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Master P'tasa

Posted: September 9, 2008, 12:28 pm
by Boogahz
I am guessing that some of you have beaten this prick. How the heck did you do it? Did they change something recently? We had several failed attempts last weekend, and I couldn't see one clear thing that was going wrong (other than the possibility that one Ranger was screwing up).

Re: Master P'tasa

Posted: September 9, 2008, 1:40 pm
by Ashur
We haven't raided SoH since the patch, so maybe they have... but they didn't advertise it. We've been having our fun* with the revamped Milyex in VP, which they are supposedly patching (Thank GOD!).

That said - my money is on the Ranger screwing up. Also, make sure you aren't DOTing him. That tends to trigger his stoneskin if I recall.

*lava baths + mt down = take the wipe and pay the damn helicopter

Re: Master P'tasa

Posted: September 9, 2008, 1:49 pm
by Boogahz
Well, the stoneskin wasn't an issue, it was the curse wiping us. The Guardian kept getting 1-shot while the primary SK was able to tank him for a while before he started ping-ponging. I know that at least part of the issue was the people not pacing their DPS to keep from gaining aggro, but the early curse made no sense...unless he curses when he aggro's onto a scout/mage?

Re: Master P'tasa

Posted: September 9, 2008, 2:21 pm
by Ashur
Ball up to prevent the ping-pong.

Re: Master P'tasa

Posted: September 9, 2008, 3:46 pm
by Boogahz
The entire raid in one ball? I can't remember, but is his AE more health the closer you are or more power the closer you are?

Re: Master P'tasa

Posted: September 9, 2008, 3:59 pm
by Ashur
Fuck, I barely remember - I know we only joust out about every other time we fight him, so maybe I'm not the best guy to discuss the strat with. The balling up DOES prevent him from running all over the damn place like a kid at a toy store chasing every shiny new toy.

Re: Master P'tasa

Posted: September 9, 2008, 4:58 pm
by Canelek
Before they broke him, you had to ball up as Ash said. At that point, everyone gets to be a tank at some point. All joust out EXCEPT the person who has aggro. Once a person loses aggro, THEY joust out until he has made at least 2 switches to other people--then that person can re-join the fray. If he goes to the same person twice quickly, the AE will go and you lose.

For the last few months you can just pull him near zonein and wallop on him, Norris style, and joust the AE.

Re: Master P'tasa

Posted: September 11, 2008, 1:45 pm
by Canelek
Yeah, so just drag him to that lamp post near zone and beat him down. Joust the AE. Apparently, SoE is enjoying fucking with VP, but has ignored broken Master P. Verified as of last night.

And keep everyone pretty tight, since he will still switch tagets, but not as frequent. The raidwipe AE does not exist in this format, which is nice.

Re: Master P'tasa

Posted: September 11, 2008, 2:20 pm
by Kilmoll the Sexy
It is always the gayngers screwing things up.

Re: Master P'tasa

Posted: September 24, 2008, 9:56 pm
by Boogahz
Canelek wrote:Yeah, so just drag him to that lamp post near zone and beat him down. Joust the AE. Apparently, SoE is enjoying fucking with VP, but has ignored broken Master P. Verified as of last night.

And keep everyone pretty tight, since he will still switch tagets, but not as frequent. The raidwipe AE does not exist in this format, which is nice.
I think I can see how this would work after our first couple pulls, but what did you pull with? We tried pet pulling, and then we had an SK bow pull him to the zone in. Both led to the Wipe AE before he even got to us.

Re: Master P'tasa

Posted: September 25, 2008, 12:43 am
by Boogahz
Thanks a ton for the clarification in-game! Don't forget to /join veeshanvault where several of us already chat across servers ;)

We ended up killing him once and getting the Signet of Betrayal and Diamond Rod off of our saved instance from last wednesday, then we stepped out and killed him again for an Eye of Inny.

