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MySpace Info

Posted: March 9, 2007, 9:57 am
by Arborealus
Ok so I am certain I am missing some of you folks on myspace...Perhaps this is by your intent...Perhaps it is by mine...But it might be useful to have a sticky on here with those addys for those that have em and want em public here...

(Update: Added info from previous thread.)

Chester (The Biffinhund)

Posted: March 9, 2007, 11:35 am
by Kylere
Okay, don't take this personally, but Myspace is fucking pathetic. Many of the people here are way to smart to have that crappy ass site as something they ever bother with.

If you are not 9-16 or a pedophile it is just sad.

Posted: March 9, 2007, 11:58 am
by Soreali
for the most part dude, you're right.. and in the same argument, stfu.

I made one a couple years ago for shits and giggles.. since then I've found just about every friend I left out in California when I moved back here.. I would have never found them any other way..

so although I try not to be an asshole on here, sorry Ky but stfu. You dont know fully what you're talking about on this one.

Posted: March 9, 2007, 12:07 pm
by Al
I have seen the power of Myspace. I know that it is a great way of reaching people all over the place in nearly an instant. A friend of mine was having a going away party thrown in his honor (though, oddly, he hasn't left yet). Through Myspace, the party was 200 people instead of 50. It was a great time, and it is owed mostly to Myspace being a powerful communication tool. That said, I avoid Myspace for the same reason I avoid CNN and Fox. It is part of the problem, not part of the solution. Bah... sorry for bringing political BS into this, I'm just defending Kylere on Myspace being for the birds.

Posted: March 9, 2007, 12:14 pm
by Arborealus
Kylere wrote:Okay, don't take this personally, but Myspace is fucking pathetic. Many of the people here are way to smart to have that crappy ass site as something they ever bother with.

If you are not 9-16 or a pedophile it is just sad.
Yes yes clearly you are way smarter than me and I am between 9 and 16 and a pedophile...Gosh I am chagrinned and will immediately go and delete my myspace page...

Posted: March 9, 2007, 12:15 pm
by Sylvus
Kylere wrote:Okay, don't take this personally, but Myspace is fucking pathetic.
What makes it pathetic?

Posted: March 9, 2007, 12:45 pm
by Boogahz
Kylere wrote:Okay, don't take this personally, but Myspace is fucking pathetic. Many of the people here are way to smart to have that crappy ass site as something they ever bother with.

If you are not 9-16 or a pedophile it is just sad.
I am not 9-16 or a pedophile. I guess it is sad that I use my page to keep in touch with friends that have spread out around the world. I guess it is sad that I share photos with family members in order to see children too far away for me to visit with ease. I guess it is sad that you have not figured out how myspace "may" be useful to you too. :)

Posted: March 9, 2007, 12:52 pm
by Soreali
Boogahz wrote:
Kylere wrote:Okay, don't take this personally, but Myspace is fucking pathetic. Many of the people here are way to smart to have that crappy ass site as something they ever bother with.

If you are not 9-16 or a pedophile it is just sad.
I am not 9-16 or a pedophile. I guess it is sad that I use my page to keep in touch with friends that have spread out around the world. I guess it is sad that I share photos with family members in order to see children too far away for me to visit with ease. I guess it is sad that you have not figured out how myspace "may" be useful to you too. :)


Posted: March 9, 2007, 12:54 pm
by Kryshade
i use MySpace to hunt down pedophiles so I can add to my stolen computer collection!

Posted: March 9, 2007, 1:04 pm
by Xatrei
To say that Myspace is of value only for teens & pedophiles is just silly. I know plenty of adults who use it to keep in touch with - gasp - other adults. I begrudgingly caved in and created a myspace account last fall. I don't use it a huge amount, but it's undeniably a good tool for keeping in touch with far-flung friends and family, as well as various special interest groups. It could be a lot better, and the interface is kind of clunky, but it will either improve or something else better will be along shortly.

Here's mine for anyone that cares:

Posted: March 9, 2007, 1:12 pm
by Funkmasterr

Posted: March 9, 2007, 1:14 pm
by Lalanae
I used to think MySpace was "pathetic" (or whatever) but Eric got me to create an account. I love being able to keep in touch with people easily, especially those I don't see very often. Its a hell of a lot better than managing a bunch of email addresses that could change. I don't see anything "pathetic" about it anymore. It's great!

