Presidential Candidates 2016

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Re: Presidential Candidates 2016

Post by Aslanna »

Well one good thing is at least at this rate the Republicans won't be able to run on the economy in 2020.
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Re: Presidential Candidates 2016

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U.S. Stocks Suffer Worst Week In A Decade
S&P 500 and the Dow are on track for their worst Decembers since 1931, during the Great Depression
The Great Depression! Are you sorry you voted for Trump yet? No? You will be.. You will be.

/awaits the Winnow spin about percentage drops... Or something.
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Re: Presidential Candidates 2016

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Have you looked at a 5 year chart? The DJIA is correcting for an astronomical climb that has taken place after Trump was elected. If/when it drops below 20K it will be something to take note of. You'd have to be insane to expect the market to keep climbing at the RECORD pace it was since Trump was elected.
The Federal Reserve has raised rates for the fourth time this year and the ninth time since the 2008 financial crisis. That puts the short-term interest rate range at 2.25% to 2.50%.

And the S&P 500 SPX, -2.06% has responded by plummeting to its lowest level since October 2017.
You do realize how incredibly low interest rates were due to the housing debacle over the past decade? Rates could go much higher and still be within the norm. With an interest rate hike along with the usual government shutdown crap, would make sense for a bad December.

The good news is maybe we can make the wall on the Mexican border a few feet shorter since less people will want to bum rush into the U.S....nah, market could crash another 10K and we'd still have people fighting to get in. Life sucks in America! What's up with all of those huge caravans of people from Central America coming our way?

Just watch, Hillary will run on the promise to build a high speed non stop train line from Central America to the heart of the U.S. to get as many illegal immigrants as possible into our country. Our taxes will only increase as much as the wall would have cost for this great feat of humanity.

I'll be happy to see Trump go if there is a suitable replacement. I'm an Atheist to the core, but god help us if it's Hillary or Oprah.

When historians look back in time, it's possible the pinnacle of United States of America happened in the 1980s, roughly 200 years after it was brought into existence. That was when we hit our peak in world dominance and overall badassness as the single greatest country in the world. The U.S. won't crash and burn but will slowly merge into the global network in which no country and afford to not rely on the rest of the world in some way or another.

I foresee overall less freedom for everyone in all countries in a few decades.

One a semi-side note, if you haven't been tracking advances in mind reading, it's time to start paying attention. We are all truly fucked once our thoughts are no longer private.

When technology can read minds, how will we protect our privacy?

Not the best TED talk but gets the point across.

If a change is to be made, we'll have to rely on those slacker, incredibly poor work ethic, entitled feeling Millennials to do it's not going to happen.
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Re: Presidential Candidates 2016

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Winnow wrote:Market green today! What wonderful things did Trump do for that to happen after he was blamed for the apocalyptic drop to lower record highs? Guess we only post when the market drops!
Happy Holidays!
Dow Suffers Record-Breaking Christmas Eve Losses
Record breaking!
The stock market was only open for half a day Monday, and that was more than enough time for the Dow Jones Industrial Average to drop 2.9 percent to 21,792.20. Breaking 1918's record for the worst Christmas Eve performance.
I wonder what wonderful things Trump did for that to happen! I'm sure it involved Twitter in some fashion.
U.S. stocks are on track for their worst year since 2008, which was during the Great Recession, and their worst December since 1931, which was during the Great Depression.
Worst year since 2008! Gee, Obama wasn't even in office at that point. I wonder how low it needs to get for Winnow to start calling Trump the worst president ever.

Winnow wrote:I'll be happy to see Trump go if there is a suitable replacement.
The point is he wasn't suitable to begin with and should never have been elected. Well vote-wise he wasn't but that's another topic.
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Re: Presidential Candidates 2016

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Market is bouncing back today! up 600+. Why aren't you posting about that?
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Re: Presidential Candidates 2016

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ROFL DJIA finished +1086

Dow rallies 1,000 points, logging its biggest single-day point gain ever

The 30-stock Dow closed 1,086.25 points higher, or 4.98 percent, at 22,878.45. Wednesday's gain also marked the biggest upside move on a percentage basis since March 23, 2009, when it rose 5.8 percentage points.

