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Hangover cure

Posted: April 11, 2008, 7:25 pm
by Clatis
The last few times I've gone out drinking including last night I've been drinking a bit more than normal. Last night for example was thirsty thursday at the local ball park so I started drinkin at 6 45 went to bars afterwards and didn't stop til last call...

And so lately I've been getting these really weird hangovers. My body just feels zombieish and the usually stomach ache (i did barf last night tho weeee) and I've been trying different things to cure/prevent a hangover.

Today I tried the pound a beer when you wake up strategy. After about 15min it fixed the stomach part but i still physically felt sore.

I've tried drinking water before going to sleep and after waking up. nothing.

I always eat before I pass out (mainly because I'm hungry) but that tends to fail.

I have also done the 1-a-day vitamin things which worked for a little while and now not so much.

Anyone have any suggestions? I'm going out tonight so I would like to try a different one.

Lemme know!

(edit) PS I searched for topics with the word hangover and found nothing... so if it's already been posted somewhere my bad :D

Re: Hangover cure

Posted: April 11, 2008, 7:34 pm
by Leonaerd
Stop drinking so much comes to mind.

Re: Hangover cure

Posted: April 11, 2008, 8:41 pm
by Aslanna
My cure? the opposite of this:
I've been drinking a bit more than normal.

Re: Hangover cure

Posted: April 11, 2008, 8:51 pm
by Winnow
try a warm milk enema

Re: Hangover cure

Posted: April 11, 2008, 9:21 pm
by Noysyrump
The absolute BEST hangover cure, for me anyways, stay in bed til it's gone the next day, usually like 3pm.

I've been getting older, so my hangovers have started to be an issue at work, so I stopped drinking on Thursdays :(. Used to be the regular night out.

Re: Hangover cure

Posted: April 12, 2008, 9:27 am
by rhyae
The best hangover prevention combo for me is sticking to clear liquor, drinking a lot of water, taking sudafed before falling asleep.
But I don't have any suggestions for the stomach stuff, don't have that problem.

Re: Hangover cure

Posted: April 12, 2008, 11:42 am
by Aabidano
Don't drink so much? If that's not an option you might have other issues than hangovers.

Anyway, take a couple Tylenol and down about a quart of sugar water or gatorade over the course of a half hour after you wake up, if the first one comes back up do it again :). Won't fix it but helps a lot, "hair of the dog" just delays the problem a bit and done regularly is a path to larger problems. Booze makes you dehydrated besides the crap it leaves in your system after it wears off.

Re: Hangover cure

Posted: April 12, 2008, 1:15 pm
by Zamtuk
Bloody Mary.

Re: Hangover cure

Posted: April 12, 2008, 5:16 pm
by Clatis
Zamtuk wrote:Bloody Mary.
When I was in vegas with the guys on my dads side of the family (we go every year as a tradition) they would get up so early. 9 30 am would roll around and I've been asleep for maybe 4 hours and my dad would yell at me to get out of bed for breakfast and we would go to this little famous diner next to the Riviera and I would always order a bloody mary and that was amazingly refreshing. I think I'm gonna start that routine again thank you for reminding me.

And as it turns out thursday (the day before I posted) I just had way too much and now I have a nice cough and sore throat so that's fun considering monday I have a presentation to give in one of my classes.

But I can't wait to go buy bloody mary mix some vodka and celery/olives etc. and plastic sword toothpicks which are necessary.

Re: Hangover cure

Posted: April 12, 2008, 10:35 pm
by Drolgin Steingrinder
Clatis wrote:bloody mary mix
lazy fuckstick

Re: Hangover cure

Posted: April 12, 2008, 11:39 pm
by valryte
Drink some Gatorade before going to sleep if possible, if not lots of water. And a spoon of Emetrol also helps too.

Re: Hangover cure

Posted: April 13, 2008, 10:15 pm
by cadalano
tylenol and alchohol is an unhealthy combination - aspirin or ibuprofen instead is fine and works just as well with the giant glass of liquid for hangovers.

Re: Hangover cure

Posted: April 13, 2008, 10:42 pm
by Sirensa
Water water water, then diet pepsi and taco bell, then a nap :)

Oh yeah... and if you are drinking to the point where you are proud you didn't barf - maybe you should barf - it'll get that shit out of your tummy at least and it hurts less to barf the night of as opposed to the morning after.

Re: Hangover cure

Posted: April 13, 2008, 11:01 pm
by Dregor Thule
I've only drunk myself sick once, but boy howdy, was it a memorable one! Except for the parts I apparently blacked out on.

