World of Tanks/Planes and War Thunder

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World of Tanks/Planes and War Thunder

Post by Winnow »

Anyone playing World of Tanks?

For the hell of it, I gave it a shot on the PC. I suck something awful but it's a great game.

Since I suck, I've been enjoying watching the rest of my team play during random battles after I die. Great maps and tons of strategy.

I finally killed a tank! I wanted to say "Xbox record that" : ) There's a beta of WoT on 360 but it's unknown if it's coming to Xbox One yet.

-Assloads of tanks.
-Great maps
-plenty of ways to improve by tank tech trees, crew upgrades,
- seven country tanks trees
-various missions, historical, random etc.

Even with the crappy tanks you first get (one from each country), the game is fun.

Really worth downloading and playing. It's free with experience, gold etc. Tons of stats. I don't think I'll ever be any good at it but it was really satisfying to kill my first tank. It was the last enemy tank on the field to seal the victory!

In random battles, you get random, but balanced tanks on each side so all country's tanks are mixed in.

The maps have great Z axis. Some of my crappy tanks could barely make it up some hills.

I've got a 62.5% win percentage in 8 battles. (when I say "I" I mean the random team I'm on because it wasn't me winning anything except the one kill)

If you like fun, stats, strategy, earning medals, and tons of content in the form of a bazillion types of tanks, advancement, etc, along with a game that skill matters, World of Tanks is worth the time to download. Hassle free sign up. Version 9 was recently released: ... ng/?page=1

Trying World of War Planes next.
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Re: World of Tanks/Planes/Warships

Post by Winnow »

Wow, World of Warplanes is a blast. I'm much better at flying planes than driving tanks. I contributed the first dogfight and killed an Expert.

Liking Warplanes more because you have ground targets as well as enemy aircraft. There's also a little more teamwork involved in dogfights. I seem to have better evasive tactics in a plane. Someone was on my tail for a few minutes and couldn't finish me off.

Both of these games are great. Warships isn't quite in beta yet so have to wait on that one.

Try it out:

Watching the dogfights in spectator mode is fantastic. (if you die!)
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Re: World of Tanks/Planes/Warships

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Anyone that likes air combat (World War II for the moment)

The F2P model is well done were you can have fun and actually level of at a steady pace without paying anything. With the plane tiers, you are given the earliest fighter models from each country (WWII era). You earn EXP to move your way up in the tech tree and earn credits to buy the new planes.

Tier 1 can be just as fun as tier 10 planes, sometimes more fun if you like in close/sharp turn dogfights.

The variety of planes and how they handle is great. Eash model typically has various upgrades you can get to improve performance. Sometimes there are tradeoffs (usually in airspeed and maneuverability) if you upgrade guns for example,so upgrading everything isn't always the best move, depending on your play style.

I also contributed some $$ and picked up some premium fighters. There is no pay to win in the game. What premium planes allow you to do is compete in a tier that you haven't worked through the tech tree to play at yet. The planes are good but a maxed out plane of the same tier that you earned through experience will have better overall stats. The higher level premium tier planes also don't advance you to that tier, you still need to work your way through the tech tree to get to higher tiers. What they do is earn credits that can be used toward any tech tree, so you can fly a tier V premium plane and earn higher credits than you would grinding in a lower tier plane.

You can subscribe and have a "premium" account. all this does is give you 50% more experience/credits. There's no end game so all this does is allow you to get to the higher tier planes faster but if someone handed you a level 10 plane, you'd probably still die to a level 7 experienced pilot. Lots of skill in this game, just like in real air to air combat.

I'm currently working on the German Tech tree.

Some of the battles have been amazing. There's a recorder I have set to record the last two weeks of battles. (only like 400K files) so tyou can post the best ones or review mistakes, etc.

After you are shot down, the game allows you to view any plane still alive on your team in spectator mode. This is an outstanding way to learn tactics and also to check out other planes and styles.

Really worth checking out of you like fun, competitive air combat.
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Re: World of Tanks/Planes/Warships

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Man, I'm hooked on this game.

There are three main categories of planes:

Fighter: lighter highly maneuverable planes
Heavy Fighter: big guns, medium armor
Attack Fighter: big guns, heavy armor, ground target specialists

Heavy fighters have turned out to be the planes I'm most comfortable with.

Every battle is entertaining. My kill ratio is climbing. On the rare occasion I get blown out of the sky early, I might exit the battle and start another one with an alternate plane in my hanger, but usually I'll observe the battle even after I die to learn tactics.

I shot down 4 planes in one battle last night and had a 17 battle win streak. Very satisfying game. So many plane types that fly differently and play styles to go along with them.

I'm going to try out War Thunder on the PS4 now that I know I like air to air combat games. For some reason on the videos, the sky seems more cluttered with names and stats floating above the planes than the planes themselves in the War Thunder videos I've watched. I'm curious how it plays with a controller.

World of Warplanes is being updated today. New Planes! Good time to try it out.
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Re: World of Tanks/Planes/Warships

Post by Boogahz »

I've only played these on the PC, but I greatly prefer War Thunder over World of Warplanes. They're very similar, but something about the slightly less "realistic" feel of War Thunder brings it up a notch for me.
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Re: World of Tanks/Planes/Warships

Post by Winnow »

Boogahz wrote:I've only played these on the PC, but I greatly prefer War Thunder over World of Warplanes. They're very similar, but something about the slightly less "realistic" feel of War Thunder brings it up a notch for me.

Apparently this isn't out on PS4 yet. Thought my PS4 might get some use for a second!

I really like the way the planes handle in World of Warplanes. Both it and Thunder lean toward the arcade side of things which is good as I don't want to be frustrated dealing with too much piloting. The speed and maneuverability to a good job making all the planes different as well as the weapons options, altitudes, etc.

I'll be checking out War Thunder on the PC soon. If it turns out to be just as good or better, then that will two good games I can play.

The plane I'm currently gaining experience in happens to have a +20% XP bonus this weekend. (bf 110 e). I've got quite a bit more XP to get before I can get into a Messerschmitt 410


Long range goal is getting into a ME 262
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Re: World of Tanks/Planes/Warships

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Warning: War Thunder has VERY arcade-like controls by default. I think you can go in and choose more realistic controls in the settings.
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Re: World of Tanks/Planes/Warships

Post by Winnow »

Boogahz wrote:Warning: War Thunder has VERY arcade-like controls by default. I think you can go in and choose more realistic controls in the settings.
I shot down 5 planes my very first mission and finished 1st. I've only shot down 4 planes once in ~150 missions in World of Warplanes.

Am I missing something or can you not look around? In WoWP you hold down the right mouse to free look around to scan for enemies. I can't seem to do that in WT.

As I feared, while flying, all I see are giant text blobs in the sky until I get really close. It breaks the immersion and looks bad in an otherwise very good looking game (graphically speaking). WoWP has these as well but somehow they manage to be much less obtrusive.

I wasn't able to try it much yet. I see there are other less arcadish modes. I'm going to have a hard time playing it if I can't look around the skies (a key thing pilots do in combat). Hoping I just missed the command for it.

So far, WT has the graphics advantage but WoWP has the game play and better physics and less obstructive test/ID system for planes in flight.

I need to play War Thunder a little more to give it a chance. I'm interested in the bombers since WoWP doesn't have those.

edit: found holding "c" allows you to look around.
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Re: World of Tanks/Planes/Warships

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there are some devastating videos of what people in War Thunder have been able to do with the aircraft with cannons. I think they may have even been nerfed a time or two.
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Re: World of Tanks/Planes/Warships

Post by Winnow »

I killed the #1 ranked pilot in all of World of Warplanes last night! *

I saw that War Thunder is going to support the Oculus Rift so that's a big plus in its favor for me. That might also mean that Sony will support it with Morpheus on the PS4 as well. I'm a little concerned about that much motion in VR but hoping it's fun! ... 26-vuuduu/

Checking his profile after 20,000 plus battles his best win streak is 15 and I have a 17 game win streak. Woo! I guess that was quite an accomplishment. A lot of that is luck depending on the rest of your team. I see vuuduu playing a lot of tier v and vi planes so that seems to be the tier sweet spot for this game.

*my team had won decidedly and vuuduu (#1 player) was last plane left on the other side and had like 4 planes on him. I rolled in and blew him up! Right place, right time..but still!
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Re: World of Tanks/Planes/Warships

Post by Winnow »

I tried War Thunder for a few more hours. It's pretty fun but I can't get over the arcade feel that you warned me about. When you hit a plane it sounds like you popped a game in a pinball machine. The voices that announce things also kind of sound like they're from a pinball machine. I could see past that but I can't get used to seeing a sky full of huge names and no planes. Maybe there's a way to reduce the size of them or colors of them. It destroys the look. Also, it feels like you're pulling the plane with a string when you fly it. I'll keep an eye on it as it's still in development and not even on the PS4 yet.

