Who the fuck is Bemidian?

No holds barred discussion. Someone train you and steal your rare spawn? Let everyone know all about it! (Not for the faint of heart!)

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Post by Tegellan »

These boards are no holds barred, you are warned before you enter them, if you don't like profanity then don't read them, it's your choice/problem, not ours, kthx.
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Post by Xyun »

OK, this is my attempt at a convincing original argument regarding Ben's post.

Throughout history and in any language, you will find both formal and informal speech. In my native language (farsi) these two are labeled with names, as if they are in fact 2 separate languages. Culturally, one is only supposed to write in the formal.

Slang and informal speech are spoken for a variety of reasons. The most obvious reason is that it is the simplest way for one to communicate with the person they are trying to reach. To say that this type of speech is only spoken by people with low IQ's is completely erroneous. Most of the people in the world, regardless of their intelligence, use informal speech in their everyday life.

Profanity, which is the real issue here, is a part of informal speech. It is not always meant to be profane, nor disrespectful. For example, I might say to my friend on the phone "I'm just shooting the shit". This is a slang term meaning I'm having a conversation, or relaxing. It's not disrespectful or profane in any way. If my mother was on the phone, you are correct, I would not use these same words to communicate with her. The difference is that I am the judge of when, how, and to whom I use these words.

While you may have all the hatred in your soul directed towards slang and profanity, you cannot force people to stop using them, and you cannot keep them from reaching your children. They will continue to exist regardless of you. You can choose to try to avoid them as much as possible, or you can accept that they are another part of life. They too have a place and time in the world. What is their place?

Before one creates a public forum on the internet targetted for people who play Everquest, they should realize several things about their customers (from now on referred to as trolls). First of all, most trolls will be between the ages of 18 and 35. These people are using this forum to communicate with eachother, not their boss, or mother, or church leader. Just like the students at a school talk to each other differently then they do with their teacher. Secondly, trolls do not go to message forums to prove something intellectually. This message forum is for a game. It's not the M.I.T. forum for the most recent robotics technology, it's not the Catholic Church forum for arguing this and that over the bible, it's not a forum for parenting tips. Trolls do not give a shit (no disrespect intended) for these forums. Most trolls visit this forum to either give or recieve entertainment. Thirdly, one important aspect one should realize about making a forum for a massive-multiplayer-online game is that trolls will come to their forum more to converse with the public or their enemy then to converse with their friend. It is a neutral message board that guilds can argue with each other without having to actually go into each other's websites.

Once you have a good understanding of your trolls and how they communicate, you try to build a product that they enjoy and will use continuously. IGN misidentified their consumers, which is really a fatal business flaw. The trolls who used that forum did nothing out of the ordinary of their everyday lives. The things they said and did were all part of a society that they themselves had created, and all of which were acceptable within their society. IGN made another fatal business flaw by taking away suddenly that which they had provided for so long. Instead of taking it away completely (dismantling the forum) however, they chose to invade the forum and be the moral authority, and to discipline the trolls as if they were children. Yet another fucked up (disrespect intended) business decision.

In summary, anyone who tries to run from profanity as if it is some kind of holy sin is an utter fucking dipshit. In addition, to think that you can somehow protect your children by censoring it is completely moronic. These people have very little understanding of other human beings and in fact should be exiled or outcast into another place where they can sing their happy fucking songs without being a burden on society's shoulders.

EDIT: grammar and spelling in the name of intelligence!
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Post by Tegellan »

Xyun > Bemidia
If you can'ty take the heat, get off the highway!
In fact go to a deserted tropical island and live there! No highways or foul language there!
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Post by Zvenn Eaglefist »

highways are hot?
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Post by Lilianna Starbreeze »

Zvenn has never been to Texas in the summer?
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Post by Zvenn Eaglefist »

nope hehe dont leave ohio much )
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Post by Knarlz »

miss spoken but...

I may disagree with what joo say but will defend to the death joor right to say it


edet * spelinx*
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Post by Fallanthas »

Bemidian is a good guy with standards and the nuts to stand up and defend them.

Searyx is a fool looking for justification of his existence inside a computer.

Bemi's kids will do just fine. Raising kids with morals and standards beats the hell outta anything Searyx is likely to come up with.

Assuming the head mojo running the rat lab ever gives Searyx consent to procreate, that is.
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Post by masteen »

From my personal experience, the most voracious party sluts I banged in college were all fromer Disney-watching, sheltered, daddy's girls who'd never been exposed to partying, drugs, and sex.

They get a taste of what they've been missing, and the next thing you know they've got 3 dicks lined up, and they're going down like a circus seal.
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Post by Ebumar »

Shrug... I only cuss when my mind is altered in some way. That's when I can't think of something better to say. But people who oppose the form of communication, you need serious fucking help. I hate you. Without cussing so many of my drunk speaches would be so much worse. And trust me, they're so bad they're funny :D. hahaha~
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Post by Searyx »

In otherwords, there's a good chance that Bemidians kids will get fucked in the back of a Volkswagon sometime in the near future?
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Post by *~*stragi*~* »

there are tons of hot women in canada
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Post by Munt »

They get a taste of what they've been missing, and the next thing you know they've got 3 dicks lined up, and they're going down like a circus seal.
HAHAHahahaha excellent.
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Post by Shanks »

there are tons of hot women in arizona too
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