My page. All VV'ers welcome to invite me!

Posted: March 9, 2007, 1:16 pm
by Winnow
MySpace would be more fun if it was like Wikipedia so you could edit other people's pages if you had some "helpful" info.

Posted: March 9, 2007, 1:25 pm
by Sylvus
I'm pretty sure mine is I don't like to artificially inflate my numbers though so I won't accept any requests if I don't like you!

Posted: March 9, 2007, 1:35 pm
by Drolgin Steingrinder

Posted: March 9, 2007, 1:41 pm
by Cartalas
Arborealus wrote:
Kylere wrote:Okay, don't take this personally, but Myspace is fucking pathetic. Many of the people here are way to smart to have that crappy ass site as something they ever bother with.

If you are not 9-16 or a pedophile it is just sad.
Yes yes clearly you are way smarter than me and I am between 9 and 16 and a pedophile...Gosh I am chagrinned and will immediately go and delete my myspace page...
Thats one Pedophile off Myspace, good Job Kylere!

Posted: March 9, 2007, 1:49 pm
by Sirensa
I don't have a MySpace. Probably because I tend to be more anti-social than not (alcohol induced social behavior excluded, of course :D). And I'd be the loser with more pictures of my cats/dog than friends. And who wants to be that guy?!

Posted: March 9, 2007, 3:40 pm
by Kylere
You all just are not getting it (well a couple did and maybe the rest are acting dumbass for the sake of argument). Myspace is poorly coded, the annoying fucking music thing should be enough to make you avoid it all by itself. You are supporting Rupert Murdoch and the fucking FOX Network that many of you whine about in other places. You are backing the dumbing down of America and the world by tolerating that crappy ass site rather than moving to something decent. It is like using AOL dialup when broadband is free.

Keeping a list of email addresses is not rocket science, maintaining a list of your friends is not a challenge unless you are whoring for it. Let the pseudoaccounts and the corporate shills along with the lame garage bands have myspace, and move onto something decent for adults.

Posted: March 9, 2007, 4:04 pm
by Animalor
I tend to avoid MySpace or other social networking stuffs altogether and frequent message boards.

Posted: March 9, 2007, 4:05 pm
by Arborealus
Kylere wrote:You all just are not getting it
Well clearly a goodly number of us do get it. We find utility in the site. We figure out how to fix what we don't like about it. We enjoy it for what it is. We have fun with it.

If Fox wants to let me use their bandwidth to blog against their issues, store my photos...I'm ok with that. I am not beset by corporate spam...Then again I adblock what I don't want to see.

Posted: March 9, 2007, 4:06 pm
by Dregor Thule

My opinion of myspace has gone up with this thread. Anything Kylere deems bad must be good.

Posted: March 9, 2007, 4:10 pm
by Lalanae
There isn't anything like MySpace to "move on to." You can't compare it to any one thing. You sound like an old crotchety man with no friends. Why are you so sandy about it?

Murdoch has interest in a lot of things. If I boycotted everything that a conservative had interest in, I might as well go live on a commune. Your point is silly.

No one said maintaining email addresses was rocket science. My point is that I can post blogs and bulletins and whoever wants to read them can, whoever doesn't, doesn't. I like reading what others have to post. I like being able to search for old friends easily. I communicate more with some friends because of MySpace. How is any of that a bad thing?

Posted: March 9, 2007, 4:13 pm
by Lalanae
Sirensa wrote:I don't have a MySpace. Probably because I tend to be more anti-social than not (alcohol induced social behavior excluded, of course :D). And I'd be the loser with more pictures of my cats/dog than friends. And who wants to be that guy?!
tsk tsk! You have lots of friends here at the very least! You'd be suprised how many folks you run into though.

Posted: March 9, 2007, 4:19 pm
by Sylvus
Lalanae wrote:I like being able to search for old friends easily. I communicate more with some friends because of MySpace.
Bingo! Find me any other site on the internets where you have even a fraction of the chance that myspace has to be able to find and communicate with someone from your past that you have lost touch with and I'll sign up for it. Unfortunately it doesn't exist. Sure myspace has its flaws, but its benefits and utility outweigh them, at least in the minds of a hundred million or so people.

I can see where it wouldn't be appealing if you didn't have any friends though.

Posted: March 9, 2007, 4:22 pm
by Winnow
The Machine revealed!

Arb is The Machine! The Machine has sticky rights on this board!