The the majority of the past three days I've been playing World of Warplanes.

500+ battles, 291 aircraft destroyed. I've been trying new aircraft which has been lowering my kills as I get used to them.

I worked all the way up to a fully upgraded ME 410 heavy fighter. I really enjoy it. Big time firepower with some rockets to play around with.


As you can see from the german tech map, you can get to the 109z two different ways. The problem with the 109 route is that to elite an aircraft you have to have researched the plane above it. In the case of the 109f, you'd have to research the 109g as well as the 109z before getting free XP on the 109f. I don't really want to take weeks to get to the 109g when I don't plan on using it. Going the heavy fighter route, I only need to research the 109z before getting free XP on the ME410. Even so. 109's are so much fun to play, I'm working on getting the 109f so I can play with the 109e whenever I feel like it without the XP going to waste.

My favorite plane so far is the me109e fighter. I've tried out the U.S. P-40 and F4F Corsairs but the Messerschmidt feels and handles the best. I'm still going to grind my way up the the U.S. P-51s because they are the planes that kill me the most when I'm playing heavy fighters. Having the ability to play the other role is a nice change of pace.

If I was in a tournament though, I'd be in one of the german 109s...any tier 109b, 109e, 109f...not sure on the 109g.

Next two projects are grinding my way to an me109z (zwilling), that's the next step up from the me410, and then the me262 which is a jet and one of the best planes in the game. Other than that, I'll play mess around in a P-40 until I get enough XP to pick up the P-51a and then go kills some heavies high up in the sky. I've "elited" several of my planes so I can earn XP on them that can be applied to other aircraft not in the same tech line. The U.S planes are mostly dogs until you hit the P-51 so I've been researching their tech line without buying most of the planes.


the bf 109z is an odd looking plane. Not really used in the war.


Then comes the me262 jet. As expected, these destroy the lower tier planes but higher tier P-51's (H and D) can take them out.

The U.S. heavy fighter line was introduced right before the weekend with the latest update so there are tons of P-38s in the sky.

While I've been playing WoWP non stop the past few days, this will be a great game to play briefly whenever I feel like spending ten minutes on it. While the battles are all unique, they are addicting. I have a hard time stopping myself from playing "just one more battle".

I'd say WoWP is for more serious flyers and WT is more for "arcadish" fun. Not that WoWP is hard to fly or anything but the competitiveness and more challenge in taking down aircraft make it more hardcore in that sense. It also looks a lot more realistic with less of the colors and strange feel of flying in WT. WT has the edge in graphics detail but WoWP battle maps are really pretty and I'd rather fly around them even if slightly less detailed. I'd recommend giving both a shot. World of Tanks is fun as well and I'd play more of that if planes weren't my preference. World of Warships should prove interesting as well when it arrives later this year.
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Re: World of Tanks/Planes/Warships

Post by Winnow »

I'm still playing the shit out of World of Warplanes.

Instead of totally focusing on getting one tech line to higher level tiers, I've leveled up three different tech lines to tier 6.

German Heavies

First was the heavy German fighter line. I'd recommend this or the regular German (109) line as a good starter tech line to begin with. Choose the heavies if you aren't good at dog fighting and prefer to overwhelm your opponent with big time firepower. Works well with head on assaults and also BnZ (boom and zoom) tactics.

If you suck (which you probably will early on), getting a "ram" kill is good for XP points. With heavy nose to nose attacks, there's a a chance you don't finish off your target before running into it. At least you get points for the kill after losing your plane to the crash. Most early pilots won't break off when they have someone in their sights and end up running into each other. That's a good reason to start with heavies as you have a decent chance of blowing them away before that happens (of course, you could break off the attack, but if it's a light fighter, they'll most likely maneuver to your 6 and take you out eventually...but your heavies have tail gunners that can slowly wear down HP on someone on your tail. If you can move around enough to last awhile, you may end up taking out the plane on your tail with your tail guns.

With this in mind, I recommend the bf 110 C-6, if you choose to buy a plane instead of level up)

My higherst win percentage is with the bf 110 c-6 (55%) with planes flown over 50 missions. (P-51s looks promising at 62% but I only have a few missions in it so far)

It's the best premium plane.(currently $7.89) If you want to get into something tier iv (very capable of taking out tier v planes as well) and start making some XP and credits, this is a good plane to try out. Remember though, it's not meant for dog-fighting. Gain altitude early and then head-on or dive down and blow away some unsuspecting low flying plane.

German FIghters

My overall favorite tech line is the Messerschmitt 109 fighter line. Starting with the tier iv 109b, you have a very balanced fighter. speed, damage and decent maneuverability. Japanese planes briefly shine in tier iv with their high maneuverability and firepower (although paper thin armor) but they just can't hang with the german and us craft at the higher tiers.

My favorite plane remains the tier v bf 109 e. It's my "hey bud, lets party" plane. I get it in and feel comfortable no matter what's going on. It has excellent (and accurate) guns once fully upgraded, good boost (power/climbing), above average maneuverability, and can take a hit or two. While you don't want to dive into the furball (the inevitable huge dogfight that develops somewhere), you can roll around in the skies and last quite a long time if you do get sucked into it.

Lately with the 109e, I'm getting a lot of 2-3 kill missions. Even so, I have a lot to learn. I watched a 109e pilot do some insane flying after I died one mission. He played around with 3 enemy planes for several minutes and took out several planes when he should have been dead long ago. There is a ton of skill involved with World of Warplanes which makes it great for replay value. It's not the biggest guns that win. you'll get blown out of the sky even if you have the best plane in the tier if you can't fly, or some excellent tier iv pilot will take out several tier v and vi planes even though they are way outgunned.

Here's a video guide on the bf 109 f: (strategy and capabilities)

Once you're on someone's tail, you have the firepower to take them out pretty quick and the ability to stay on their tail. It's still considered a BnZ plane but can also hold its own in dogfights. I finally picked up the 109 f tier VI last night but am still upgrading the engine and weapons on it.

For tier IV, V and VI, you can't go wrong with either German Fighter or Heavy lines (bf 110 b ( premium version bf 110 c-6), bf 110 e and ME 410) and fighters (bf 109 b, 109 e and 109 f)

US Fighters

I wouldn't start out with US fighters because they suck IMO until you get the P-51a at tier VI. I suffered through the early line and finally have the P-51a. It's a great plane. I have 8 kills in eight games so far with it which is my best ratio and that's without having upgraded the guns or engine yet. I currently have 657 missions played so it's not a huge sample yet.

The P-51a (and P-51D and P-51H) are tremendous BnZ planes. You dive down on your enemies, blast away and then zoom away before they can engage you (well that's the plan). The guns are weak on the P-51a but it's still considered the best tier VI fighter. There are a lot of good tier VI fighters though. If you drop the outboard weapons off the 109F for example, you gain tons of maneuverability and can keep up with the P-51s.

I'd recommend going down a german tech line and then if you are having fun and like BnZ, go for the US tech line. You may be a little frustrated with the P-36 and P-40 though. For some reason, I have a decent win percentage with the P-40 but I HATE the plane. The weapons overheat fast and it has next to zero boost while the engine overheats.

With the US tech line, you can branch off to heavy fighters at tier V (P-40 to P-51a or to P-38f). The P-38 looks to be a fun plane and it design to take out other heavies.

While my highest win percentage is with the bf 110 C-6, my highest kill ratio is in the bf 109 e. Winning depends heavily on 14 other planes on your team while your kills are more reflective of your skill in a particular plane. Again, it looks like the P-51a might take that crown unless I've been really luck my first 8 missions.

With 3 fun tier VI planes and many elite tier V planes that earn me "free" XP toward any plane I want to pursue, I will probably focus my free Xp on getting into the bf 109z tier VII plane while slowing grinding toward the P-51D.

Keep in mind, higher level tiers aren't necessarily more fun. Tier IV-VI seem to be the sweet spot so you don't need to spend weeks grinding to have fun in the game. It's beneficial to start off in the tier i, ii and iii planes anyway to get a handle on things. You can buy tier IV and V premiums planes for around $7 or $8 but you'd also be in a a tier iV in a day anyway just by playing. There's no end goal in the game except for upgrading your planes and higher tiers. The goal is improving your skills. There are also tons of stats for those that like stats. If you like tier IV V and VI, you can play this game forever and not pay a dime. Best way to learn the game and about other planes is to spectate and watch after dying on missions.
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Re: World of Tanks/Planes/Warships

Post by Winnow »

What a great game. I've been playing all weekend as it's double XP.

