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Jade Empire

Post by Zamtuk »

Ok, I have been debating this badly this week on whether or not i should buy it. Being too busy do go through with it yesterday, I will leave it up to you good people to decide it. All reviews have been as expected, but I want some hands on impressions.

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Post by noel »

I would say hold off for now.

I mean, it's Bioware, and they've been generally good in the past, but I believe this game is just Knights of the Old Republic with ninjas. (admittedly my info is rather stale as I haven't looked at this in quite some time). Give it a week or two and let someone else (either a friend, someone on this board, or a patsy) try it out for you.
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Post by Sabek »

I got it yesterday and am enjoying it a lot.
Good story as usual.
Same kind of interface as KoToR, but combat is much more open and real time.
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Post by Winnow »

It's huge. 100X50MB. (DVD 9) I grabbed it last night along with Midnight Club 3: Dub Edition.

From reading the review in X-Box magazine, it looks like it's going to be fun but I only played KOTOR for a few minutes so it may not be my style of game.

Spy vs Spy, on the other hand, is lots of fun : ) I've only played it for 30 minutes or so but the sling shot rocks and I've avoided White Spy's traps so far.
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Post by Stalker Vacio »

Winnow wrote:...Midnight Club 3: Dub Edition...
I thought RockStar games were uncopyable?
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Post by noel »

That's a joke right?

Let me make something clear. NOTHING in electronic format is uncopyable.
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Post by Winnow »

To get an X-Box game, it's mostly just a matter of downloading the huge DVD image. If you have a hacked X-Box, you can also stick a game in the DVD drive and copy it right to your hard drive and it's ready to go.

You can't play X-Box Live with a copied game though which is usually the most entertaining part of a game.
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Post by Lohrno »

I have an XBox with a mod chip and I got them to put a switch on it so I can turn the mod on and off. I haven't played live yet though...
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Post by Winnow »

Lohrno wrote:I have an XBox with a mod chip and I got them to put a switch on it so I can turn the mod on and off. I haven't played live yet though...
Yeah, that's no problem. If you boot up to the normal dashboard and play a purchased game you should be fine but don't try playing a copied game or you'll most likely have your account banned. I've read that starting with Halo 2, MS was checking hard drive sizes, etc when validating accounts. Also be sure your hard drive is locked before playing on Live.
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Post by Winnow »

Jade Empire is badass. Get it.


There is tons of voice dialogue in this game. It plays out like a movie. I guess it's made by the same people who made KOTOR. The graphics and cut scenes are top notch. It's 4:3 though so if you have a widescreen, be sure to switch the ratio so the characters aren't distorted.

You can choose from 6-8 base characters as your starting character. They have specialties such as speed attacks, power atacks and magic attacks but you can train in anything. Weapons, abilities, etc all have multiple things you can enhance..such as increasing speed of attacks, damage of attack, duration of attack, lower chi costs, focus costs, etc. so there's quite a bit to fine une to your liking.

It's a RPG so there's lots of skills, weapons, items, enhancements, attributes as well as a Fable-like good/evil modifiers depending on what you do.

So far it's pretty linear. I always play easy mode because I'm lucky if I get a tenth of the way through a game before moving on. (except for EverQuest!)

I like how you have monk type skills, weapon skills, magic skills and supports skills all accessable via instant switch using the direction pad. You also have focus (for weapons) and Chi (for magic type stuff) along with your health bar that can run out during combat and also be enhanced with items etc. You can use charm/intimidation skills as well.

You can also have up to 10 followers all with different abilities. Only one can fight/be with you during combat but all that are with you can be switched to. You can put the follower into Attack or Support (cleric!) mode.