Re: Hangover cure

Posted: April 14, 2008, 12:25 am
by Winnow
Dregor Thule wrote:I've only drunk myself sick once, but boy howdy, was it a memorable one! Except for the parts I apparently blacked out on.
You walked past me into the bathroom right before you barfed. At least you didn't blow chunks on anyone! (unless you did in the bathroom)

Re: Hangover cure

Posted: April 14, 2008, 1:40 am
by valryte
At my last "celebration" (aka birthday for those over 25) I apparently ended up puking all over the men's bathroom...sink, floor, walls, etc... Anyways, when we left the manager was bitching up and down at me, even after we slipped him a 100 for his troubles. Anyways, he kept going on an on...too bad for him we're good friends with the owner. I did black out a couple times (thankfully the bathroom scene was one of them). The last thing I remember was the limo driver handing me some giant orange bucket as I got in.

Re: Hangover cure

Posted: April 14, 2008, 2:10 am
by Winnow
My last "bad scene" from drinking came on a night when a few of my friends rented a limo and we bar hopped for a bit (along with plenty of booze in the limo), ending up at a strip joint club where half of the upper "VIP" floor was reserved for us. Already quite inebriated, some stripper asked me if I wanted a cracker or something. Turned out whatever she asked me if I wanted was "shrooms" but I didn't understand and chomped away. Oh man, a little while later, I almost fell flat on my face in the bathroom (I know this because the bathroom attendant told my friend, not because I remember) I then made it outside and chucked around the corner of the entrance. Thankfully the limo driver spotted me and I spent the rest of the night snoozing in the limo. Thank god for limos.

My friends got a big chuckle out of it when we found out a week or so later why I was so out of it.

Anyways, maybe between 5-10 times total have I blown chunks due to excessive drinking (and that's not much considering my social drinking life from age 16-33ish)

Drink less, have more fun and feel better the next day. Nothing ever cured that "zombie" feeling which pretty much ruined the next day until ~3pm. You can function, but you're really only half there.

Re: Hangover cure

Posted: April 14, 2008, 3:35 am
by Dregor Thule
Winnow wrote:
Dregor Thule wrote:I've only drunk myself sick once, but boy howdy, was it a memorable one! Except for the parts I apparently blacked out on.
You walked past me into the bathroom right before you barfed. At least you didn't blow chunks on anyone! (unless you did in the bathroom)
I made it to the urinal! Go me!

Re: Hangover cure

Posted: April 14, 2008, 8:31 am
by Aabidano
cadalano wrote:tylenol and alchohol is an unhealthy combination
Specifically or because they're both rough on your liver?

Re: Hangover cure

Posted: April 14, 2008, 9:19 am
by Aslanna
Aabidano wrote:
cadalano wrote:tylenol and alchohol is an unhealthy combination
Specifically or because they're both rough on your liver?
Acetaminophen and Alcohol

Labeling for Tylenol products reads as follows:
"If you consume 3 or more alcoholic drinks every day, ask your doctor whether you should take acetaminophen or other pain relievers/fever reducers. Acetaminophen may cause liver damage."


Chronic alcohol use activates enzymes that transform acetaminophen (Tylenol and others) into chemicals that can cause liver damage, even when the medicine is used in standard amounts.

A person need not be a chronic drinker to suffer damage. Taking acetaminophen after a weekend drinking binge can prove fatal. The amount of alcohol and acetaminophen necessary for this toxic reaction varies from person to person, and thus, unfortunately, it is not possible to give guidelines for safe alcohol ingestion with acetaminophen use. It is best to avoid this combination of drugs if at all possible!

By itself, taken in doses greater than 150 mg/kg/24 hr (>10 g, which is 20 caplets of Extra-Strength Tylenol), acetaminophen is a well-recognized cause of acute liver failure. Due to the effect of alcohol upon acetaminophen metabolism, doses generally considered to be nontoxic (<10 g/24 hr, or fewer than 20 caplets of Extra-Strength Tylenol per day) have caused acute toxic effects in the liver when moderate to large amounts of alcohol are also ingested. Severe hepatotoxicity may occur after ingestion of as little as 4 g (8 extra-strength caplets) in 24 hours when combined with alcohol.

Alternative painkillers are not entirely free of danger either. Ibuprofen, such as Advil and Motrin, can cause stomach bleeding if taken in large doses or with 3 or more alcoholic drinks per day. It should also not be taken in combination with acetaminophen unless under a doctor's direction.