Too many sticky posts are a pain sometimes on forums. I know Sylvus' vote stickies on the Video forum are temporary but that's an example of Sticky overload!

Posted: March 9, 2007, 4:22 pm
by Animalor
Isn't a more adult alternative to MySpace?

Posted: March 9, 2007, 4:30 pm
by Funkmasterr
Sylvus wrote:
Lalanae wrote:I like being able to search for old friends easily. I communicate more with some friends because of MySpace.
Bingo! Find me any other site on the internets where you have even a fraction of the chance that myspace has to be able to find and communicate with someone from your past that you have lost touch with and I'll sign up for it. Unfortunately it doesn't exist. Sure myspace has its flaws, but its benefits and utility outweigh them, at least in the minds of a hundred million or so people.

I can see where it wouldn't be appealing if you didn't have any friends though.

Yeah, I second Sylvus' point. If you can find me a way to get back in touch with people I haven't heard from in years and would have no other way to get in contact with - let me know.

I have found all sorts of people on myspace I have wanted to talk to and thought I might never get the chance to again, so yeah. Not like its all that hard to code your own page to look how you want it to.

Posted: March 9, 2007, 4:36 pm
by Xatrei
Earlier, I started to write a response similar to Lalanae's and to Sylvus', but didn't think it was worth my time to argue with Kylere about it. Those that get it don't need to be convinced, and those that don't get it won't be convinced. Instead, I'll just say "yeah, that" to what they said. If all of the people I wanted to BS with and keep tabs on were using Facebook or some other site instead of Myspace, I'd use it. They don't.

Posted: March 9, 2007, 4:36 pm
by Truant
mine's in my sig. I haven't updated it in a while though.

Oh and kylere solicited me for sex when I was underage. god damned pedarast.

Posted: March 9, 2007, 4:40 pm
by Arborealus
Animalor wrote:Isn't a more adult alternative to MySpace?
Dunno, never heard of it honestly. Nor have I noticed myspace to be particularly childish. Then again my friends tend not to be stupid except when they want to be...:)...I just joined it to keep up with Anders and Amy during their trip here and I found a good number of other friends using it...It isn't like I joined to meet people and make friends...But then again I didn't start playing EQ to meet people and make friends...

Posted: March 9, 2007, 4:41 pm
by Sylvus
I miss Atokal. :(


Posted: March 9, 2007, 4:46 pm
by Lalanae

fun times

Posted: March 9, 2007, 5:02 pm
by Kylere
What is sad is that you are all arguing it is easy, or everyone else is doing it, or even lack of knowledge as to what else exists as your reasons for using Myspace. Sounds like an after school special is needed to catch people up on issues like self esteem, peer pressure and and the ability to do something other than what all the rest of the sheep are doing.

My god, there are GAZILLIONS of free webspaces, with free bandwidth, easy to use interfaces, etc. An html link to your 'friends" and you accomplish the keeping in touch, everyone offers RSS, so take all your friends Blogs/ webpages/ Livejournals/ Facebooks/ Blogstream/ Wordpress/ Helium/Typepad/ Bebo/ShoutLife/ Groovr/ WeBetur/ Virb/ Blogspot/ Blogger/ etc and bring them into your browser so when they update you can see it.

I hope you do not all use Yahoo Messenger also and expect people to join it, when you could use miranda, trillium etc.

Look beyond the crowd, because the crowd is dim and not very capable.

Posted: March 9, 2007, 5:07 pm
by Funkmasterr
Kylere wrote:What is sad is that you are all arguing it is easy, or everyone else is doing it, or even lack of knowledge as to what else exists as your reasons for using Myspace. Sounds like an after school special is needed to catch people up on issues like self esteem, peer pressure and and the ability to do something other than what all the rest of the sheep are doing.

My god, there are GAZILLIONS of free webspaces, with free bandwidth, easy to use interfaces, etc. An html link to your 'friends" and you accomplish the keeping in touch, everyone offers RSS, so take all your friends Blogs/ webpages/ Livejournals/ Facebooks/ Blogstream/ Wordpress/ Helium/Typepad/ Bebo/ShoutLife/ Groovr/ WeBetur/ Virb/ Blogspot/ Blogger/ etc and bring them into your browser so when they update you can see it.

I hope you do not all use Yahoo Messenger also and expect people to join it, when you could use miranda, trillium etc.