I'm liking the game. I hope it opens up a little as I think I'm done with most of the training/intro stuff.
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Post by *~*stragi*~* »

yep, i figured. wish these fag designers could come up with an rpg that isnt a copy of fucking kotor with different graphics. then again, maybe the x-box is limiting them in terms of rpg environments.
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Post by Mr Bacon »

stragi get on irc and give me mspaint idea kthx jade empire insert word here
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Post by Trias »

Stragi wrote:yep, i figured. wish these fag designers could come up with an rpg that isnt a copy of fucking kotor with different graphics. then again, maybe the x-box is limiting them in terms of rpg environments.
it isn't just kotor with diff graphics...it goes waay beyond kotor imo...and that is just from my play test of it back last september

going to get my copy of it in a few hours
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Post by Winnow »

Trias wrote:
Stragi wrote:yep, i figured. wish these fag designers could come up with an rpg that isnt a copy of fucking kotor with different graphics. then again, maybe the x-box is limiting them in terms of rpg environments.
it isn't just kotor with diff graphics...it goes waay beyond kotor imo...and that is just from my play test of it back last september

going to get my copy of it in a few hours
Yeah, it has to be better than KOTOR because I'm still interested after 30 minutes. Not that KOTOR was bad, this is just better. If you compared Jade Empire to the movie Return of the Jedi, Jade Empire would have wookies on Endor, not Ewoks.
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Post by Sabek »

There are transformation fighting styles also that allow you to turn into demon toads, demon horses, etc. They can be pretty fun to mess around with also.

There is also the concept of Harmonic Combos, but I havent really been able to grasp them.
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Post by Kargyle »

KOTOR was just NWN with lightsabers, and I say what's wrong with that. Bioware was finally able to make a good RPG utilizing the D&D D10 system, no reason they should throw it away after 1 or 2 games. I would expect Jade Empire to be better actually, because this time Bioware has 100% creative control. They aren't having to get a license from Lucas, or Wizards of the Coast or anyone else. It's is fully their IP (intellectual property), so they aren't locked in to any existing ideas or stories. It is definately on my check out list.
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Post by Winnow »

I'm lowering my rating of this game a bit due to the endless dialogs and linear story that is at least 75 percent clicking through text.

It's well done but I don't really want a game that I just sit there and click through tons of voice/text sequences. They need to focus a little more on the fighting and using all those cool abilities.

Expect to be mashing buttons not during fights but through the endless drivel of dialogue. Make it stop!

Plus, out of nowhere, I'm flying in this machine that looks like it was built by gnomes and then thrown into a Galactica type rapid firing top to bottom scrolling game that has nothing to do with anything.

The game is impressive as my first post suggests until you realize that the characters won't fucking shut up...they keep yapping and yapping and yapping.
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Post by Sabek »

Pretty sure that other than the first flying mini-game you can skip all the rest.

I have started linking styles while fighting to rack up large combos.

I will start with the three hit 1000 cuts combo, switch to leaping tiger for a 3 hit, and finish with the legendary strike 3 hit.
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Post by Lohrno »

FYI: Black Isle / Bioware is known for writing lots of text.

It was said by one of the developers I believe that Planescape:Torment had more text than the Encyclopedia Brittanica...
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Post by Winnow »

Lohrno wrote:FYI: Black Isle / Bioware is known for writing lots of text.

It was said by one of the developers I believe that Planescape:Torment had more text than the Encyclopedia Brittanica...
Then there needs to be an option that speeds up their voices. I don't care if they sound like helium sucking hamsters as long as they say what they need to in a timely fashion.

The story is nice but I've noticed half of the dialogs really don't need to be there and drag out the story as if they were artifically trying to extend the total game time.

I like the combat options. the Toad form is fun and has an actual purpose of breaking the support slow effects cast on you, etc. This also may be one game where I shouldn't have selected the easiest setting as it's been no challenge so far.

Oh yeah, Dawn Star must have a nasty case of itchy scalp. She scratches her head constantly!