The S&P 500 also catapulted 4.96 percent — its best day since March 2009 — to 2,467.70 as the consumer discretionary, energy and tech sectors all climbed more than 6 percent. The Nasdaq Composite also had its best day since March 23, 2009, surging 5.84 percent to 6,554.36.

Wednesday also marked the biggest post-Christmas rally for U.S. stocks ever.
what now brown cow?

So some depressed xmas eve investors sold like fools. Soon as government shutdown is resolved, it's up up and away.

At least my quotes are "best ever" not for a specific day.
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Re: Presidential Candidates 2016

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Oh look, yet another major down day. Dow down nearly 700 points once again. Thanks Trump. Worst president ever! At least I can say with a clean conscience I didn't vote for the dude or support his dumbass policies. Anyone who can't see him for the fraud he is has to be seriously delusional.

As for market performance over time:

Now that the year is finally over, we can officially say that 2018 was the worst year for stocks in an entire decade
Worst year in a decade! That surely didn't happen on Obama's watch.

Spin it, brown cow. I'm sure you can find a way.
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Re: Presidential Candidates 2016

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DJIA up 746 points today. Hmmm, why is it always up just a little more the next day than your doom and gloom posts?

down "nearly" 700 points < up 746 points

This upswing is with the government still shut down. Amazeballs.

Your doom and gloom posts are good luck for the market! Now lets get this wall built so our great nation can move forward.

Trump's getting shit done. Haters gonna hate! Trump was elected and promised the wall. Now the scariest dressed and ugliest band of mistfit liberals in congress are trying to stop it. Bunch of whiney bitches. If Trump has to declare a state of emergency to get it done, so be it. These bleeding heart liberal faggots only have one thing on their mind...pumping out more foodstamps for the lazy ass fucks that voted for them. They can go eat a dick. I know one thing I'd do. Put those fat ass liberal assholes to work on the wall. No free food anymore. Build that wall you lazy fucks!
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Re: Presidential Candidates 2016

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Wow, Friday ending on another down note for the Dow. Down down down how low can it go? What a disaster of a president.
Winnow wrote:Trump's getting shit done.
Serious question.. What "shit" has been getting "done" in the last 2 years? I mean, other than putting an alcoholic date rapist on the Supreme Court. Surely that's something. right?

Fuck the wall. It sucks for the federal employees not getting paid but Trump said he would be proud to own the shutdown. Start owning it, dumbass.

There was a BIPARTISAN agreement for 1.3b for border security but Trump wanted 5b MORE for his dumbass penis extension wall. I hope the Democrats don't cave on this. Border security is definitely important, and there should be barriers where it makes sense to put them, but to put a fence along the entire border is wasteful and asinine.
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Re: Presidential Candidates 2016

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2.5 Billion is they key number for the wall. Once it eventually settles on that, the shutdown will be over.

Trump ran his campaign on building the wall. A few billion is really a drop in the bucket for the US budget. Dems need to just chill out and let it happen.
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Re: Presidential Candidates 2016

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So no listing of shit Trump is getting done? Thought so.
Winnow wrote:Trump ran his campaign on building the wall. A few billion is really a drop in the bucket for the US budget. Dems need to just chill out and let it happen.
He ran his campaign on building the wall and HAVING MEXICO PAY FOR IT. Convenient everyone forgets about that.

Also, Republicans had total control of House and Senate the first two years of Trump's presidency. Why didn't they pass funding for it then?
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Re: Presidential Candidates 2016

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Just to be clear, I don't care if Trump gets booted from office. I'm definitely ok with allotting 2-5 billion towards building a wall as long as it doesn't come from NASA's budget.
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Re: Presidential Candidates 2016

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You do know it's going to cost a lot more than $2.5 billion (or even $5 billion) to build his wall/fence don't you? And this is from two years ago, it's probably more now due to steel prices going up thanks to Trump;s own doing with the tariffs (taxes):
President Donald Trump’s “wall” along the U.S.-Mexico border would be a series of fences and walls that would cost as much as $21.6 billion, and take more than three years to construct, based on a U.S. Department of Homeland Security internal report seen by Reuters on Thursday.
And then there is the maintenance costs...

