Elder Scrolls: Legends (PC, iOS, Android)

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Elder Scrolls: Legends (PC, iOS, Android)

Post by Winnow »

This is a card based strategy game similar to Magic the Gathering, Hearthstone, etc.

Never really got into MTG but I did/do enjoy Hearthstone. The problem with Hearthstone is it gets expensive fast if you want to compete at higher levels.

The Elder Scrolls: Legends (TESL) is relatively new, about a year including beta, and is much more generous in handing out cards, rewards, etc. You can compete fairly well right from the start, as the tutorial gives you a full deck w/legendary along with a few other decks of cards.

Basics of the game are similar to Hearthstone with building 1 magika per turn. Biggest difference being that there are two lanes instead of one so there's some strategy in where you place your cards on the board. You also play a single color deck or mix two "colors"


Bethesda has a lot of lore to work with from their Elder Scrolls games. There's probably 300-400 cards including the first expansion.

While you get steady rewards in the game itself and there are multiple cheap game money decks and discounted starter bundles that build up your deck either totally free or very cheaply, they also have something going on with Twitch. Link your Twitch account to your TESL account and you get gold/gems/legendary drops randomly for the game. These are significant free drops, like 600 gold drop = enough for 6 packs of cards (8 cards in a pack) or 1600 gems, (enough to craft a legenday card of your choice) or a legendary pack (1 random legendary card). So, if willing to stream a TESL Twitch stream on a tab (can be inactive tab) you get one of these drops roughly every 24-30 hours. You don't have to stream all the time, when you get your drop, can drop off then stream again after 24 hours til get your drop. It's an extremely easy way to flesh out your deck within a few weeks to a month.

If you like card games like the ones first mentioned, I highly recommend TESL:

Main Site:


TESL Reddit:


Great site for Deck Builds. Can upload your owned cards easily using (Universal Deck Tracker) so you can see exactly what cards you need to complete a deck you like:


The game also has a story mode that also rewards you with cards.

The art, effects, audio , UI, etc are all high quality. Most importantly, it's fun (if you like this type of game) It's on Steam so easy to try (also iOS and Android)
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Re: Elder Scrolls: Legends (PC, iOS, Android)

Post by Winnow »


My favorite card got nerfed! Lame! It now requires 10 mana :evil:
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