As for tactics, hitting the B button and jumping over your opponent or toward your opponent seems key as otherwise it's slow going trying to get to your foe. Ice strike is very useful even if it burns through Chi quickly. Need more Chi!
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Post by Winnow »

100 GameSpy
By combining stunning visuals, an entertaining (and challenging) combat system, and one of the best stories in recent memory, the folks at BioWare have somehow managed to create yet another brilliant game.

100 Games Domain
Enthralling and beautiful, Jade Empire melds adrenaline-inducing combat with a compelling RPG structure perfectly. Here's an RPG that anyone can enjoy -- Jade Empire is sheer pleasure.

100 Stuff
The first time we laid down a "Harmonic Combo" and watched as the body parts of our enemies literally rained down from the sky, we were hopelessly, head-over-heels in love.

100 Cheat Code Central Platinum
Jade Empire plays like an epic Chinese movie. Kung Fu is blended with ancient Chinese legends for a game that is unpredictable and captivating. It's just as amazing to watch as it is to play.

99 IGN
One of the greatest action RPG's of all-time. Combat is easy to learn but immeasurably deep.

98 Console Gold
As a martial artist I can’t express how much I’m enjoying this game. The styles are spot-on, the conversation is professional quality, the graphics are fantastic, and the storyline is everything you could hope for.

98 GameZone
A fantastic RPG game that not only lives up to its hype, but also far surpasses it by featuring some incredible gameplay, an engrossing storyline, and a huge amount of polish.

98 WHAM! Gaming
Jade Empire is THE Role Playing Game to own on the Xbox, the best game on the Xbox period, and probably one of the best games released in the last 5 years. Are you sufficiently hyped yet?

98 Next Level Gaming
This is the type of game that will simply suck days out of your life while you're playing it, and forgetting about the rest of the world around you.

98 XboxAddict
Everything is done well from the tip of your top knot to the soles of your butt kicking shoes. Some people may be intimidated by the massive amount of reading and conversations that you come upon in this game, but serious RPGers will revel in it.

97 DailyGame
Whether you’re switching between targets with the L and R triggers, rapidly moving from style to style or unloading an area attack to buy some time to regenerate health using Chi, you’ll always feel in total control, and you’ll never grow tired of mixing up the battle tactics.

97 Team Xbox
The key ingredient is its mesmerizing story that complements the outstanding overall art direction. Even the action-oriented gamer should find plenty to like with the game’s real-time combat system.

94 Official Xbox Magazine
Jade's world is its foremost strength. A fantastical mix of myths and pure fiction, you'll find it hard to put the controller down once you've been sucked in. [Apr 2005, p.40]

93 Electronic Gaming Monthly
What really makes this trek through mythological ancient China stand out from the rest of the RPG pack is indeed the combat. BioWare has freed itself from the shackles of turn-based battles to produce an ingenious real-time fighting system that involves as much strategy as it does quick reflexes.

90 Total Video Games
The finest combat system we’ve seen so far, coupled with strong moralistic storytelling and enjoyable gameplay, results in a must-have purchase.

90 GamePro
There are just enough rough edges--erratic frame rates, astronomically long load times, and the aforementioned camera problems--to suggest that Jade Empire may have benefited from a few extra months of development polish. But no matter. In the end, the game is still hopelessly engrossing and thoroughly replayable.

90 GamerFeed
If you thought "Fable" and "Knights of the Old Republic" were the best RPGs the Xbox had to offer, you need to think again. Jade Empire is the new king of Xbox RPGs, and it doesn't look like anything will be releasing this year to top it.
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Post by Menelaos »

Ton of dialogue! I had fun with it though, has a good storyline. I think it took me something like 35 hours to beat the game.

Fighting is pretty easy though, except against demons and some spirits that are immune to support styles. You can pretty much use that Lightning support style to freeze any enemy and kick its ass with Martial styles in between. All of the big bosses are not immune to support styles, so any one-on-one fight is pretty trivial. Freeze them with lightning, mash them with Martial styles, repeat and rinse. The only fight I had any trouble with at all was with the demons the emperors throw at you before you actually face them, since they were unfreezeable. Jumping around is pretty key with them.
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Post by Sylvus »

I thought it was pretty fun, though it only took me like 13 hours to finish the whole thing. And even though I had originally started out thinking I'd go bad, I ended up being totally good.