Re: Master P'tasa

Posted: September 25, 2008, 9:54 am
by Ashur
Diamond Rod is Pimp++. Grats. I think we've only gotten one although we cap that dark elf faggot pretty much weekly. SoH is a nice quick diversion from VP, we get to watch everyone try to break parse records... I think one of our Brigs had a 7K+ zonewide on Monday. I think we're going to start trying Maestro/Byzola here soon since we can pretty much do the rest of the zone in our sleep, but Trak will take priority. I want to put that fucker in the ground.

Re: Master P'tasa

Posted: September 25, 2008, 10:27 am
by Boogahz
Yeah, we haven't really moved on to that level yet. We are a mostly casual guild which actually has a lot of people that were in the big raiding guilds in other games which can be amusing. We have been trying to get back into raiding at least twice a week. Wednesday = Hate...Saturday = T1 rotation probably. Eventually after farming the T1 targets a few times, I would expect that we will attempt T2 Kunark a bit.

We have only attempted the Sisters in Hate a couple times, but I suspect that a week or two of Hate will have more people wanting to start including them in our Wednesday raids.

Re: Master P'tasa

Posted: September 25, 2008, 12:50 pm
by Ashur
I'll /join veeshanvault (does it have any server specificness or is it serverwide? I don't know how that works).

The Sisters are the only fun I have in SoH any more. the other targets seem to have no scripting or anything interesting about them. They're like bigger yard trash. The Sisters are fun because you have to be prepared for them to switch targets regularly, so you have to have your groups arranged so that you can have your crusaders and monk/bruisers ready to tank.

If you want to succeed past T1 the ONE thing you MUST HAVE is have is someone (preferably several people) with a mastery of ACT who can create and watch timers, monitor DPS and communicate upcoming encounter breakpoints (AE/tank switch/adds etc). If you don't know what's coming and when, you're left with twitch and you'll fail more often than not.

Re: Master P'tasa

Posted: September 25, 2008, 1:02 pm
by Boogahz
Ashur wrote:I'll /join veeshanvault (does it have any server specificness or is it serverwide? I don't know how that works).

The Sisters are the only fun I have in SoH any more. the other targets seem to have no scripting or anything interesting about them. They're like bigger yard trash. The Sisters are fun because you have to be prepared for them to switch targets regularly, so you have to have your groups arranged so that you can have your crusaders and monk/bruisers ready to tank.

If you want to succeed past T1 the ONE thing you MUST HAVE is have is someone (preferably several people) with a mastery of ACT who can create and watch timers, monitor DPS and communicate upcoming encounter breakpoints (AE/tank switch/adds etc). If you don't know what's coming and when, you're left with twitch and you'll fail more often than not.
The channel works across servers. /join veeshanvault is all you need to do :)

We have a few people who have been using ACT for quite a while, but it sounds like one (vaemas) is taking a little break for a bit. I have never checked it out personally. I think we pulled the sisters for the heck of it once when I was there, but I have never participated in it any other time.

Re: Master P'tasa

Posted: September 25, 2008, 1:09 pm
by miir

Re: Master P'tasa

Posted: September 25, 2008, 1:12 pm
by Canelek
Glad you guys were able to get him dead! :D The original script is a total nightmare, risk vs reward-wise...

Sisters is pretty fun--mainly because I like the opening script. As far as the fight, it is pretty much a tank and spank from my perspective--healers and fighters have a bit more fun. :)

Re: Master P'tasa

Posted: September 25, 2008, 9:11 pm
by Boogahz
miir wrote:permafrost.veeshanvault


Re: Master P'tasa

Posted: September 26, 2008, 11:16 am
by Kilmoll the Sexy
Hell...the healers don't really have that much to do. They target through the mob and heal fighters, then laugh when scouts die. I still prefer SoH as a target just because it is nice and easy as a change of pace. Some of the VP fights are just so touchy that if one person lets up for 5 seconds you wipe. I mean shit...if I am in the MT group on Nexona and I stop mashing buttons for even 5 seconds, our DPS on that sucker drops and we get hammered with complete mana loss on that AE. If that happens after or during the drakes popping...blammo! As a Brigand can probably attest, we are non-stop moving up to front then to the back of the mob repeatedly for 15 minutes straight on that bastard.