Re: Hangover cure

Posted: April 14, 2008, 11:48 am
by Sabek
Clatis wrote:(i did barf last night tho weeee)
Call a lamer, loser, or whatever, but I just have never been able to see the "fun" in this.
I drink on occasion, but just note a huge fan of it. However when I used to drink more when I was younger I still never saw the allure of drinking until you puke and in some cases like planning to drink until you puke.

Re: Hangover cure

Posted: April 14, 2008, 6:01 pm
by sarlen
My cure was to find a drink that didn't give me a hang over, I know it sounds strange but every thing I drank gave me a hang over until I found Patrone. Since I started drinking it exclusively I have had zero problems with hangovers. However I do drink coffee as a chaser with it, 1 shot per cup of coffee, not only am I wired but drunk to boot, cant beat it.

Re: Hangover cure

Posted: April 14, 2008, 9:17 pm
by Clatis
They do say that you're a lot less likely to spew on something that you have familiarized your body to. I drink gin a lot, and I can pound a 5th of it without barfin, it's when I drink other stuff following it that makes it bad.

I think once I'm over this bs cold/respiratory thing I have (hopefully by Thursday) I'm gonna go out and only stick to beer or something and see how that works out as far as the next morning is concerned.

Drolgin Steingrinder wrote:
Clatis wrote:bloody mary mix
lazy fuckstick
oh and I'm definitely having a bloody mary in the morning... maybe I'll make it myself maybe I'll get a mix who knows.

Re: Hangover cure

Posted: April 14, 2008, 10:23 pm
by Leonaerd
Are you simply ignoring your current / impending alcoholism or is this spree temporary for some reason? You seem very content with feeling like shit and drinking your liver to death. Shit, I go to MSU and I'm saying this.

Re: Hangover cure

Posted: April 14, 2008, 10:41 pm
by Truant
Willie Nelson wrote:It's a bloody mary morning...

Re: Hangover cure

Posted: April 14, 2008, 10:46 pm
by Aslanna
Leonaerd wrote:Are you simply ignoring your current / impending alcoholism or is this spree temporary for some reason? You seem very content with feeling like shit and drinking your liver to death. Shit, I go to MSU and I'm saying this.
Uh .. Because drinking until you puke everyday is fucking cool yo!

Re: Hangover cure

Posted: April 14, 2008, 10:53 pm
by Leonaerd
Aslanna wrote:
Leonaerd wrote:Are you simply ignoring your current / impending alcoholism or is this spree temporary for some reason? You seem very content with feeling like shit and drinking your liver to death. Shit, I go to MSU and I'm saying this.
Uh .. Because drinking until you puke everyday is fucking cool yo!
It's so retarded. The last time I puked was on February 6th, for my friend's 21st birthday. I was sloppy as fuck that night but I knew I would only get one chance to celebrate in such a scenario so I made it worth it. I almost feel like I've outgrown the wasted life. I haven't been drunk since St. Patty's day and even then I was sober by the time I went to bed at 7 am or so.

Re: Hangover cure

Posted: April 14, 2008, 11:47 pm
by Clatis
Leonaerd wrote:
Aslanna wrote:
Leonaerd wrote:Are you simply ignoring your current / impending alcoholism or is this spree temporary for some reason? You seem very content with feeling like shit and drinking your liver to death. Shit, I go to MSU and I'm saying this.
Uh .. Because drinking until you puke everyday is fucking cool yo!
It's so retarded. The last time I puked was on February 6th, for my friend's 21st birthday. I was sloppy as fuck that night but I knew I would only get one chance to celebrate in such a scenario so I made it worth it. I almost feel like I've outgrown the wasted life. I haven't been drunk since St. Patty's day and even then I was sober by the time I went to bed at 7 am or so.
Nah, I'm having a blast while I'm young, I figure 5'ish years til I have a jobby, 4 of which graduate work where I won't be as crazy.

Re: Hangover cure

Posted: April 15, 2008, 2:36 pm
by miir
I can count the number of hangovers I have had in my life on one hand... I've drank myself sober about as many times.
I drink red wine or scotch and occasionally beer.

For some reason I can drink ridiculous amounts of alcohol without getting particularly drunk. Well I should say I used to be able to do that. I haven't come anywhere close to my limit in over 10 years.

Re: Hangover cure

Posted: April 15, 2008, 5:37 pm
by Winnow
miir wrote:I can count the number of hangovers I have had in my life on one hand...
That would be even more impressive if your arm ended in a stump!