Just stopped to post this video of a battle I was involved in.

My handle is "SweepTheLeg" in WoWP.

There's typically 15 planes on each side when a battle begins (can be less at times). I got wiped out along with 13 others early in the fight. The video shows two Heavy U.S. Fighters that remained taking out 10 planes to win.

It's sped up so you can see the "furball" on the radar map in the lower right in the beginning and then watch from one of the two remaining F7F's as they lay waste. Great teamwork by them. You'll see several times in the video each taking out planes on their wingman's tail.

This game is a total blast to play and each little 15 min game (they never last to the end) can be a memorable experience.

I'll be posting more thoughts on the tech lines and planes I've been using later. Really worth your time if you like WW II plane combat.
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Re: World of Tanks/Planes/Warships

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I've been playing the hell out of this game over the past month. After 2,100+ missions, I have a few thoughts on the planes I've earned.

My current hangar has 25 planes:


Tier IV: I-17
Tier V: Yak-1, Yak-7
Tier VI: Yak-1M, Yak-9, La-5
Tier VII: Yak-3, La-7
Tier VIII: La-9
Tier IX: La-160


Tier II: Fw 56
Tier IV: bf 109 B, b 110 C-6
Tier V: bf 109 E, bf 110 E
Tier VI: bf 109 F, Me 410
Tier VII: bf 109 Z
Tier VIII: Me 262


Tier IV: XF4F-3
TierV: XFfU-1, P-40
Tier VI: P-51A, XP-50


Tier IV: A6M1

I've been playing every one each day to take advantage of the daily 2X XP (and sometimes 3X and 5X XP) for first victory of the day. That alone is 25 battles plus losses which amounts to about 50 battles total. Takes 3+ hours to just get through my hangar of planes. I'll probably stop doing that now that I finally like the planes I have and picked up the Tier IX La-160 which cost assloads of XP and SP.

So far, Tier IV-VI are the most fun to play. Even Tier II with my Fx 56 Stosser is fun.

Here are some of my favorite planes to fly:

Tier II: Focke-Wulf Fw 56 Stosser
This plan is only obtainable as a gift or part of a package/bundle in the store. I happened to need some gold/premium time so picked this plane up as part of the bundle. First off, premium planes are good but not the best in their class. You can't buy your way to the best in this game.

This plane has outstanding maneuverability and decent firepower (for tier II). It's a blast to dogfight in. I had a recent battle where the match maker put me in a match with all Tier III planes except me. I ended up killing 3 planes and taking first place. If I'm having a bad stretch of matches with my higher level tier planes, I will take this plane out for a spin to change things up.

Tier IV: Mitsubishi A6M1 Zero
This plane dominates tier IV. While the German bf 109 B is also a contender for best Tier IV, The Japanese Zero shines in turn and burn dogfights. It's light on armor but has big guns and nothing else can out turn you. I got my first Ace (5 kills) in this plane.

Tier V: Yakovlev Yak-7

I avoided the Russian planes when I fist started. They're ugly and all look the same but they ended up being my favorite tech line. Both Lavochkin and Yakovlev lines.

The Yak-7 is notable because it maintains great maneuverability while also equipped with a monster 37mm cannon. This fits my play style perfectly. Turn and Burn and Derpability with big guns. I have a hard time keeping my gun trained on other planes long enough to finish them off. With the 37mm, I blow the holy hell out of planes in just a few seconds. After initial contact, I dive into the furball and then pick off enemy planes when I"m able to get them in my sights for just a few seconds. Only Zeros can out turn me (and other Yaks).

Tier VI: Lavochkin La-5 and Messerschmitt Bf 109 F Friedrich

It's a tie between these two planes. They both have outstanding firepower, La-5 turns better while bf 109 F is faster and retains energy better (to climb, escape,etc) I got my third Ace in the 109 F (2nd was in the Yak-1M)

Tier VII: Lavochkin La-7 and Messerschmitt Bf 109 Z Zwilling
La-7 (Yes, looks exactly like the La-5) continues the great firepower/maneuverability theme that I like. The bf 109 Z is the opposite though. It's a Boom and Zoom plane with monster firepower. While you can't expect to consistently do well every battle in the 109 Z, it's an absolute blast to climb up high, way above where most planes can reach, cruise around until you see an enemy down below and then go into dive bomber mode...if you're on target, you destroy anything in your path with 4x37mm cannons blazing. If you don't see a 109 Z that's closing on you, you're fucked...on the flip side, the 109 Z can't turn for shit so as soon as a P-51 or other plane that can out turn you or stay on your tail gets behind you, you're dead. Still, it's good practice for the next plane in Tier VIII.

Tier VIII: Messerschmitt Me 262 Schwalbe
Fully upgraded, this plane is a beast. Jets fly so much differently than prop planes. While, like the 109 Z, the Me 262 can't turn well, it has monster guns and super speed/climbing ability. So like the 109 Z, you zoom down and obliterate an enemy, but instead of trying to get away after your attack pass, you can pull up and do a big loop and come right back down for another pass. Most planes have no hope of staying up with you.I also carry two rockets which come in handy for taking out some ground targets, and rarely, fire them at other planes. You can win or lose due to ground superiority so having a few rockets can make the difference late in the game. On the flip side, it hurts your maneuverability having rockets so if you get into trouble, you might want to launch them to increase your air speed and turning ability.

Tier IX: Lavochkin La-160
This plain rocks although I just got it so haven't had much time to get used to it. The thing about this plane is that many people don't go for it because of the horrible La-9 Tier VIII that you have to grind through to get it. Most people will go from the Me 262 to tier IX Me 262 HG because the 262 is also a great plain. The La-160 has less firepower than the 262 but makes up for it in speed, energy retention, and maneuverability. To get it, I had to grind with all of my other planes and then convert the "free xp" earned so I could use it to research the La-160. While I earned all of my experience, you pay gold (which you buy with money) to convert free XP earned from your elited and premium planes. Normally you would fly the plane just below the plane you want in the same tech tier (the La-9) to get XP to research the plane if you don't want to spend money. Thats' why the La-160 is rare in the game as it requires a shit ton of XP to get a tier IX plane and no one wants to suffer flying the La-9 when it gets it's ass handed to it by actual jets in the same tier (it's a prop plane)


Keep in mind that you don't have to spend a dime on this game and the most fun tiers are the lower tiers IV through VI which are very reachable by a casual player. You can work your way up the tiers, play Fighters, Heavy Fighters and Ground Attack plane lines from various countries...but in the end, each of my 2,100 battles was a self contained match that last 5-10 minutes on average. While you must depend on your team for a victory, your skill matters big time as you earn skill points and experience for kills, assists, damage, etc. Your team winning matters as your earnings double for the winning team. There are big penalties for ramming or damaging team mates so there's very little trolling/morons.

If I had to pick some favorites, I'd say my favorite plane to fly is the Yak-7 in tier V followed by the Tier IV A6M1 Zero. I'm thinking the Tier IX La-160 will soon be a favorite as well but really, in a day, you can be up to tier IV and playing in the most enjoyable matches. There are tons of planes to learn and "collect" in each tier, all with unique characteristics.

I realize that not many will be interested in a WWII plane fight game! Arsecn from VV started playing recently.

The developers have weekly and monthly challenges that allow you to earn more Xp, SP, discounted upgrades, etc. You can earn medals and there are lots of stats.
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Re: World of Tanks/Planes/Warships

Post by Winnow »

From time to time I like to screw around with the latest video editors.

I made a WoWP video of a match I flew a Tier IV Bf-110 C-6 in against higher level Tier V and VI planes.

This is for Arsecn since you picked up this plane after I suggested it! It's a great credit earner. You can chew through lower tier planes if you are top tier and have enough firepower to take out higher tier planes if stuck as the lower tier plane. You can die pretty quick of a fighter gets on your tail because it turns like a whale but that's why you climb high, dive attack, then climb high again to avoid dogfights.


Watch it in HD or the text and entire video is blurry.
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Re: World of Tanks/Planes/Warships

Post by Winnow »

A couple planes I might pick up if I get motivated for some more high tier planes:

Tier VIII: Kyushu J7W1 Shinden

This has high firepower and maneuverability and looks funny. Jets will take it out but it can do some good damage.