I though Republicans cared about big government and wasteful spending? Oh right only when a Democrat is in office. If this was Obama would you be like "Oh it's just 2/5 billion no big deal"?

To be clear, if Obama wanted a wall I'd be against that too. Not everybody blindly follows party politics. Free your mind and the rest will follow! You are allowed to have opinions that conflict with the party line you know. Obama did many things I didn't like.
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Re: Presidential Candidates 2016

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I'm all for the wall and future maintenance. Mexico is absolutely useless in stopping the flow of immigrants (illegal) from their own country and from Central American countries. You don't live on a border state. I do. It's needed. The caravans of immigrants are getting ridiculous. You can't be hating on the US while trying to enter the US at the same time. One or the other. I'll take the hate.

Trump has his share of good and bad ideas. I'm OK with the wall and support it.
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Re: Presidential Candidates 2016

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They already have fences and walls where it's needed. You do not need a continuous wall across the entire border. You don't have to live there to know that. Did that "caravan of immigrants" just walk on through? I'm going to say no it did not.

Fuck the wall.
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Re: Presidential Candidates 2016

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Aslanna wrote:They already have fences and walls where it's needed. You do not need a continuous wall across the entire border.

What? Of course you need a continuous fence. Try putting up a fence in your yard but leave one side open. What does that keep out? Nothing! I'm going to give these illegal immigrants and coyote people shufflers some credit and assume that they are smart enough to figure out that if there's a wall here and no wall go where there's no wall. Sure lots die out in the middle of nowhere from dehydration but nowhere hear 100%. If they all died, we'd be ok.
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Re: Presidential Candidates 2016

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Hold strong, Democrats! Give money for border security (which they already voted to do) but don't give that buffoon any money for his boondoggle wall.

Market down again today. Thanks Trump! Worst president of all time.
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Re: Presidential Candidates 2016

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Aslanna wrote: Market down again today. Thanks Trump! Worst president of all time.
That's the Liberals fault. Market will go back up once wall funded. Fund it by cutting welfare and build it using forced labor from the unemployed and caught illegal aliens still trying to cross from of the border without a wall! As incentive, give a chance for 1% of the forced illegal alien laborers to obtain a green card.
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Re: Presidential Candidates 2016

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President Donald Trump's approval rating has taken a beating amid the longest-ever U.S. government shutdown, which has dragged on for more than a month.

On FiveThirtyEight's daily tracker, for instance, Trump's average approval rating had dipped below 40 percent on Wednesday. The tracker—which aggregates public polls, while accounting for each survey's quality, recency, sample size and partisan lean—pegged Trump's approval at just 39.6 percent, while his disapproval had risen to 55.7 percent.
Darn. That's a shame.
The shutdown was sparked over a month ago when Trump refused to sign a stop-gap spending bill, demanding funding for his long-promised border wall. Polling has shown Trump is losing the shutdown across nearly all fronts and that voters, by and large, blame him and his fellow Republicans for the shutdown that has left some 800,000 federal workers without paychecks.
Own it!

Hopefully voters will remember this come 2020 election time and not vote for those Republican scumbags who are too scared to stand up to the president. But considering the attention span of the average American these days I'm not too hopeful about that.
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Re: Presidential Candidates 2016

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Winnow wrote:2.5 Billion is they key number for the wall. Once it eventually settles on that, the shutdown will be over.
It's over (for now). And Trump got $0 for the wall.