Look beyond the crowd, because the crowd is dim and not very capable.
You still did not provide one single example as to what other program/site you can use where people you have absolutely no contact info/no idea where they are or what they are doing can get a hold of you, so until then your point is invalid.

Posted: March 9, 2007, 5:19 pm
by Soreali
Not to mention not everyone, including myself use Myspace to post fucking blogs. And not one of those sites could you type in a persons name, even their first, find them and communicate with them.

facebook started for college kids to network with other kids at their school..which made no fucking sense to me because they could simply go get shitfaced together and meet people from their school that way.. now that they opened up to everyone its changed a little bit, but not much at all.

I've found people I haven't seen/heard from in about six or seven years on myspace and that is the reason why i will continue to use it.

Posted: March 9, 2007, 5:21 pm
by Sylvus
Kylere wrote:What is sad is that you are all arguing it is easy, or everyone else is doing it, or even lack of knowledge as to what else exists as your reasons for using Myspace. Sounds like an after school special is needed to catch people up on issues like self esteem, peer pressure and and the ability to do something other than what all the rest of the sheep are doing.
Do you even understand the point of a social networking site? Can you see how that concept kind of breaks down if you don't have a large number of people all using the same point of entry for said network? Yes, people join myspace because other people have joined myspace. That's the entire fucking reason that the site exists.

Peer pressure? lol

Posted: March 9, 2007, 5:22 pm
by Xatrei
(Ok, so I couldn't help myself)

Sure, with a little know-how and some reasearch anyone can set up a web site, mailing lists, blogs, photo galleries and video streaming and chat rooms. NONE of these things give you the interconnected search / networking capability of a purpose-built social networking application. Personally, I have a web site with phpBB2, WordPress and iPhoto plus a few other apps I've written myself, but they're completely irrelevant to the idea of social networking. Besides, MOST people have zero desire to learn how to do the things you mention, and they should not have to in order to interact with a community of friends and family, even if they were willing to give up the benefits and features of a social networking site. An easy solution that virtually anyone can use regardless of their technical acumen is precisely the reason that sites like Myspace and similar sites are popular.

Given the time and motivation to do so, I'm sure that I could develop a system that is 10x the site that Myspace is in terms of usefulness, features and user customization (I've worked as a developer and project manager on several large web-based projects over the years). Unless, however, my hypothetical site can somehow attract 10s of millions of users, it will be a useless Internet backwater. Social Networking sites are all about the pool of users with which its members can interact, and without a shit ton of users, you're just wasting time. Until something bigger, badder and more appealing to the public comes along, the site to use for this sort of casual interaction is undeniably Myspace.

People that are serious about blogging will generally use dedicated blogging systems. People that want proper web sites will have them. People interested in a more interactive community will use proper forum software. For those interested in being able to share a few random thoughts with their geographically dispersed friends and family, however, a site like Myspace fits the bill perfectly.

(edited due to premature submission - oops)

Posted: March 9, 2007, 5:27 pm
by Arborealus
Kylere wrote:What is sad is that you are all arguing it is easy, or everyone else is doing it, or even lack of knowledge as to what else exists as your reasons for using Myspace. Sounds like an after school special is needed to catch people up on issues like self esteem, peer pressure and and the ability to do something other than what all the rest of the sheep are doing.
My lord we are all also sheep for using computers to communicate with other people! You are soooooo right I'm going to go back to messaging you all via morse code. That works too! Quick everyone ignore all IEEE standards you are just sheep for using http, TCP/IP...write your own OS's make your own microchips!

We are saying we use it because it has utility...Do you use heat to cook your food?...Baaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!

Posted: March 9, 2007, 5:52 pm
by Truant
From what I have gathered about facebook. We were discussing it in my information systems/technology calls (lol). It was created as a way for students to network with their classmates to facilitate note sharing/study groups/whatever. It has since opened it's doors to allow access to anyone, just like myspace.

There are a great many folks on campus that use facebook, but not myspace. In general (these are my observations now) these people have the same silly attitude about myspace. Saying it's for kids, it's dumb, it's a time waster. But facebook is the exact same thing, but it's okay.

They are very similar. Use whatever you like, I personally like the music section of myspace. It's very handy for me to track tour info and recording news on smaller acts that I enjoy that don't have major label support for their own website.

