VII, Halo 3 is a blockbuster title that will sell consoles. In fact, Halo 3 is the only reason some people will buy a console this generation.

So before everyone runs out to tell the world that the Nintendo Wii will be the de facto leader going forward, it's incumbent upon all of us to realize that Wii sales are falling, Xbox 360 sales are rising and with Halo 3 right around the corner, that trend will only continue until the latter cements itself as this generation's console war victor.
Time to end this Wii lameness!
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Re: Lets talk Wii

Post by Aslanna »

While Halo 3 may drive 360 sales for the next few weeks I don't think it will sustain the 360 over the long haul. I predict the majority of Halo 3 purchases will come from those who already own a 360.
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Re: Lets talk Wii

Post by Funkmasterr »

Aslanna wrote:While Halo 3 may drive 360 sales for the next few weeks I don't think it will sustain the 360 over the long haul. I predict the majority of Halo 3 purchases will come from those who already own a 360.
I don't think it will sustain it over the long haul either, and I don't think that the article winnow liked was trying to claim that. However, the game list (particularly exclusive titles) for the 360 keeps getting longer and better, and the other two keep getting less and less.

The wii had a great start but I think those sales could really start to drop if they don't start releasing more big hitting games. And when I say big hitting games I mean mario, metroid, super smash bros, etc, games of that calibur... The little 6 in 1 minigame - games they have been releasing are only going to be entertaining for so long.

The PS3 isn't even worth the energy it takes me to type about it.
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Re: Lets talk Wii

Post by Winnow »

Haven't heard much Wii chatter. Are you Wii owners wearing your fingers to the bone playing them?

http://kotaku.com/385981/the-wii-has-ma ... ummy-games

Watch what you buy for them!
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Re: Lets talk Wii

Post by Boogahz »

I have had fun playing with my sister and her children.
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Re: Lets talk Wii

Post by Funkmasterr »

Boogahz wrote:I have had fun playing with my sister and her children.
That's fucked up

Mario Kart rocks! And they are setting up (online) tournaments for it starting today, which is pretty cool.
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Re: Lets talk Wii

Post by Boogahz »

Funkmasterr wrote:
Boogahz wrote:I have had fun playing with my sister and her children.
That's fucked up

Mario Kart rocks! And they are setting up (online) tournaments for it starting today, which is pretty cool.
eh? it has been fun getting them all involved in playing. Besides, it is my sister that has the Wii...as well as a PS3 and 360...
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Re: Lets talk Wii

Post by Aslanna »

Wii? Wha's that? Isn't that fad over by now?

Oh and when he said "that's fucked up" when you said "I have had fun playing with my sister and her children" I believe he was being a donut and putting a incestual spin on things. Ha ha funny GET IT?!?
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Re: Lets talk Wii

Post by Boogahz »

Aslanna wrote:Wii? Wha's that? Isn't that fad over by now?

Oh and when he said "that's fucked up" when you said "I have had fun playing with my sister and her children" I believe he was being a donut and putting a incestual spin on things. Ha ha funny GET IT?!?
ah, yeah, must be some kind of yankee humor that they use to deflect their own freakish fetish activities.
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Re: Lets talk Wii

Post by Aardor »

I think the Wii is doing quite well with the recent releases of Super Smash and Mariokart...can someone give a review of Mario Kart?
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Re: Lets talk Wii

Post by Aslanna »

Aardor wrote:I think the Wii is doing quite well with the recent releases of Super Smash and Mariokart...can someone give a review of Mario Kart?
Can find a lot at http://www.metacritic.com/games/platfor ... riokartwii . All the way from 100 to 42.
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Re: Lets talk Wii

Post by Winnow »

Boogahz wrote:Besides, it is my sister that has the Wii
wtf? :twisted:
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Re: Lets talk Wii

Post by Aardor »

Aslanna wrote:
Aardor wrote:I think the Wii is doing quite well with the recent releases of Super Smash and Mariokart...can someone give a review of Mario Kart?
Can find a lot at http://www.metacritic.com/games/platfor ... riokartwii . All the way from 100 to 42.
I don't know, I prefer what people think on this board over peoples who's job it is to review games. Stragi help me.
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Re: Lets talk Wii

Post by Aslanna »

Aardor wrote:I don't know, I prefer what people think on this board over peoples who's job it is to review games. Stragi help me.
Ok then.. Here you go:
Funkmasterr wrote:Mario Kart rocks!
Sounds like case closed!

Personally I think I'd take my chances on published reviews. If they are all relatively favorable that's pretty much a good indicator that a game is somewhat decent.
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Re: Lets talk Wii

Post by Truant »

Xouqoa picked Mario Kart up a couple days ago and said it was fun as hell.
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Re: Lets talk Wii

Post by Hesten »

Well, i only just tried to use one recently, at a Wii night at work. Just 2 Wiis, 8 controllers, Mario Cart and Wii Sports.
Was a lot of fun with 19 people, and having a Wii night again this month, with i hope 40+ people.
Doubt i would play any single player games on it, but it rock for multiplayer games.
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Re: Lets talk Wii

Post by Winnow »

Nintendo popped up in Second Life:
What’s Nintendo Doing in Second Life?
Wagner James Au, Thursday, May 1, 2008 at 12:31 PM PT

Here’s the metaverse mystery of the week: This strange new private island with a very familiar name recently emerged on the server grid of virtual world Second Life. Spotted yesterday by Second Life blogger Tateru Nino (and confirmed when I checked the world’s dynamic map today), we have to assume it’s an official Nintendo property. When someone buys a virtual island from Linden Lab, they also get to name it. Given Linden’s DMCA enforcement policy, it’s unlikely they’d let just anyone dub an island “Nintendo.”

But that just adds to the puzzle. Unlike console competitors Microsoft and Sony, Nintendo has few properties directly tied to the PC market, and last February, Nintendo President Satoru Iwata said they had no interest in adding an MMO to its Wii system. Nintendo’s U.S. president, Reggie Fils-Aime, said they wanted the Wii to appeal to crossover demographics “very much like the Second Life audience,” so maybe it’s just a virtual marketing site, like Microsoft’s Xbox island.

Here’s a more tantalizing possibility: A German firm has created a Wii-to-SL interface for the treadmill, and developers with Japan’s Softbank have created a Wii-like accelerometer game in Second Life, so maybe Nintendo is cooking up some interesting new product feature. Neither Linden Lab nor Nintendo’s PR firm replied to our queries by publication time, however, and the island’s off-limits to outsiders. For all we know, the Hanso Foundation is involved.
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Re: Lets talk Wii

Post by Fash »

My Wii gave me a scare yesterday... It wouldn't turn on. At first the light was orange and wouldn't turn on from the Wii or the remotes... After re-plugging the power, the light would go green, but none of the remotes would get a number and no video would be output. Several re-plugs later and it started working... I hope this doesn't happen again.

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