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The Hole - Exquisite Drop Rate? 3-box Instances?

Posted: October 29, 2010, 11:30 am
by Canelek
So after bouncing my level 86 3-man gimp team (SK, Illy, Defiler) off of the first boss in Erudin Library (I couldn't seem to heal my tank fast enough), I decided to fart around in the contested Hole area. Didn't try any named, as I am not going to really worry about that shit until I get them to 90 and gear up a bit.

Anyway, how's the metal box drop rate? I got quite a few Ornate and one Exquisite on trash. I figured since there were a few quests involving trash, I may as well grind em up for a bit. I didn't spend too much time though as it was late. Should I even bother with this zone for cash & prizes or should I try to get my 3-box group stronger for the lighter group instances?

No, I am not raiding. I also have very limited playing time, so groups are really not viable most of the time.

I'd love to be able to slowly work my way through an instance or 2 at my own pace! Is Library the place to start, instance-wise?

Re: The Hole - Exquisite Drop Rate? 3-box Instances?

Posted: October 29, 2010, 1:00 pm
by Boogahz
not really sure on the drop rates for metal chests, but it is definitely a faction grinding area. I don't remember ever running into other groups in those areas when we would be going for specific quests either.

Re: The Hole - Exquisite Drop Rate? 3-box Instances?

Posted: October 29, 2010, 2:07 pm
by Soreali
Library is the easiest instance of the new ones. Once your chars reach lvl 90 you shouldn't have a problem handling it.

I have a few guildmates that farm the hole constantly for chest drops to transmute, so I think the drop rate is pretty decent.

Re: The Hole - Exquisite Drop Rate? 3-box Instances?

Posted: October 29, 2010, 4:02 pm
by Canelek
Coolio, thanks!

Being able to enjoy the game in 15-minute intervals is challenging, but I think it is doable!

Transmuting FTW!