Tier VIII: Chance-Vought XF5U Pancake


This looks like a flying squirrel when you see it in the air. Decent firepower but not a good plane. As you'd imagine, it's easy to hit.
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Re: World of Tanks/Planes/Warships

Post by Winnow »

This may bore just about everyone but I made another World of Warplanes video. This time I'm in a Tier IV BSh-2 Ground Attack plane and offer some advice on helping your team win while flying a GA plane.


Watch in HD

Great game! I really enjoy playing all plane types in WoWP.

Heres the Results of that match: (I'm SweepTheLeg)

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Re: World of Tanks/Planes/Warships

Post by Chidoro »

Your settings must have been all screwed up for War Thunder, it's the vastly more realistic game. The terrain actually plays a role, etc etc.
WoWP is fun, have about 900 matches or so, but it's really a throw away for me.
I came in because I have played a bunch of WoT, close to 7k matches. The game is realistic enough. Again, War Thunder Ground Forces is the more realistic tank game, but WoT is, as said, realistic enough. And for tanks, that works well. Planes, not as much
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Re: World of Tanks/Planes/Warships

Post by Winnow »

Chidoro wrote:Your settings must have been all screwed up for War Thunder, it's the vastly more realistic game. The terrain actually plays a role, etc etc.
WoWP is fun, have about 900 matches or so, but it's really a throw away for me.
I came in because I have played a bunch of WoT, close to 7k matches. The game is realistic enough. Again, War Thunder Ground Forces is the more realistic tank game, but WoT is, as said, realistic enough. And for tanks, that works well. Planes, not as much
i'm sammyzzz. give me a shout if you ever see me online

I mentioned earlier in the thread that I thought WT had better terrain but are you sure you're playing WoWP with the HD graphics? About two patches ago they split the client into SD and HD, unless you select "HD" from the launcher, you're not viewing the high res textures no matter how high your set your graphics card.

7K is a lot of battles you have in WoT. I've played my ass off in WoWP and have only passed 3K battles recently. I still think WoWP has the more mature player base that's focused on statistics and WWII plane lore (old timers). For me, the maps and planes are better suited for for combat in WoWP. In WT, it feels like my plane is being pulled by a string and I can't get over the arcade sound effects. I feel like I'm at a carnival at a shooting gallery. WoWP has it's own flight model issues but I prefer it over WT.

I don't really want to promote one or the other as that's personal preference. When I get my Oculus Rift, I may try a little more WT as it supports Oculus, but I won't be competitive in that mode.

Is your handle sammyzzz in WoWP? I'm still SweepTheLeg in WoWP. I can't remember my handle in WT although I think it's the same with very few games played. I'll keep an eye out for you in WoWP if you happen to be playing it. I'm all over the place with planes from Tier II to Tier IX. I've been working on the IL ground attack line recently so fly the IL-2 (t) pretty often. Majority of my flights are in the Tier IV through VI range right now.

Takes forever to work up your pilot's skill levels. Most of my Pilots are 100% with one skill but only a handful have a second skill.

I'm an average pilot with average stats. I have the occasional great game and occasional stinker. Most of my bad games come in Ground Attack planes when I end up running into my ground target. At the same time, my highest victory percentage is in GA planes.
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Re: World of Tanks/Planes/Warships

Post by Chidoro »

They are both entertaining, but the flight models in War Thunder are more realistic. And if you bump to simul mode, even more so. Its not that the graphics of the landscapes are bad on WoWP, it's just that they really don't play much of a role. War Thunder's the mountains and fog really play a role. but both are good and the payment model is pretty fair imo.

been playing tanks for almost 2 years off and on. Still haven't purchased a T10 yet, but I could if I ever focused for all your stat needs in for the games
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Re: World of Tanks/Planes/Warships

Post by Winnow »

Chidoro wrote:They are both entertaining, but the flight models in War Thunder are more realistic. And if you bump to simul mode, even more so. Its not that the graphics of the landscapes are bad on WoWP, it's just that they really don't play much of a role. War Thunder's the mountains and fog really play a role. but both are good and the payment model is pretty fair imo.

been playing tanks for almost 2 years off and on. Still haven't purchased a T10 yet, but I could if I ever focused for all your stat needs in for the games

I just want to make sure again that you are playing WoWP with the HD textures. It's a separate download from the launcher. When there are clouds in WoWP, I can't see shit, just like IRL so they play a factor when someone pops out of them. Terrain plays a factor. There's plenty of terrain features to buzz around to hinder boom and zoomers if you're in a low flying slow plane.

They are reworking ground targets along with a lot of other thing with the next big 1.5 patch. Monster sized patch notes hidden:
Overview / New Content

Without question, the biggest feature of this update is the new 'Battle Against Bots' game mode. In it, you'll be playing with human players cooperatively against a team of computer-controlled opponents. This new game mode will not only be very interesting for beginners, but also allow for a more carefree plane-testing environment, as well as a more laid-back game experience in general for all pilots.

Another key point of this update is the introduction of complex ground targets. You will now be able to shoot off individual parts of previously single-pieced ground targets, which will make the ground game more varied and interesting.

We're adding a total of 42 new achievements to the game across all modes, ranging from easily-reachable ones for beginners to more challenging ones for experienced players.
New Features for Beginners

'Battle Against Bots' Mode

You can switch to this new game mode by clicking on the dedicated sub-menu next to the "Battle!" button in the Hangar. In this new mode, 3-5 human players get teamed up together while the rest of the roster -- both on the human players' side and their opponents' side -- is filled up by computer-controlled bots. The rules and team sizes are the same as in Standard Battle mode: 15 vs 15 battle for either wipeout or superiority. However, there are some rules that set this new mode apart from regular Standard- or Training Battle mode:

Both ammunition belts and consumables are replenished after each battle automatically at no charge
No standard reward for the battle, but player can get a special reward for combat missions such as destroying the ground targets and enemy planes. After completing each battle mission it becomes more difficult
You will not receive the usual rewards (XP or Credits) for battles in the PvE mode. Instead, you'll be able to complete mode-specific missions (like quests) for destroying aircraft or ground targets, which will grant their own type of reward. The degree of difficulty for these PvE-Quest chains will increase progressively
This battle mode has its own battle missions and achievements
The battle results of this game mode are not being taken into account or displayed in your in-game profile (displayed in the 'Service Record' tab). However, the completion of mode-specific achievements will figure in said statistic

Simplified Gameplay for Beginners

Some Hangar functions will from now on be blocked by default for new accounts:

The PvE mode will be chosen automatically -- other game modes will initially not be available
New players will not be able to spend Gold, Credits or XP
In the beginning, all new players will only have one tier I plane available to them. To unlock other planes, players will need to complete special in-game battle missions

In order to unlock all regular Hangar functions, each new player will have to complete a special battle mission, which consists of destroying 10 ground targets or enemy planes in one or several battles. Players will also be able to skip this mission to directly unlock all Hangar functions, however, in this case, they will not receive the dedicated mission reward.
Reworked Superiority System

We have reworked one of the key components of Standard Battles -- the hunt for enemy ground targets -- in significant fashion. Now, all ground targets will consist of multiple parts (as opposed to being made out of one piece gameplay-wise even when showing multiple elements previously). This will make the ground game more logical and interesting. At the same time, the superiority-mechanic will be adjusted, to reflect the impact of attack aircraft and fighters on their teams' success accordingly.
New Ground Target Destruction Mechanics

We have completely reworked the ground-target destruction mechanic and the superiority-algorithm in Standard Battle mode:

All ground targets now consist of multiple parts and have been entirely retouched
Now, some of these parts of ground targets can have multiple characteristics such as armored, not armored or armed with an AA-gun
Armoured objects can only be destroyed with powerful weaponry such as large calibre cannons, bombs or rockets. Inversely, weaker weapons such as smaller-calibre MGs will only be able to destroy unarmored targets or AA-guns
Depending on how difficult they will be to destroy, different parts of ground targets will award players with more or less superiority points

Superiority Mechanics

The overall amount of winnable superiority points that players gain from destroying enemy planes and ground targets has been increased
The destruction of one enemy plane is now worth considerably more than the destruction of an enemy ground target

Filling the Superiority Meter

As soon as a team earns at least one superiority point, its corresponding superiority meter starts to fill up
The rate at which the superiority meter fills up is now directly proportional to the number of superiority points scored by its team. Every superiority point a team earns increases the speed at which the superiority meter fills up
This means that the superiority meter of both teams will be constantly filling up, varying in speed depending on the number of superiority points of its team. A battle can either be won by destroying all enemy planes, or by having your own superiority meter fill up completely first