I think my favorite fight now is Traveno. I do jack and shit for DPS, but I actually get an excuse to use Sleight of Hand! (Other than using it to make Cruunch think that he is having major problems keeping hate of course)

Re: Master P'tasa

Posted: September 26, 2008, 11:31 am
by Ashur
Yeah, Nex and Silverwing require the most coordination of the VP Dragons. Nex has less randomness though. I suspect Trak is just much of the same, we'll get assraped while we perfect each step until we get it down.

Re: Master P'tasa

Posted: September 26, 2008, 12:20 pm
by Kilmoll the Sexy
Honestly for us Silverwing is pure luck. If it Warb is not randomly licked to do the clicky, then it is a pretty damn simple fight. I hope you are there for tomorrow night Ash....looks like I will be in OT and I needs your mythical goodness and the Jesus buff!

Re: Master P'tasa

Posted: September 26, 2008, 1:02 pm
by Soreali
Forgive the ignorance (I wish i still had free time) but EQ2 is basically EQ updated? From reading this thread alone its like it has the same zone/mobs and stuff.. which actually sounds kinda cool.

Re: Master P'tasa

Posted: September 26, 2008, 1:33 pm
by Ashur
Kilmoll - I'll be there. Count on it. But chances of us getting to Silverwing on the first night of a clear? Also, we've handled losing Wubba to purplevision very efficiently in the past. Hell, we even handled it the other night, but we got fucked on the charms. That's the part I really hate (because I'm often a target). Oddly enough, I didn't joust out about half the time and (being parked under the dragon's ass) got zero damage on wingbeat (not once). Not sure if I was just getting lucky on my AE Immunity (I think it's supposed to be 6% chance to ignore an AE) or what (maybe Shnif was doing something, but he had jousted out).

Soreali - it's a "near future" of EQ (Luclin blew up and the resulting explosion reshaped parts of Norrath), but yeah, it's essentially a familiar game but with a newer engine. I'm just mad that Halas is under water and blame Canelek. But yeah, it's kinda cool. ;)

Re: Master P'tasa

Posted: September 26, 2008, 1:41 pm
by Ashur
Oh, hey - actually I have a question (for anyone who's an EQ2 guru. I've only played one class and only for less than a year). I have a single target buff that adds 3% to a person's chance to trigger. Who's the best person/role in a group to give that to? I tend to give it to mages, but I am not all that familiar with who would get the best benefit out of that.

Re: Master P'tasa

Posted: September 26, 2008, 1:49 pm
by Canelek
Trigger? Like reactives? Not sure. Maybe a tank that has reactives from Templar.

Traverno is my favorite fight also--just because I get to dance with the dragon and hope that ranged folks have more aggro than I do. It has worked out great of late since Roe pulls more aggro than I do. :D

Hopefully, we get some better attendance from our regulars so we can have a steady raid force as we learn Trak/Maestro/Byzola.

Re: Master P'tasa

Posted: September 26, 2008, 2:28 pm
by Ashur
(Single) Ancestry: AA that increases the trigger percentage of all of the target ally’s spells and items by 3%.

Found a good post on EQ2Flames
ancestry goes to:
#1: tanks with cc-immune procs
#2: brigands with cc-immune procs
#3: other tanks
#4: other brigands
#5: scout/mage dps
#6: the shaman, but only if solo healing against a difficult raid mob

and for #6 that generally only applies to... avatars, byzola, trak, maestro. at least thats my policy as of right now.
Probably just as many saying "Buff the Dirge"

Re: Master P'tasa

Posted: September 26, 2008, 2:42 pm
by Canelek
Ohh, put that on me. They must be talking about Amazing Reflexes, which is a AoE immunity that procs from CAs. :D