Good job Democrats actually showing some backbone for a change and showing what a fraud Trump the great deal maker is.
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Re: Presidential Candidates 2016

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Yeah, real progressive. Denying the president his State of the Union Address. I don't care who the president is in office at any point in time. The State of the Union address should not be a playing card in any scenario. All that does is escalate things. State of emergency incoming!

Looks like the Democrats are all about denying United States citizens information about the state of their nation at a time when it's needed the most. That move is going to backfire in the long run. It will have the reverse effect and increase votes for republican candidates if the voters, rightly so, feel that both house and senate must be controlled for anything to get done.
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Re: Presidential Candidates 2016

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What is the emergency? You know.. other than Trump saying there is one?

If you want to talk backfiring moves, go with the emergency thing to bypass congress. See how well that works when there's a Democrat in the office who does the same thing.

And yeah, both must be controlled but surely not by Republicans. Worthless McConnell over there who did nothing for 35 days of the shutdown.
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Re: Presidential Candidates 2016

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I've been disgusted with politics for at least the past 10 years. I don't foresee a solution for either Democrat or Republican sides. It's easy to say vote for a third party candidate but the presidency itself isn't the biggest issue. Our system is so tied down with special interest groups and lobbyists that there is no easy or short term fix.

I won't place blame on either political party for our government's overall ineptness going back a decade or two. Trump is the result of our broken system and whatever Democrat whack job that gets voted into the presidency by social media next will also be the result of it.

As for the wall. I'm perfectly fine with it. 20 Billion? What's that, the cost of one Aircraft Carrier? We have a trillion dollar budget. 20 Billion over 5 years or whatever is nothing. This is more about Democrats and Republicans trying to appeal to their base. How much money was wasted on stupid Obamacare? Let Trump have his wall. The next president can tear it down just like Obamacare got dismantled.
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Re: Presidential Candidates 2016

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Trump can have his wall when he gets Mexico to pay for it... As was his campaign promise. Until then, nope. How about spending those billions on our crumbling infrastructure?

Again, why didn't the Republicans pass funding for his dumbass wall during the first two years of his term instead of waiting so they could let Democrats be the bad guys (which by the way didn't work)? What a bunch of spineless fuckwits the Republican party has become. No wonder Republicans are jumping ship from that racist cesspool at a record rate.
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Re: Presidential Candidates 2016

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Aslanna wrote:Trump can have his wall when he gets Mexico to pay for it... As was his campaign promise. Until then, nope. How about spending those billions on our crumbling infrastructure?
The wall can have an interstate highway running on top of it for an extra 20 billion!

Deal maker for the liberals would be if they could make the inside of the wall a long homeless shelter.
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Re: Presidential Candidates 2016

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Howard Schultz could re-elect Donald Trump

There's your Democrat version of Ross Perot.

A bazillion Democrats and now independents will run trying to get Trump out of office which will only help him stay another term as the opposition fragments.
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Re: Presidential Candidates 2016

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Dow Closing in on Best January in 30 years
Oh my! What now?

It should really skyrocket once a state of emergency kicks in next month!
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Re: Presidential Candidates 2016

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When does the next witch hunt start!?!11?
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Re: Presidential Candidates 2016

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How's that trade war coming.. Did we win yet? Surely we must have considering how easy it is.


I'm really getting tired of all this winning bigly.

Meanwhile, the Amazon is on fire and Greenland (Not for sale!) is melting at an alarming rate.


Hopefully his opinion has evolved since then (ha!) but based on the rollbacks of basically anything environmentally friendly I'm going to say no it has not.

I'm honestly glad I'm not just starting out in life. I can't imagine how things on this planet will be in 60 years. That and I got to experience the 80s. The best decade ever!
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Re: Presidential Candidates 2016

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Winnow wrote:Howard Schultz could re-elect Donald Trump

There's your Democrat version of Ross Perot.
Howard Schultz drops plans to run as independent candidate in 2020.