Setting the Superiority Meter Back

The superiority meter can only be set back by way of destroying enemy ground targets or planes
The percentage by which a superiority meter is set back depends on the superiority value of the destroyed ground target or plane

New Planes

Premium planes available for purchase in the Premium Shop

Breda Ba.27 Metallico: tier III Chinese fighter
Nakajima Ki-43-Ic: tier IV Japanese fighter

Gift planes (not obtainable at this time -- stay tuned for more information)

TsKB I-7: tier II Soviet fighter
Kawasaki Ki-5: tier II Japanese fighter
Hawker Hurricane IID: tier V British fighter


New map "Canyon," available for tier III-X planes
Completely reworked "National park," available for tier I-V planes
Adjusted plane spawn points on "Lighthouse" map
Adjusted plane spawn points on "Arctic Region" map;
Due to the introduction of complex ground targets their location was reviewed and often adjusted on most maps

Matchmaker Improvements

Fix for the problem of frequent creation of battles with no mid-tier planes (when most planes of a team have a two tier-spread)
We are introducing a more flexible balancing mechanic which will better take into account the presence and composition of flights, plane classes and participating planes' tiers
Reduced chance of being the lowest-tier plane in a battle for multiple battles in a row


Added new achievements for PvE battle type:

"Aerial Raider:" Awarded to players who destroyed at least one enemy object
"First Among Equals:" Awarded to players who shot down more enemy planes than anybody else on their team
"Steady Results:" Awarded to players who shot down at least three planes in one battle
"Scythe of Death:" Awarded to players who shot down two or more enemy planes in a row, without any ally scoring another frag in the meantime
"First Blood:" Awarded to players who shot down the first enemy of the battle
"Scorched Earth:" Awarded to players who scored at least 25 advantage points in a battle for damaging enemy objects
"Heaven and Earth:" Awarded to players who shot down at least three planes and scored 25 advantage points for destroying enemy ground targets in one battle
"Ground Defender:" Awarded to players who destroyed 3 ground attack planes in one or several battles
"Clear Sky:" Awarded to players who destroyed 3 enemy fighters in one or several battles
"Giant Slayer:" Awarded to players who destroyed 3 enemy heavy fighters in one or several battles
"Certified Fighter Pilot:" Awarded to players who destroyed at least 2 enemy fighters while flying a fighter themselves
"Certified Heavy Fighter Pilot:" Awarded to players who destroyed at least one plane and scored at least 10 advantage points for destroying enemy ground targets in one battle while flying a heavy fighter
"Certified Attack Aircraft Pilot:" Awarded to players who scored at least 20 advantage points for destroying enemy ground targets in one battle while flying an attack aircraft
"Expert Hunter:" Awarded to players who fulfilled the "Expert Hunter" combat mission
"Sidekick:" Awarded to players for helping to destroy three enemy planes in one battle
"Superior:" Awarded to players who survived, won, and shot down more enemy planes than anybody else on their team
"Champion of Destruction:" Awarded to players who survived, won, and shot down more enemy ground targets than anybody else on their team
"Undisputed Champion:" Awarded to players who survived, won, and took the first place in all categories of the after-battle statistics

New achievements for tutorial mode:

"First Step to the Sky:" Awarded to players who successfully accomplished the training mission "Gunnery practice"
"Ladder to the Sky:" Awarded to players who successfully accomplished the training mission "Team battle"
"Stairway to the Sky:" Awarded to players who successfully accomplished the training mission "Aerial Battle Training"
"Highway to the Sky:" Awarded to players who successfully accomplished the training mission "Ground Target Attack"

Note: The former award for tutorial completion ("Flight School Graduate") was removed.

New achievements for beginners:

"Crossfire:" Awarded to players who caused damage to a plane that was consequently shot down by a teammate
"Lightweight:" Awarded to players who shot down one enemy fighter
"Heavyweight:" Awarded to players who shot down one enemy heavy fighter
"Super Heavyweight:" Awarded to players who shot down one attack aircraft

New achievements for experienced players:

"Aerial Acrobat:" Awarded to players who make an enemy crash by outmaneuvering them
"Flames in the Sky:" Awarded to players who set an enemy on fire that resulted in the subsequent aircraft destruction
"Fire Breathing:" Awarded to players who set at least two enemy planes on fire and destroyed them that way in one battle
"Rear Cover:" Awarded to players who destroyed an enemy plane with their rear gunner
"Supporting Fire:" Awarded to players who helped to destroy at least 3 enemy planes in one battle, survived and won the battle
"Strong Support:" Awarded to players who helped to destroy at least 5 enemy planes in one battle, survived and won the battle
"Riddled:" Awarded to players who helped to destroy at least 3 enemy ground targets in one battle, survived and won the battle
"Hail of Steel:" Awarded to players who helped to destroy at least 5 enemy ground targets in one battle, survived and won the battle
"Hat Trick:" Awarded to players who destroyed at least one fighter, one heavy fighter and one ground assault plane in one game
"Lightning:" Awarded to players who destroyed two enemy planes in a row and won the battle
"Thrifty Bomber:" Awarded to players who destroyed an enemy plane with a bomb explosion
"Persistent:" Awarded to players who shot down at least one enemy plane in every battle
"Intruder:" Awarded to players who destroyed the enemy base and survived
"Falconry:" Awarded to players who shot down at least two enemy fighters and survived
"Interceptor:" Awarded to players who shot down at least two enemy attack aircraft and survived
"Bird of Prey:" Awarded to players who destroyed at least two enemy heavy fighters and survived

All existing achievements have been modified to account for the introduction of the new, complex ground targets and reworked number of advantage points they bring:

"Closterman Medal:" Awarded to players who shot down at least 7 enemy planes and scored at least 15 advantage points for destroying enemy ground targets in one battle
"Gabreski Medal:" Awarded to players who shot down at least 9 enemy planes and scored at least 15 advantage points for destroying enemy ground targets in one battle
"Destroyer:" Awarded to players who shot down at least 4 enemy planes and scored at least 15 advantage points for destroying enemy ground targets in one battle
"Thunder:" Awarded to players who scored at least 75 advantage points for destroying enemy ground targets in one battle
"Firestorm:" Awarded to players who scored at least 10 advantage points for destroying enemy ground targets in one or several battles
"Wrecking Crew:" Awarded to all members of a flight who shot down at least 5 enemy planes and scored at least 75 advantage points for destroying enemy objects
"Begeldinov Medal IV Class:" Awarded to players who scored 150 advantage points for destroying enemy ground targets in "Random Battle "
"Begeldinov Medal III Class:" Awarded to players who scored 1500 advantage points for destroying enemy ground targets in "Random Battle "
"Begeldinov Medal II Class:" Awarded to players who scored 15000 advantage points for destroying enemy ground targets in "Random Battle "
"Begeldinov Medal I Class:" Awarded to players who scored 150000 advantage points for destroying enemy ground targets in "Random Battle "

Plane & Tech Tree Changes

Improved maneuverability for planes at low speeds
Increased slowdown upon idling the engine and use of airbrakes
Readjusted the impact of flaps usage on the following planes: F7U Cutlass, P-38F Lightning, P-38J Lightning, F7F Tigercat, F2H Banshee, XF90, Beaufighter, Westland P.1056, Gloster Javelin, Il-8
Increased the maneuverability of these planes when flaps are retracted, and reduced the impact of extending flaps accordingly

Individual Plane Changes

Rebalancing of all tier I planes:

Increased maximum diving speed
Increased maximum speed and acceleration dynamics in non-boost engine mode
Improved energy retention
Increased optimum speed


P-39Q-15 Airacobra: increased maneuverability and controllability, improved energy retention, increased power and duration of boost
La-5: improved energy retention, increased optimum speed, increased speed in non-boost engine mode, improved acceleration performance in boost engine mode, improved acceleration performance in a dive, reduced maneuverability
La-7: improved energy retention, increased optimum speed, increased speed in non-boost engine mode, improved acceleration performance in boost and non-boost engine modes, increased dive speed, improved acceleration performance in a dive, reduced maneuverability
La-9: improved energy retention, increased optimum speed, increased speed in boost and non-boost engine mode, increased speed and acceleration performance in a dive, slightly increased controllability, reduced maneuverability


XF5U Pancake: increased HP for all configurations, increased weapons effectiveness, increased maneuverability, improved energy retention, increased optimum speed, speed and acceleration performance in non-boost engine mode, improved acceleration performance in boost engine mode

Great Britain

Mustang Mk.I: increased maneuverability, increased speed and acceleration performance in a dive, improved acceleration performance in non-boost and boost engine modes, improved maneuverability. The plane's flight characteristics now more closely resemble those of the P-51A Mustang

