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My guild downs Thorog. Server first, 2nd kill gamewide.

Posted: June 27, 2007, 6:49 am
by Xanupox
The Gladden server recently had a merger occur between my guild and another named Epic. So what do we do on our first raid as a unified force of WTFpwnage? We take down the hardest encounter in LOTRO.

It took us a couple runs to get this guy down but ya... he is dead and with the success of our strat, now on farm status. for the pics of glory...

The first time he ever went down on the Gladden server and the 2nd time gamewide.

Sorry Landroval... should'a rolled up Gladden =p

Re: My guild downs Thorog. Server first, 2nd kill gamewide.

Posted: June 27, 2007, 10:31 am
by miir
So you're bragging about chewing through all the content the game has to offer in less than 2 months?

Re: My guild downs Thorog. Server first, 2nd kill gamewide.

Posted: June 27, 2007, 11:55 am
by Xouqoa
I never understood the need for uberguilds to post their kills and loot on the front page of their site.

Nobody really cares except for 1) the people in your guild, or 2) people that wish they were 1337 enough to be in it.

Grats on winning LoTRO though, I guess. I couldn't make it past level 22 - it was just too repetitive.

Re: My guild downs Thorog. Server first, 2nd kill gamewide.

Posted: June 27, 2007, 1:03 pm
by Winnow
I dunno,

I know I was pretty fired up whenever the guild I was in beat down a boss mob for the first time in EQ. I don't see a problem with posting blog style, as most major guilds did in EQ, their happenings.

Posting it on VV was always cause for flamewar fun though!

Grats on the Throg thing! The LOTR UI seems kinda messy with all the player health bars on the screen! MMORPG's really need to start supporting dual monitors. It'd be nice to have ll those stats (or a lot of them) on the second monitor.

Re: My guild downs Thorog. Server first, 2nd kill gamewide.

Posted: June 29, 2007, 9:05 pm
by Kwonryu DragonFist
People that play the game usually care and see it as an accomplishment.

Others, not so much! :D

Re: My guild downs Thorog. Server first, 2nd kill gamewide.

Posted: July 14, 2007, 4:22 pm
by Voronwë

Re: My guild downs Thorog. Server first, 2nd kill gamewide.

Posted: July 22, 2007, 12:05 pm
by Kwonryu DragonFist
That thingy is a BEAST!

Not many guilds can handle such a creature!