Re: Hangover cure

Posted: April 17, 2008, 9:02 pm
by Wulfran
Having had more hangovers in my time than I care to recall...

Sirensa's cure has worked for me in my younger days (something about Taco Bell always chased away hangovers, especially in cooperation with a snooze), and Sarlen brings up a good point about knowing if you are more prone to react bad or even allergic to specific drinks/brands. I remember as a tadpole when I was hung over and my mother told me that she had to watch certain drinks, as in 1-2 drinks would have her sick the next day, and it was more to do with brands (i.e. specific distillation/brewing processes) than types of liquor. One big one for me is Molsen's beer products give me a hellacious headache, and it can be as low as a single beer or 2 (which is why Knarlz can have all the Molsen Golden ever brewed IMO :p).

Another thing I found over time is instead of a mixed drink like a whiskey and coke, make it a press and get that extra water content: hangovers are in large part dehydration. Have the odd glass of water in between (not like you won't be pissing a lot anyway, esp if you're drinking beer).Also drinking as much water as you can before you go to sleep helps too.

Finally get food in you ASAP. We used to go for a munch to a 24 hr diner or something after we spent much time drinking and it helps dilute the effects. The morning after get something neutral in you: toast, a muffin, food and some fluids to get the hydration level back up. If you're sick, believe it or not, beef jerky is some of the best stuff for you: it goes down hard but is hard to puke out and you don't get dry heaves.

Re: Hangover cure

Posted: April 17, 2008, 10:02 pm
by Truant
i second all of Wulf's points of advice. Especially water. Drinking one glass of water before bed isn't going to help much in the case of an all night bender. Have some water before hand. Have some water during, and have some water after.

Noone is going to look at you funny because you order a glass of water and a shot or whatever next round...and if they do, call them the next morning when you feel ok and they're beating their face against the porcelain throne and laugh at them.

Re: Hangover cure

Posted: April 18, 2008, 3:40 am
by redeemed
water is the way and the cure.. you just have to have the stomach for it

Re: Hangover cure

Posted: April 20, 2008, 3:55 pm
by Clatis
Well I am officially conducting a test to see which is the best cure. I only drink thursday/friday/saturday so the next set of tests will be done next week.

Today I tried:
Sirensa wrote:Water water water, then diet pepsi and taco bell, then a nap :)

Oh yeah... and if you are drinking to the point where you are proud you didn't barf - maybe you should barf - it'll get that shit out of your tummy at least and it hurts less to barf the night of as opposed to the morning after.
So last night I drank half a 5th and a few beers short of an 18'r which im going to repeat for each cure test along with one day of doing basically nothing as a standard.

I woke up and drank a few glasses of water which made my stomach feel worse. After a few mins I fought it enough to make a run for the boarder, parked, walked in, and it was obvious i was hung over. Order up their new chalupa (which is delicious) along with a crunchy taco and even tho I'm not a fan of diet sodas, filled my cup up with diet pepsi. After a 15min long battle of will and might, both tacos and the diet pepsi were conquered and I decided to sit there for another 15min sippin the pepsi and watching people out the window. Finally I got in my car and drove back home to nap. At first it was a slight struggle falling asleep but I managed to sneak in an hour. Now awake I feel much better, but I do feel my stomach saying, "Oh, hey... Chip, you know um, I'm not too much of a fan of a plethora of beer... and taco bell, so I'm going to go ahead and pass this on."

And that's where I stand, the stomach part is mostly cleared up, overall time it took was approx 2 1/2 hours.

Re: Hangover cure

Posted: April 20, 2008, 5:13 pm
by Thess
I started having problems with hangovers as well so I bought something called chaser at the drug store. You take the pills before you drink and it actually did work.

Re: Hangover cure

Posted: April 20, 2008, 5:18 pm
by Dregor Thule
Clatis wrote:Well I am officially conducting a test to see which is the best cure. I only drink thursday/friday/saturday so the next set of tests will be done next week.

Today I tried:
Sirensa wrote:Water water water, then diet pepsi and taco bell, then a nap :)

Oh yeah... and if you are drinking to the point where you are proud you didn't barf - maybe you should barf - it'll get that shit out of your tummy at least and it hurts less to barf the night of as opposed to the morning after.
So last night I drank half a 5th and a few beers short of an 18'r which im going to repeat for each cure test along with one day of doing basically nothing as a standard.

