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by Deward
December 3, 2002, 11:52 am
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: 5 Worst movies of all time
Replies: 51
Views: 4103

I am pretty tolerant of movies and watch some weird shit. I liked a lot of the lists people said above. Some movies are weird but still enjoyable to watch for special effects and action scenes or just plain bad acting. My worst 4(can't think of 5): Mr. Deeds was bad, really painfully bad. Battlefiel...
by Deward
November 27, 2002, 11:00 am
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Who's Going Deer Hunting?
Replies: 50
Views: 4175

If we didn't have a hunting season here in Wisconsin then no one would be able to drive. Everyone that I know has been hit or had a near miss with a deer. The DNR (Department of Natrual Resources) here issues more tags for hunting than could ever be used and the deer population continues to grow. Th...
by Deward
November 26, 2002, 1:00 pm
Forum: Current Events
Topic: This touched a bit of a nerve. Gay adoption??
Replies: 306
Views: 21222

I'm a libertarian. I don't believe that anyone has the right to tell other people what they want to do with their personal lives. My personal opinion is that a Father/Mother household is ideal as well but there are so many kids out there that need loving families that if a gay couple is willing to d...
by Deward
November 21, 2002, 11:48 am
Forum: General Discussion
Replies: 4
Views: 566

On the rare vacation I get, I never answer the phone and rarely check my email. Gotta love answering machines.

by Deward
November 21, 2002, 11:46 am
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Holiday Cheer
Replies: 4
Views: 757

Bubba Grizz is the master of fecal matter.
by Deward
November 21, 2002, 11:44 am
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Will I see my car again?
Replies: 12
Views: 999

Honda Accords are a good reliable car that haven't been totally over engineered like most American makes. Hence they were easier to hot wire and steal. Not to mention the after market for parts is pretty big. Has anyone ever priced parts for foreign cars? It is hefty to say the least.

by Deward
November 18, 2002, 5:25 pm
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Fantasy Football Week 11
Replies: 9
Views: 606

Pick up steve Beuerlein if you are desperate. I think he will actually put up better numbers than griese did. He wasn't that bad in Carolina and they had no running game there. I grabbed him real quick and plan to ride on him next week.

by Deward
November 18, 2002, 5:19 pm
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Post yer drink recipes!
Replies: 58
Views: 4267

I am mostly a beer drinker these days but when I do drink it is Crown Royal and Coke. Here is a good drink I enjoyed for one night. I got too sick to ever drink it again heh. 3 oz. OJ (or just top it off after alcohol) 2 oz. Non-Spiced Rum 1 oz. Malibu Splash of Red Grenadine Another good way to dri...
by Deward
November 18, 2002, 11:05 am
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: hydroplane, i hate you, i fucking hate you
Replies: 28
Views: 2687

Kind of related. If you live in a snow state (like wisconsin) don't buy a Mazda Protege. They don't handle well at all if the ground gets even a little slick. They are too light and the engines are too powerful for them. My wife went in the ditch 3 times in one day and that was driving slow as hell ...
by Deward
November 15, 2002, 7:30 pm
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: nm, America has the best moms....
Replies: 6
Views: 620

I would of loved that party. My guess is that the parents forced their kids to confess. At 16 years of age. No kid can keep a secret, especially something that big. Luckily the kids are all underage so at worst they will get a slap on the wrist and their records will be sealed. Of course they won't ...
by Deward
November 12, 2002, 12:59 pm
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: So true, it's scary...
Replies: 9
Views: 1251

Anyone else noticing how biased the media is toward the democrats? This is a prime example of it. I am of the opinion that nothing will get accomplished because the two major parties refuse to do anything that may cost them votes later and hence jeopardize their pensions. Hence there won't be anothe...
by Deward
November 8, 2002, 2:36 pm
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Jihad This!
Replies: 379
Views: 37829

Phew! After finally wading through all 8 pages of this I can finally make a statement. Saddam is a piece of shit and needs to go. Personally I would like to just see a bullet in his head and be done with it. He has never lived up to the agreements of the last war and has never allowed full inspectio...
by Deward
November 8, 2002, 11:21 am
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Squirrel Terrorizes English Town
Replies: 21
Views: 1576

I am not a history expert but although America didn't have actual soldiers in the war for the first few years, you still had a shitload of our weapons. Britain would be speaking German right now if we hadn't come to their aid.