Regardless, I couldn't give a fuck either way what you use, or if you use any of them at all. I'm certainly not going to waste part of my life convincing you that something you do is 'dumb' or 'uncool.'

Posted: March 9, 2007, 6:33 pm
by Nick
I made a myspace because my friends were on it, if you don't like it, you can kiss my ass.

*self harms*

Posted: March 9, 2007, 6:39 pm
by Cartalas
Dregor Thule wrote:

My opinion of myspace has gone up with this thread. Anything Kylere deems bad must be good.
I see that, Kylere thinks Dieting and taking care of himself is good , You on the other hand can empty a buffett.

Posted: March 9, 2007, 7:03 pm
by Nick
so's your face

Posted: March 9, 2007, 7:22 pm
by laneela
myspace haters crack me up. What is it to you what people choose to do?

When I moved to CA for three years, I lost track of a lot of people who moved from Miami and when I moved back, had no way of contacting them. I found a good dozen of them on myspace. I *could* use facebook, but since there's more people on myspace, my chances of finding what I want are greater there.

Also, if you're a music fan (which I am), there's a great music section. You can find out what live shows are playing in your town in any given time period. A lot of lesser known bands that play at smaller venues don't use ticketmaster to sell their tickets and myspace is a great alternative to find out who's playing where without visiting eventybillion sites per week.

Posted: March 9, 2007, 9:26 pm
by Animalor
I hate that everytime I go to MySpace I hate that I'm assaulted by jarring background images and music I don't particularly care for. Otherwise I would be fine with it

Posted: March 9, 2007, 9:37 pm
by Sirensa
Lalanae wrote:
Sirensa wrote:I don't have a MySpace. Probably because I tend to be more anti-social than not (alcohol induced social behavior excluded, of course :D). And I'd be the loser with more pictures of my cats/dog than friends. And who wants to be that guy?!
tsk tsk! You have lots of friends here at the very least! You'd be suprised how many folks you run into though.
Yes, but we're already here, so it is convenient!

And speaking of... WHEN'S THE NEXT VEGAS REUNION?!? :D While in a studying frenzy the other day, I started dreaming of a warp core breach.

Posted: March 9, 2007, 9:38 pm
by Laliana
HI AMY!!!!! :squarewink:

Posted: March 9, 2007, 10:08 pm
by Lalanae
Sirensa wrote:
Lalanae wrote:
Sirensa wrote:I don't have a MySpace. Probably because I tend to be more anti-social than not (alcohol induced social behavior excluded, of course :D). And I'd be the loser with more pictures of my cats/dog than friends. And who wants to be that guy?!
tsk tsk! You have lots of friends here at the very least! You'd be suprised how many folks you run into though.
Yes, but we're already here, so it is convenient!

And speaking of... WHEN'S THE NEXT VEGAS REUNION?!? :D While in a studying frenzy the other day, I started dreaming of a warp core breach.
Seriously! Eric and I would totally be interested in a Vegas trip.

Posted: March 9, 2007, 10:10 pm
by pyrella
Myspace remains gay - make your own webpage you lazy curs!

It's the velcro of the lace up web world!

(yes I read previous posts)

Posted: March 9, 2007, 10:18 pm
by laneela

(p.s. HI JO!)

Posted: March 9, 2007, 10:51 pm
by Kylere
Funkmasterr wrote:
Kylere wrote:What is sad is that you are all arguing it is easy, or everyone else is doing it, or even lack of knowledge as to what else exists as your reasons for using Myspace. Sounds like an after school special is needed to catch people up on issues like self esteem, peer pressure and and the ability to do something other than what all the rest of the sheep are doing.

My god, there are GAZILLIONS of free webspaces, with free bandwidth, easy to use interfaces, etc. An html link to your 'friends" and you accomplish the keeping in touch, everyone offers RSS, so take all your friends Blogs/ webpages/ Livejournals/ Facebooks/ Blogstream/ Wordpress/ Helium/Typepad/ Bebo/ShoutLife/ Groovr/ WeBetur/ Virb/ Blogspot/ Blogger/ etc and bring them into your browser so when they update you can see it.

I hope you do not all use Yahoo Messenger also and expect people to join it, when you could use miranda, trillium etc.

Look beyond the crowd, because the crowd is dim and not very capable.
You still did not provide one single example as to what other program/site you can use where people you have absolutely no contact info/no idea where they are or what they are doing can get a hold of you, so until then your point is invalid.