Changes to research branches


He.112: synchronized 7.92mm MG-17 (1934) machine guns were replaced with the 7.92mm MG-17 (1936) model


XF-90: 2х 500-pound bombs added


J7W2 Shinden-Kai: 2х 250 kg bombs added
J7W3: 2х 250kg bombs added


All nations get 5 extra unique nose arts
Replaced one nose art for the F2H Banshee

Other Changes

Changed tiers for a large amount of modules displayed in the Hangar:


Kestrel VI engine tier raised from II to III
DB 600 Aa engine tier raised from IV to V
DB 601 A-1 engine tier raised from V to VI
DB 601 B-1 engine tier raised from V to VI
DB 601 N engine tier raised from V to VI
BWM 801 C-2 engine tier raised from V to VI
DB 601 F (Me.210) engine tier raised from V to VI
BMW 801 G-2 engine tier raised from VI to VII
DB 603 G engine tier raised from VII to VIII
DB 605 AS engine tier raised from VII to VIII
DB 605 ASBM engine tier raised from VII to VIII
BMW 801 E engine tier raised from VII to VIII
DB 605 ASCM engine tier raised from VIII to IX
BMW 003 A engine tier raised from VIII to IX
Jumo 213 J-1 engine tier raised from VIII to IX
Jumo 004 B engine tier raised from VIII to IX
HWK 509 engine tier HWK 509 raised from VIII to IX
DB 603 LA engine tier raised from VIII to IX


Tier of M-62IR (BSh-1) engine decreased from V to IV
M-25 engine tier raised fromо II to III
M-25B engine tier raised from III to IV
M-34F engine tier raised from III to IV
M-100 engine tier raised from III to IV
M-62 engine tier raised from IV to V
M-63 engine tier raised from IV to V
M-100A engine tier raised from IV to V
M-103 engine tier raised from IV to V
АM-35A engine tier raised from IV to V
АM-38 engine tier raised from V to VI
M-82A engine tier raised from V to VI
M-82F engine tier raised from VI to VII
АM-43 engine tier raised from VIII to IX
M-93 engine tier raised from VIII to IX
M-93 + RD-1 engine tier raised from VIII to IX
RD-10 engine tier raised from VIII to IX
RD-10A engine tier raised from VIII to IX


R-1830-25 engine tier raised from IV to V
R-1830-94 engine tier raised from V to VI
tier V-1650-7 engine raised from VII to VIII
R-200-2(D) engine tier raised from VIII to IX
Merlin 145M engine tier raised from VIII to IX
V-1650-9 engine tier raised from VIII to IX


Kinsei 62 engine tier raised from VI to VII
NK9K engine tier raised from VI to VII
MK9A engine tier raised from VII to VIII
MK9D engine tier raised from VII to VIII
MK9E engine tier raised from VIII to IX
MK9F engine tier raised from VIII to IX

Great Britain

Merlin 77 engine tier raised from VII to VIII
Merlin 66 engine tier raised from VII to VIII
Griffon IIB engine tier raised from VII to VIII
Griffon 61 engine tier raised from VIII to IX
Griffon 65 engine tier raised from VIII to IX
Griffon 85 engine tier raised from VIII to IX
Metrovick F.5 engine tier raised from VIII to IX
Rolls-Royce Nene No. 28 engine tier raised from VIII to IX



All 23mm NS-23 guns variants raised from VII to VIII
All 37mm NS-37 guns variants raised from VII to VIII
tier of 7.62mm DA (BSh-1) turret decreased from V to III
tier of 7.62mm SHKAS (1933) (LBSh) turret decreased from V to IV


R4M rockets tier raised from VIII to X


The tier of all 12.7mm MG-53HB machine guns variants raised from VII to VIII
12.7mm M3 machine guns tier raised from VIII to IX


20mm Type 99-2 Model 1 guns tier raised from VI to VII

Great Britain

.50 Browning M2 machine guns tier raised from V to VI
40mm Rolls-Royce BH guns tier raised from VIII to IX



Il-10 airframe tier raised from VI to VII
Il-10M airframe tier raised from VII to VIII
Yak-15 UMO airframe tier reduced from VIII to VII
Yak-19 airframe tier reduced from IX to VIII
Yak-25 airframe tier reduced from X to IX


Tier of Hawk III airframe decreased from IV to II

Physics & Balance Changes
Damage model

The collision damage calculation has been adjusted. When two planes collide, now one of the two has a better chance than the other to survive the ramming. Colliding with the wings will cause less damage than collisions of the fuselage or the engine


Firing lines now converge at the maximum firing distance. This will reduce the visual spread of fire of your wing-mounted weapons and make for a denser-looking line of fire
There is now a small, random spread to how far each bullet travels. This will eliminate the effect of fire suddenly stopping to deal damage at always exactly the same distance
Reduced dispersion while maneuvering
Increased dispersion in a dive
Increased dispersion of bombs
Better firing visuals for 30mm and larger caliber cannons
Better firing visuals for rear gunners

Reduced repair cost for Premium planes

Repair costs for Premium planes were reduced by 50% compared to repair costs of other non-Premium planes of the same tier.
Price changes for modules and ammunition

The price of the 30mm Type 5 (C) (J7W2 Shinden-Kai) cannons was reduced from 133,500 to 80,500 Credits per unit. Players who have these cannons in the depot or mounted on their plane, will be compensated accordingly with the difference
The price of the 30mm Type 17 (C) (J7W2 Shinden-Kai and J7W3) cannons was reduced from 155,000 to 85,000 Credits per unit. Players who have these cannons in the depot or mounted on their plane, will be compensated accordingly with the difference

Fixed the bug with the prices of 12.7mm MG-53-2 and 12.7mm MG-53HB belts:

12.7mm MG-53-2: the price of the standard belt was changed to 500 Credits per belt, armor-piercing and incendiary: 1,000 Credits, armor-piercing incendiary: 5 Gold
12.7mm MG-53HB: the price of the standard belt was changed to 900 Credits per belt, armor-piercing and incendiary : 1,800 Credits, armor-piercing incendiary : 9 Gold

Graphics & Interface
Pre-battle and end-of-battle cinematics

Corrections and adjustments to the pre-battle cinematic
Added option to skip cinematic intro before battle starts
New cinematic added at the end of the battle

Spectator mode

Added a new, "dynamic" observer (spectator) mode. This new mode allows you to follow your teams' aircraft from a large number of interesting camera angles. You can switch back and forth between the regular observer mode and this new, dynamic mode and also switch freely between its various angles


Now the training mission window shows the list of all missions with their detailed description: what player should do to go through each training mission.

Game loading screen

Added animations and effects to the game loading screen
Reworked background images

Planes comparison tool

Reworked design for the plane comparison table during battle loading screen
Reworked table design for team lists in-battle
Reworked table design for after-battle statistics page
Reworked tips about planes flight characteristics and firepower advantages
Reworked tips about class features (their characteristics and battle objectives)
Added tips about effectiveness of armament against armored targets


Improved privacy system: online status is now shown only to mutual friends when searching somebody in the contact list
Extended set of symbols allowed for user channel names


Added display of current Specials in the Hangar. Specials window is similar to Missions window, it provides both brief and detailed information about current and upcoming Specials for all aircraft or the one chosen at the moment

New Premium Hangar — the plane stands on the airfield in front of the Hangar. In future updates it is planned to introduce the possibility of switching between open and closed Premium Hangars
Added clock to the Hangar, displaying current date and time
"Crew" tab added to the Hangar menu, containing all the information on aviators in your Hangar
"Shop" menu option renamed to "Depot" with "Sell" tab set as default. Also added an information panel describing the Depot purpose
"Achievements" menu option renamed to "Profile"
Removed display of number of players in battle queue
Added the "Incomplete Crew!" display on top of the aircraft slot that has one or both aviators sent to Barracks
Information about the plane's weapons effectiveness on the ground targets was added to the Hangar tooltips
The description of plane classes' roles were added to the tooltips.