I woke up and drank a few glasses of water which made my stomach feel worse. After a few mins I fought it enough to make a run for the boarder, parked, walked in, and it was obvious i was hung over. Order up their new chalupa (which is delicious) along with a crunchy taco and even tho I'm not a fan of diet sodas, filled my cup up with diet pepsi. After a 15min long battle of will and might, both tacos and the diet pepsi were conquered and I decided to sit there for another 15min sippin the pepsi and watching people out the window. Finally I got in my car and drove back home to nap. At first it was a slight struggle falling asleep but I managed to sneak in an hour. Now awake I feel much better, but I do feel my stomach saying, "Oh, hey... Chip, you know um, I'm not too much of a fan of a plethora of beer... and taco bell, so I'm going to go ahead and pass this on."

And that's where I stand, the stomach part is mostly cleared up, overall time it took was approx 2 1/2 hours.
Man, isn't science grand?

Re: Hangover cure

Posted: April 20, 2008, 5:53 pm
by Clatis
I'm gonna fill out an application for the mythbusters ~

Re: Hangover cure

Posted: April 20, 2008, 7:03 pm
by Boogahz
Maybe they will let you play Buster next season.

Re: Hangover cure

Posted: April 20, 2008, 8:19 pm
by Clatis
for science!

Re: Hangover cure

Posted: April 20, 2008, 11:10 pm
by Leonaerd
Science damn you! Why cut down trees for tables when you have perfectly good tummies to eat on!

Re: Hangover cure

Posted: April 21, 2008, 1:45 pm
by Truant
You'll feel better in the morning if you drink the water before you wake up. (before you go to sleep)

Re: Hangover cure

Posted: April 21, 2008, 2:19 pm
by Psyloche
Truant wrote:You'll feel better in the morning if you eat Waffle House hashbrowns before you wake up. (before you go to sleep)
Fixed for you.

Re: Hangover cure

Posted: April 21, 2008, 2:22 pm
by Fash
Yes indeed... Nothing soaks up alcohol better than grease and carbs before bed.

Re: Hangover cure

Posted: April 22, 2008, 2:14 pm
by rhyae
A banana honey smoothie is supposed to be a hangover cure.
Haven't tried it yet, but the combo is supposed to soothe the stomach, regulate the blood sugars and rehydrate you.

Re: Hangover cure

Posted: April 22, 2008, 2:23 pm
by Aslanna
While some things may make you think you feel a bit better I don't think there's any "cure" for a hangover. Suck it up and don't drink as much next time. Coming here and basically bragging about how much you drink and how sick you get is the sign of an insecure individual that needs to grow up.

But that's just me!

Re: Hangover cure

Posted: April 22, 2008, 2:48 pm
by Winnow
Have sex with someone or masturbate. That's at least a temporary pain relief.

Someone can look up the science behind it.

You can also hope that someday you wise up and don't drink so much.

Re: Hangover cure

Posted: April 23, 2008, 1:48 am
by Clatis
why so much hate towards a 21 yr old kid enjoying college life?

I'll stop posting about my cure tests on here ~

Re: Hangover cure

Posted: April 23, 2008, 2:44 am
by Skogen
3-4 Ibuprofen BEFORE you crash, with an entire glass of water. if you still feel shitty the next day...a big, greasy breakfast. Fired eggs and bacon is my personal fav

Re: Hangover cure

Posted: April 23, 2008, 2:51 am
by Leonaerd
Clatis wrote:why so much hate towards a 21 yr old kid enjoying college life?

I'll stop posting about my cure tests on here ~
It's not hate. I'm 21, in college (probably a partier school than you), and I drink, but I'm not retarded about it. There are much better and cost efficient ways to have a great night than by getting plastered. How many chicks do you remember hooking up with when your sloppy hayboner slips out as you puke on her tits?

And if you're going to stop posting because people are offering differing viewpoints, then you're just making Aslanna's point of you being insecure seem valid.

Re: Hangover cure

Posted: April 23, 2008, 3:19 am
by Aslanna
Skogen wrote:3-4 Ibuprofen BEFORE you crash, with an entire glass of water. if you still feel shitty the next day...a big, greasy breakfast. Fired eggs and bacon is my personal fav
I'm not so sure that's great advice given the article above:
Alternative painkillers are not entirely free of danger either. Ibuprofen, such as Advil and Motrin, can cause stomach bleeding if taken in large doses or with 3 or more alcoholic drinks per day. It should also not be taken in combination with acetaminophen unless under a doctor's direction.