I think I missed two of the unlockable support chars (with the ? on their portrait), but for the most part I just kind of followed where the story took me and I still ended up done with it pretty quick. I think I was like level 21 or 22 when I finished.
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Post by *~*stragi*~* »

Trias wrote:
Stragi wrote:yep, i figured. wish these fag designers could come up with an rpg that isnt a copy of fucking kotor with different graphics. then again, maybe the x-box is limiting them in terms of rpg environments.
it isn't just kotor with diff graphics...it goes waay beyond kotor imo...and that is just from my play test of it back last september

going to get my copy of it in a few hours
i purchased the limited edition game used from gamestop.. they had about 11 used copies. this game is a carbon fucking copy of kotor, with asians and kung fu instead of aliens and the force. atleast bioware comes up with interesting stories.
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Post by Sylvus »

Eh, the combat system is a little bit different. It's more twitch than KOTOR is.
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Post by Trias »

Furious Ming for the win!!
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Post by Sabek »

Once you get the hang of the harmonious combos they rock.
Nothing like slowing someone and then doing an insta-kill shot that makes them explode and generates a health power up.
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Post by Winnow »

Stragi wrote: i purchased the limited edition game used from gamestop.. they had about 11 used copies. this game is a carbon fucking copy of kotor, with asians and kung fu instead of aliens and the force. atleast bioware comes up with interesting stories.
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Post by *~*stragi*~* »

yes, but this does not excuse the fact that every rpg for the xbox is kotor in a different environment with slightly different combat.
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Post by Zamtuk »

i ended up buying it and do enjoy it. even though it is very kotorish i still think its well improved and fun.

then again even a carbon copy of KOTOR is still better than 90 percent of games out there.
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Post by Zeep »

I really liked KotOR. I finished the first one, but not the 2nd cause it was just too much of the same. Jade Empire is different enough that it keeps me interested however. I'll probably finish it, but I'll take a while to do it.
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Post by *~*stragi*~* »


The only difference is you have fucking asians and Jade Empire doesn't do the attacking automatically for you like KOTOR did. Christ, even the arena was a direct ripoff of kotor. The debate in Scholars Garden? Sup murder investigation on Dantooine. I don't think I can handle finishing this game knowning that all that awaits me at the end is a 15 second shitty cgi with a bunch of assholes cheering for me and about 20 more hours of waiting for the next 5 square foot area to load on my xbox.

Thanks to Bioware and KOTOR, every XBox RPG is now a paint by fuckin' number.
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Post by Breagen »

I just finished it first time through as Tiger Shen. I decided to go through the first time trying to be fully evil because one of my biggest qualms with KoToR was that going evil or good really didn't mean much other than some of your followers would complain about your actions.
By getting fully Closed Fist in Jade Empire I had the option to bind Death's Hand to my will and gain him as a follower. This caused me to also bind Sky, Hou and Dawn Star to my will as well. In the last section if you are evil you can even kill the three of them as a sacrifice and than take the power of the Water Dragon for yourself. I thought this was much better than the evil/good system in the KoToR series.
I'm curious to play through it again fully Open Palm to see how different the game will play. I was disappointed not being able to get Crimson Khana's saber's because I went evil and I also stupidly didn't get the British guys gun to play with.
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Post by Menelaos »

I took that Brit's gun as a style, it is very powerful but extremely taxing on focus and very slow to reload. Also, you can bind Death's Hand as a fully open palm disciple as well, but you do gain some closed fist points, and it does force you to take that same path you speak of. I took both paths in the end, to see both of the endings. Pretty interesting story I thought ;) I ended up reloading back to the point before I took Death's Hand as a disciple though, since I didn't want to make my followers hate me.
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