(Let the flames begin! =) )

by Deward
November 7, 2002, 2:07 am
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Vote vote vote!
Replies: 21
Views: 1281

Tiny steps. 10% is the most a 3rd party has received since the 1940's her in wisconsin. It gets us a spot on the election board too and we can make a difference there. Also the libertarian party spent 1/60th the amount of cash that the republicrats spent. I am very enthusiastic for what this does in...
by Deward
November 5, 2002, 2:38 pm
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Vote vote vote!
Replies: 21
Views: 1281

Good topic! People who don't vote are fucktards. I will probably only vote for 2 or 3 candidates on my ballot but I am voting. I look at the issues and if I see something I like then I vote for that person. If there is a third party running then I always vote for them. A lot of times that is my prot...
by Deward
November 1, 2002, 5:37 pm
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Election Time
Replies: 33
Views: 3113

People who vote for a party are retarded. Use your brain and vote for a person because of their abilities. With so many career politicians corrupting the system now a days it is time for a change. I vote for who I know to be the best candidate. If I don't know them, then I vote third party. If there...
by Deward
October 31, 2002, 1:37 am
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Fantasy Football Week 8
Replies: 11
Views: 1084

Donald Driver is a mediocre Wide receiver elevated to a good level by an awesome quarterback that was uncomfortable with the rest of his choices. Most of GB's receivers were injured during training camp and Driver was the only guy Favre had to throw to in practice. Now that Favre is more comfortable...
by Deward
October 31, 2002, 1:30 am
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Christmas in Afganistan
Replies: 54
Views: 7247

Just so everyone knows. The white guy in question about the Anthrax crap is no longer a suspect. In fact he is now sueing the government and several news agencies for wrongful accusations and defamation of character. There is no suspect right now that they have talked about. Anyone who thinks that r...
by Deward
October 25, 2002, 10:21 am
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Does the search for a cause make people stupid???
Replies: 18
Views: 1629

It has ben a while since I bought a gun here in wisconsin but I think as long as you look older than 18 they will sell you one. At most they would require a driver's license. Trying to pass any tougher laws would have all the hunters out picketing big time.
by Deward
October 24, 2002, 11:35 pm
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Looks like they caught the Sniper
Replies: 65
Views: 6147

I am definitely pro-death penalty. I realize that there are problems with our criminal justice system as well. But when the evidence is there beyond a shadow of a doubt (video, confession, gun in car, etc.) and pre-meditated (not self-defense or passion killing) then I don't think there should be an...
by Deward
October 24, 2002, 11:58 am
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Who will win the AFC West?
Replies: 35
Views: 2856

I am biased, being born and raised in Denver. I think the broncos are the best balanced team in AFC West. They need to get Sharpe more involved in the offense though. Final record will be 11-5 or 12-4. Raiders are strong now but all that age is going to catch up with them like it did last year. I st...
by Deward
October 24, 2002, 11:13 am
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Looks like they caught the Sniper
Replies: 65
Views: 6147

These fuckers deserve to die. I was pretty sure there were two different people involved. My guess is the kid was the get-away driver. Unfortunately since this is now a federal case, these asses will probably never get the electric chair they deserve. The federal Court system is notorious for handin...
by Deward
October 16, 2002, 1:43 pm
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Shootings
Replies: 57
Views: 4446

Here is my take on this. .223 caliber ammunition is a very common type. Just about every hunter here in Wisconsin probably has a box for their hunting rifles. My experience with the M16(National Guard) would lead me to believe that the sniper wouldn't use this peice of shit if he had half a brain. D...
by Deward
October 12, 2002, 12:05 am
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Politician fired for forewarding Bubba Grizz's poem, really
Replies: 117
Views: 17662

I don't say bad things about people and I have never said bad things about people on this board but Kyu you are a bitch. I would rather read stuff from Searyx than deal with you. His stuff is usually mindless drivel but he tries to be entertaining. You just try to make yourself out to be better than...
by Deward
October 11, 2002, 3:12 pm
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Politician fired for forewarding Bubba Grizz's poem, really
Replies: 117
Views: 17662