Added new visual effects: depth of field, radial blur, visual ejection of shells when shooting
Added advanced settings for FOV display: players may now choose the FOV angles on their own for extreme and medium positions of the camera by adjusting the dedicated slider in the "Battle" section
Improved look for propellers on planes
Depending on their distance to your plane, markers for planes and ground targets will now appear more or less transparent. The further away, the more transparent a marker will be. The shorter the distance, the more solid the marker will become
Drawing distance of planes and ground targets has been doubled. The display distance of markers has been doubled as well to facilitate orientation in battle. Please take note that the aircraft detection range (visibility system) remains the same as before, which means that your pilots still only see as far as always and not twice as far all of a sudden. Still, this modification fixes the bug when markers would not appear on clearly detected planes at long range
Added a section showing ongoing battle missions/discounts in the Hangar
Improved flight invitation window
Addition of a small plane class role description to the tooltips of each plane
Earned crew experience, skill training progress and battle missions' progress were added to the battle statistics window
You can now see the current session's battle history in a new dropdown menu in the battle statistics window
Introduced a third tab to the battle statistics window containing detailed information on the player's efficiency
You now get a visual notification when earning an achievement in battle
Reworked the achievement window. Now all achievements are grouped by type and or review the latest, earned achievements
Significant improvements to the horizon indicator: You now have now five different types of horizon indicators to choose from both for regular and inverted flight


Increased accuracy and responsiveness in all modes. Changed roll-mechanics, simplified target-tracking when turning
Refined camera, improved camera behaviour in "On horizon" mode
Mouse settings screen was reworked and simplified. For fine tuning all templates now have auxiliary parameters which can be toggled on by unchecking the option "Basic settings only"
New option "Pointer speed adjustment". When it's turned on -- the control system evaluates the displacement speed of the mouse cursor from the center of the screen and helps to track the target when turning
The option "Level-Off Zone Size" was removed. Now it will be automatically adjusted based on the plane's characteristics if levelling-off was turned on (slider "Level-Off Rate" set to any position other than the leftmost)
The option "Split S Height" was replaced with "Diving turn". If turned on, the value will be adjusted automatically based on the plane's characteristics


Increased accuracy and responsiveness in all modes
Refined camera
Settings screen completely reworked
New option to adjust the camera lag effect
New option to adjust the sensitivity of the sniper mode
New option to adjust the camera rotation speed when using mini-joystick ("hat button")
Improved mini-joystick in discrete mode
Introduced smooth overview mode when using the mini-joystick ("hat button")
New option of using additional axes to look around (control the view)
New filter for axes noises added
Added option to change, adjust the axes threshold


Completely reworked gamepad controls
Settings screen added


Separate control scheme "Keyboard" was removed. For full emulation of this scheme, you can use the joystick profile (but you need to delete the axes settings first)
Check out this extensive article about the differences in graphics settings and SD vs HS clients: ... rformance/

Specifically regarding SD vs HD: ... we-did-it/

I won't dwell on WoWP vs WT. It's definitely personal preference as I didn't care for WT's flight model.

As for tier X, I could have gotten one by now with 2.2 million XP earned but not enough people fly tier X. tier IX seems pretty good although sparse population sometimes. I've got a ton of planes right now. Many lines I've worked up through tier VII with a few tier VIIIs and one Tier IX. I'm currently accumulating XP as I can't decide which line to advance past VII that I don't already have. I elite my planes (most before I even fly them).

I just had a six kill game in my tier II plane and another ace game in my tier IV Zero yesterday. Various planes from all tiers and all types (fighter, heavy fighter and ground attack) are fun.

My Oculus Rift has shipped so I'll be trying out War Thunder using cockpit mode soon but that will be just for the visual experience of the VR headset.

The best thing about WoWP (and probably WT as well) is that most battles are interesting and I'll watch them to the end even if I get shot down. Great way to learn techniques and about other planes you might be interested in. Lots of memorable 5-15 minute experiences.
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Re: World of Tanks/Planes/Warships

Post by Winnow »

Chidoro wrote:They are both entertaining, but the flight models in War Thunder are more realistic. And if you bump to simul mode, even more so. Its not that the graphics of the landscapes are bad on WoWP, it's just that they really don't play much of a role. War Thunder's the mountains and fog really play a role. but both are good and the payment model is pretty fair imo.

been playing tanks for almost 2 years off and on. Still haven't purchased a T10 yet, but I could if I ever focused for all your stat needs in for the games

WoWP with thier last 1.5 patch changed how planes handle with both mouse/keyboard and joystick. They also completely changed supremacy and victory rules are unclear as somehow teams with less planes and less ground targets eliminated are winning. They also nerfed Ground Attack planes to the point where people won't play them anymore. They even added the lame "ding!" sounds when you kill a plane that I hated in War Thunder.

The developers have apologized and are working to fix the changes but it's enough for me to take a break from WoWP and give War Thunder a try again. I've been playing for three days straight (marathon sessions).

Here are my thoughts and comparisons.

First, I'm giving WT a serious shot. I picked up the Steam Ace Starter Package which gave me 60 days premium, 2 premium planes (Pe-2-205 and Typhoon MK 1b) and 10,000 Golden Eagles for $39. Considering 10,000 Golden Eagles sell for $49 alone, getting 60 days premium and 2 premium planes along with the 10K for $10 less is a solid deal through Steam. I also ended up getting the P-51D-20 pack for $29 which gave me the premium plane and 2,000 more Golden Eagles.

I did tons of research on WT planes and country tech trees and played quite a few matches before I started my GE spending spree.

With a T4 P-51 to help me grind on the U.S. tree, I went that route first. I enjoyed the lower tiers and fared well with the F2A Buffalo. Not too far into playing though I decided to go with the USSR tech tree...after all, like the developers of WoWP, Gaijin is another Russian company so Russian planes are way OP, and I like Yaks.

Using some of my GE's, I picked up the P-63A-5 Captured premium plane for the USSR to go along with my Pe-2-205 Dive bomber. I worked my way up the trees and ended up with an La-5 and a couple Yaks (Yak-9T/K) While I was doing well and liked how the planes handled, I was most impressed with the captured U.S. P-63A-5. I kicked ass with that plane.

Instead of heading to the U.S. line, I decided to hit the German tech tree. I used some more GE's to pick up a captured P-47D premium plane to help out with the grind. While I liked the Fw190 A-5 I ended up with and was working toward some decent German bombers (the early ones suck IMO), I was once again most impressed with the U.S. captured P-47D plane.

So, liking both P-63A and P-47D and also actually doing will with my premium P-51 (which I don't like over on WoWP), I settled on the U.S. tech tree finally.

I'm working up the P-line and already have my own (non premium) P-47 and P-63A and am working on picking up additional models of those to planes. I also worked up the bomber line to the B-17s but discovered the B-17's BR is too high so I'm using a B-25J-1 and B-25j-20 as my bombers for now until I'm ready for higher BR rated matches.

I did use GE to skip over some lower level U.S planes to save some grind time.


Here's some random thoughts on the good and bad of War Thunder compared to World of Warplanes. I'm enjoying myself so keep that in mind as I go over the bad first.


-The community for WT sucks compared to WoWP. This is partially due to the server populations. WoWP barely fields 1000 players some nights while WT has 20-40K online at any one time. You get to know people and their tendencies, etc when you play multiple matches with the same people due to low server population. This flows over into the forums for WoWP as you recognize the names of those posting and have played against them. With WT matches, there's hardly any chatter between team member and with the opposing team.

-Still hate the gigantic blue and red text that floats over everyone's head in the game. It feels like I'm flying up against floating names instead of planes. WoWP has floating names, etc but somehow it's much less distracting. I'm getting used to it but it still sucks.

-The UI is better with WoWP. I know where everything is now, but IMO the WoWP GU is cleaner as is the menu system etc.

-Why in the hell does the game make you choose which plane to research immediately after you finish researching a plane? It says you can change your mind later but you are still stuck with spending the extra RPs you have (which can be significant) on the first plane you pick. There were many times that I wasn't sure which plane was next in the tech line and picked the wrong one, wasting RPs. You can't escape or cancel out of this selection screen so I had to start looking up tech charts on the web before choosing ...moronic. All they had to do was let you wait until you get to the tech tree to pick. Really horrible game design there.

-weapon reload times are super 40 seconds long for some guns. In arcade more, this blows as the action is fast and furious for the most part. In WoWP guns overheat etc but you don't fly around with no weapons for 40 seconds. I did discover crew skills, one being reload. If you don't pay money, it could be years to get the crew points needed for all crew skills, but if you max out reload skill, it reduces reload times by 3x. This is a monster advantage and almost a pay to win type situation as the amount of time to earn it through normal battles is crazy long.

-Sense of accomplishment (arcade mode). Since you can keep picking new planes in your hangar to fly after dying in a match, the sense of accomplishment is much less after winning a match. 5 Kills means a lot less if it took you five planes to do it in as opposed to managing five kills in a single plane with a handful of HPs left.