Problem solved.
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Re: Presidential Candidates 2016

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Markets crashing. Thanks Trump!
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Re: Presidential Candidates 2016

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Trumptweets are awesome
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Re: Presidential Candidates 2016

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Two biggest market gain days in history over the past few days! :)
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Re: Presidential Candidates 2016

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Winnow wrote: March 10, 2020, 5:39 pm Two biggest market gain days in history over the past few days! :)

Keep drinking that Kool-Aid.

Down ~1500 today!
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Re: Presidential Candidates 2016

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Can't blame Trump for the virus!
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Re: Presidential Candidates 2016

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Winnow wrote: March 11, 2020, 9:51 pm Can't blame Trump for the virus!

But we can blame him for the extremely lackluster response from him and his administration. But hey, Pence is in charge so I'm sure it will be ok. Just pray the virus away, people. Thoughts and prayers!

No wonder the market has pretty much wiped out all the gains since he got into office. The dude had disaster written all over him from day one and thus far has simply coasted on the economy Obama created. Well the chickens have come home to roost, people!

Now you see what happens when there's an actual crisis with a buffoon like that in office. Good thing he disbanded the pandemic response team. Not like we'll need those people anytime soon.
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Re: Presidential Candidates 2016

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This is a world changing event like 911. It has long lasting repercussions for the entire globe. There's no easy fix for this. No magical thing another president could have done.

Can you imagine senile Biden in office? Yikes.

People are morons. No way any president stops this virus from spreading. How is a president supposed to stop people dumb enough to believe in religion? Some minister defying no public gathering request and holding his sermon? There's no (publicly acceptable) solution for stupidity.

I place zero blame on Trump for a virus spreading around the world originating out of China. I do think Trump is the better president to rebuild our country after this settles down. A world with Yes man Biden and Pelosi in control is as scary as it gets. (beside Hillary being nominated as Biden's VP)

The US (and world) markets crashing and you not being able to buy toilet paper is not the presidents fault. This wasn't caused by economic policies. There's no magical fix that would have saved the markets. The good news is the market can rebound quite quickly at some point as the money hasn't been lost, it's just being horded like toilet paper.

Figured you'd be smarter than this. I wouldn't be blaming Obama if he was in charge at a time like this. This is when politicians need to work together similar to wartime. I see Pelosi is holding up the stimulus package. That's not helping.

People in big cities are at higher risk. New York is all the sudden surprised they are racking up COVID-19 cases and blaming Trump for lack of response? The Fed cut interest rates to basically zero and injected 1.5 trillion into the market. The government doesn't have bottomless pockets. Instead of blaming a president, people should be more concerned about the demands for hand outs..."take care of us!" This is a capitalist society, not communist. If you want the government to force lock you down, take control of your life to control the virus, China is the place you want to be. I can't imagine a liberal president being in office right now. No way they could get people to stay home. That infringes on their freedoms!

Marshall law would help resolve this situation. Think you'd be happy with Trump if he declared that? No win situation. I can guarantee you any president would be getting slammed right now no matter what they were doing and who they were. People want their freedoms but in crisis they want hands out and to be taken care of but there are limits. If there was a way for just the stupid people to die from this, it wouldn't be so bad, but that's not how viruses work.
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Re: Presidential Candidates 2016

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President Trump’s job approval rating has jumped by 5 points in the latest Gallup survey, matching the high point of his presidency, as a majority of voters say they have a positive view of how the president has handled the coronavirus pandemic.

The new poll finds Trump’s job approval rating at 49 percent, up from 44 percent in the same survey earlier this month. The 49 percent job approval rating is the high mark for Trump since he came into office. He first hit that mark in late January, shortly before he was acquitted by the Senate in his impeachment trial.

The president’s job approval rating has remained steady among Republicans (92 percent), but he’s gained 8 points among independents (43 percent) and 6 points among Democrats (13 percent).
up up and away! Thanks Pelosi! Her latest pork attempt of the stimulus bill only pales in comparison to how completely she botched the impeachment. She's closing in on Hillary for most hated politician for me.