I agree with Bubba and Krimson on their posts. I worked for a fortune 500 company for three years as a computer consultant. I started out as a contractor and worked my ass off really hard and was able to beg my way into a job because I believe I was skilled enough to earn it. They filled all the oth...
by Deward
October 10, 2002, 12:37 pm
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Politician fired for forewarding Bubba Grizz's poem, really
Replies: 117
Views: 17662

The original poem was a bit direct and harsh but the idea of it was right on. Illegals should not be coming here and wasting our tax dollars. I am totally for legal immigrants with defined job skills (defined is a college degree or training in something, not maids or car wash detailers) applying to ...
by Deward
September 27, 2002, 12:18 am
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: /chuckle who needs Springer when we have CSPAN
Replies: 42
Views: 3452

Oof I must say that Daschle scares me. I have never seen a more crooked looking and acting guy in my life. I just don't understand how anyone can't see it. I agree with what you (Ahmik) said about the pensions as well. Does anyone else think that it is total hogwash to give politicians a pension? Th...
by Deward
September 26, 2002, 3:02 pm
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: /chuckle who needs Springer when we have CSPAN
Replies: 42
Views: 3452

We didn't get to the point we are at because of either party. We are at this point because of both parties. Neither Republicans or Democrats have any idea what the common person thinks anymore and are so caught up in their own self-importance that they don't care. So long as they keep getting their ...
by Deward
September 12, 2002, 11:23 am
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Motherboard Recommendation Please
Replies: 33
Views: 4877

I used to be a die hard Asus fan and always bought their boards. My last turned out to be total crap though and they lost me forever. Anyone that ever had to Fuck with that Promise bios crap can understand. I like Gigabyte boards and have used them as well. Gigabyte is a hell of a lot cheaper too. W...
by Deward
September 12, 2002, 11:10 am
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Spider Bite Research
Replies: 31
Views: 5197

I went to Army Basic Training at Fort Leonardwood, Missouri. One of the first things they told us was to watch out for the big brown recluses. The little bastards would hide out in the outhouses and stalk you if you came inside. Needless to say I learned to screw my bunghole up real tight! There was...
by Deward
September 4, 2002, 12:37 pm
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Go to jail for playing a video game???
Replies: 37
Views: 5699

I think most everyone can agree that Greece is well known for their organized crime. Everyone can also agree that when you outlaw something, someone else gets really rich off it. Everyone remembers the lessons of Prohibition in America right? Obviously Greece is still stuck in the 1930's(or was it 2...
by Deward
August 30, 2002, 2:16 pm
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Any Outriders of Karana out there?
Replies: 29
Views: 3384

I got married and Wife says Poon or toon but not both. I still try and sneak on and am usually playing Raren (42 cleric). Even older than Deward as far as born dates go. Started him 2 days after EQ release. I am pretty busy coaching Junior High Football. One of the greatest experiences in my life so...
by Deward
August 30, 2002, 2:06 pm
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: MLB
Replies: 14
Views: 1718

Who Cares! It's Football season!!!
by Deward
August 5, 2002, 11:25 am
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Books!
Replies: 50
Views: 10475

Feist is definitely one of my favorites and I go back and re-read them a lot. LotR is always a good classic and it is easy to see where they started the genre nearly single-handedly in my opinion. Edgar Rice Burroughs is also master. I loved his John Carter of Mars series. If you ever want a fast re...
by Deward
August 5, 2002, 11:15 am
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Okay Bubba, Battlefield Earth = Ass
Replies: 62
Views: 9872

Damnit I liked Water world. I liked the Amazon-chick movies too. Sure the dialogue sucks total ass but when you have hot chicks running around in fur bikinis. woohoo! Worst movies on my list. I just saw Mr. Deeds and I wanted to leave the theatre. Parts of that movie were just painful. What happened...
by Deward
August 2, 2002, 12:11 pm
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: A sad day for the art of the lapdance
Replies: 13
Views: 2062

It will only get worse

This is just one of the latest stupid things to hit Las Vegas as they try and compete with Indians and save some business. They are trying to make themselves out to be some kind of new age Disneyland and get people to bring their kids and see the shows and crap. I actually read that article a day or...