Highest point gain in history today in the markets. The current Democrats are a bunch of clowns right now.
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Re: Presidential Candidates 2016

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The only clown here is you. Take Trumps cock out of your mouth and use your brain for once.
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Re: Presidential Candidates 2016

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I'm more of a democrat hater right now than Trump supporter. I'm not sure what news sources you use, but their actions have been overall disgusting the past year+.

Politics in general sickens me.
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Re: Presidential Candidates 2016

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If you think Democrats are more disgusting than Trump then yeah. There's no hope for you. Moving on!
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Re: Presidential Candidates 2016

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Joe Rogan is an expert on nothing but he has a good point. Joe Biden can barely speak and he's the Dem candidate. Biden seriously looks like he's in the first stages of dimentia. Would be scary as hell with him as president.

Joe Rogan on Joe Biden
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Re: Presidential Candidates 2016

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I am surprised you didn't link to the Pizzagate conspiracy theory and say that Biden took control from Hilary.
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Re: Presidential Candidates 2016

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Re: Presidential Candidates 2016

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Hey look another crisis the current president has totally botched with his response. Is there anything this person can't fuck up? Oh, well I guess with the help of his buddy McConnell they got the Supreme Court a conservative majority so that's a win if you're into denying people their rights and imposing your religious morality on others.

I'd be happy with literally anyone in the White House right now, including fuckin Sarah Palin, over this bozo. He has proved time and time again how inept he is. And if by some miracle there is someone in the administration in a position who knows what the fuck they are talking about instead of listening to them he'll publically call them out and probably have them fired just for good measure.

Heaven help us because I can't imagine this shit going on for another 4 years. Sadly that might actually be the reality we live in.
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Re: Presidential Candidates 2016

Post by Winnow »

Posing for picture at the church by Trump was monumentally stupid.

As for the current civil strife, NO ONE would have been able to stop this. It's not political. It's been building a long time and the perfect storm of COVID/Recession along with the most obvious police abuse on tape, was the final trigger.

It's freaking crazy right now. While I agree with the protests, the violence, looting and property damage is out of control and overshadowing any good the valid peaceful protests have made.

This is the absolute worst state of the nation (and world) I've witnessed. I'm sure a lot of people want a specific person to point the finger at (Trump) but seriously, COVID, Civil Strife, not on him and not something anyone could handle well. There's no way this could be handled well.

With the coming recession/depression, if the civil unrest doesn't get under control soon, we could be heading for a major change in lifestyle. The US is as close the brink as I've ever seen it. Memory fog Biden and the super liberal Dems won't help a damn thing, especially when it comes to rebooting the economy.

The US is screwed and therefore most of the world is screwed by default for the foreseeable future. The one bright spot is Space X which Trump supports. I'll go with him so I can at least watch some rocket launches while the world burns.
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Re: Presidential Candidates 2016

Post by Aslanna »

Anyone have some predictions for the election tomorrow?

I know which way I want it to go but wishing doesn't make it so.
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Re: Presidential Candidates 2016

Post by Winnow »

It appears Trump is going to lose to the borderline senile guy in a very close election. The polls were way off. Media is slanted far far left. The actual results validate that.
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Re: Presidential Candidates 2016

Post by Aslanna »

Nah. Still too close to call. The stars have to align and Biden still has to win like 6 more states. And those aren't all a lock.

Even if Biden wins NV, AZ, WI,and MI he can still lose. My gut is telling me we'll be stuck with Trump for 4 more years.

The good news is he can't run for a third term, right guys? Right?!
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Re: Presidential Candidates 2016

Post by Winnow »

Aslanna wrote: November 4, 2020, 11:36 am Nah. Still too close to call. The stars have to align and Biden still has to win like 6 more states. And those aren't all a lock.

Even if Biden wins NV, AZ, WI,and MI he can still lose. My gut is telling me we'll be stuck with Trump for 4 more years.

The good news is he can't run for a third term, right guys? Right?!
It's Biden, the margins in those states have narrowed or even flipped to Biden this morning and the remaining mail in vote highly favors Biden. He can get 270 without PA.
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