-Supremacy. What the fuck? Killing planes means almost nothing in most of the matches. You have to kill ground targets or never win. You can kill all planes because there's an almost endless supply coming at you. I've seen matches go on a very long time because both sides were out of bombers and the only way to win was taking out an armored ground target. One team may have killed 3Xs more planes but it doesn't matter one bit from what I could tell. There's also way too many matches that require capturing air bases by landing on them.

-BR. From what I gather, the match making system takes your three best rated BR planes in your hangar to determine where to place you for a match. I may be getting something wrong here, but If I want to play a lower tier and not use high level planes, I have to take the crews out of all of those planes? Seems like a huge hassle. I had to take the crew out of my B-17 because it's BR is so much higher than the rest of the planes in Tier III that it was pushing me up into much better planes than was in the rest of my hangar. The way natural progression works (need six planes in a tier to advance to next), you have access to B-17s way before you should be using them in arcade mode. It would be OK if you were flying a single plane but most of the time, you will be flying multiple planes during a match. Forget it if you just want to have a fun Tier 1 game unless you disable all of your high tier planes. Am I missing something here? Seems like a big waste of time. There should be check boxes or something to disable a plane in your hangar before matches.

-Russian planes seem even more OP in WT than in WoWP. Throw out historical accuracies because you need to figure out what planes the developers favor.


-I mentioned being able to fly multiple planes during a match as a negative. On the other hand, it's now almost like you're building a deck of cards for a Magic the Gathering game. Typically there will be required ground targets in a match so you need to have at least one bomber to come in as a last resort if no one else has one left. Some planes have multiple models (like P-47 (2) and P-63 (3)). If you research and buy all of the variants, you can use all of them in a match. Right now I'm going with two B-25 bombers, 1 P-47, 1 P-63, and 1 F6F. If you own the crews, you could throw out all of your lower tiered planes in a match as well (which can be fun earning Hercules awards for killing planes 2+ tiers above your level.

There's some strategy to this. I typically won't bring out my best plane first, for example, I'll bring out the Hellcat (F6F) and get a lay of the land before either deciding on a bomber or fighter next. Of course, you need to die first before you get your next plane but that's no problem!

Matches are 30 mins long instead of 12 minutes with WoWP. There are pluses and minuses to this. Satisfaction levels are higher in WoWP with a single plane and clear objectives but it's also nice in WT to not have to wait through a match if you die early to play again or help.

-Plane customization is better in WT. You can manipulate decals (size and rotation) in order to create some interesting designs.

-I play BnZ planes better in WT than in WoWP. Makes for a nice change of pace from WoWp where I am better with TnB planes.

-Having true bombers in matches is nice. Instead of just ILs all over the place in WoWP, you have a large amount of Bombers to use along with the Fighers and Heavy Fighters.


I prefer the graphics in WoWP over WT with some notable exceptions to maps, etc. I like how in WT you can see the turrets moving around, tracking planes, etc. Even the gunners heads look around the skies etc. Pretty cool. The game must also be M-13 rated as you can see your pilot die instead of having them vanish as soon as your plane catches fire. "Sometimes" it's nice to be able to keep shooting as your plane goes down. I've hit a plane or two, or dropped my bombs a couple times doing damage after my plane was a loss.

Battle maps:

Whats up with the lego-land maps? The buildings etc are all mini sized if you get close to them. WoWp has better maps IMO but I do like some of the "fantasy" maps in WT that are full of caverns and crazy landforms you'd never see IRL. It makes for some fun flying on occasion.


Overall I prefer WoWP but WT has earned a spot in my library and I'll be playing it at least until WoWP is sorted out. There's also the fact that unfortunately WoWP NA severs are pathetically low population, sometimes making matches long waits or less than max planes on each side. With WT there's no wait times with healthy server population. WoWPs survival in NA is a going concern.

WT is still in beta and BR ratings drastically change from patch to patch so it's hard to get comfortable with a plane as it may suck in the future, being pushed in a tier too high or gimped.

I'm close to having a healthy set of planes for US, Russia and Germany which should help to keep things fresh.

Biggest advantage in WT is maxing your crew reload skill. Due to the hella long reload times, reducing that (along with bomb reload times) by 3X is the best advantage you can give yourself. This is big with fighters but also with bombers as after dropping your payload, if you have reload maxed, you can circle around and hit the target again, otherwise, you have to fly a long pattern before bombs are ready again, at which point you're probably dead. This whole thing is a non issue in WoWP. I think it should be in WT as well by reducing reload times for everyone.


I may eventually and up playing Simulation mode. It's a little too hard right now. I don't really like running out of fuel. That's a little too much for me to worry about to have fun in a game. Plane handling is much more difficult in SB. IMO, a happy medium between Arcade and Simulation/Historical would be best...which for me, is WoWP. I like the flight models of WoWP better as well (if they correct what they just screwed up).

Overall, both are worth playing but for me, the community and satisfaction is higher in WoWP. It creates more memorable experiences. The communication between allies and enemies is higher in WoWP. A part of that isn't WT's fault due to large server populations, you just don't get to know anyone, but they could work on making individual battles more satisfying. In WT I have medals and achievements flying up on the screen all the time and really don't feel the same accomplishment as when I earned a medal in WoWP. For example, I haven't even looked at my death/kill ration, victory percentage, etc in WT while I'm well aware of them in WoWP. This may change in SB and HB but at the moment, they're slightly too difficult to be fun for me.

WT is still beta and a work in progress and I need to give it more time.
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Re: World of Tanks/Planes/Warships

Post by Winnow »

Another couple days of marathon playing War Thunder and I'm starting to like it more.

I spent a long time doing more research on each country's jets. I gave serious consideration to Japan as they have the Sabre without the bazillion lame jets you have to grind through in the U.S. tech branch to get to it. Germany is always attractive when it comes to Jets and all around planes. I even briefly considered U.K. While Russian is considered UP ion WT, I wanted to stay away from their Jets.

I decided to go with the U.S. line for a few reasons. One, I really like the P-47s, P-63s and even P-51s in WT. U.S. also has great bombers with the B-17 line. While I'm not big on Bombers, I did grind to at least get the first B-17 and also B-25 before that to have at least one Bomber active in case the team is desperate for someone to take out an enemy base or other ground targets.

Second, is that I decided to pick up a second tier IV premium US tech tree plane, the Spitfire Mk IX. It's stupid expensive and I debated quite awhile before getting it. Not that it matters, but part of my rational is that It also was one less Tier IV plane I had to grind to get six in the tier before moving to Jets in Tier V. With both premium P-51D-20 and Spitfire Mk IX, I only need 4 more planes and can totally avoid having to research the Bombers.

Third, Besides liking P-47, P-63 and P-51s, I found that the F8F-1 Bearcat is freaking awesome for my play style. I just finished researching it before logging off tonight but my first mission with it, I had 3 kills and 2 assists with a stock/zero upgrade plane.

To go along with these great U.S. planes (for my playstyle), the loaner Spitfire IX is fantastic. It handles so well. It seems to do everything well and has awesome (accurate) firepower with its Hispano Mk.II cannons.

I also reseached the second P-63 (P-63A-10), while the the P-63A-5 is also solid, the second P-63 has some tweaks that make it well worth it.

My current line-up:

P-51D-20 (premium), Spitfire Mk IX (premium), F8F-1 Bearcat, P-63A-10, P-63A-5, B-17

I may ditch the bomber altogether as the F8F-1 can hold 3x1000 lb bombs along with 6 rockets and the P-63A-10 can hold 3x500 lb bombs. With the ability to select your plane's load out during the battle, if needed, I can load up plenty of bombs to take out targets. The F8F (along with it's awesome F6F Hellfire predecessor in it's line) can also equip 2xTiny Tim rockets that each are the equivalent of a 500lb bomb.

I'm having fun although I think it's really lame that for an air battle game, actually shooting down planes doesn't help much, or at all toward supremacy. They are a tad too focused on ground attacks. Sometimes you end up with huge dogfights at the end that are meaningless as whoever goes and takes out 1 tank wins or some other objective. You should always get some sort of points for taking down a plane. Also, bombing things in WT isn't very satisfying compared to WoWP. So while it's emphasized more in WT, it's also less fun. The bombers look really cool though. They are all detailed and you can look inside and see all the gunners, etc doing their thing.

Since I'm heavy into Russian and German planes in WoWP, I'm glad I went the U.S. route in WT.

If you go the U.S. line, and you can swing the stupid expensive $30 for the Tier IV Spitfire premium plane, do it. I have zero regrets. It's my favorite plane with the F8F, while brand new to me, close behind it. Most premium planes cost no where near that much. The Russian developers are taking advantage of Americans willing to pay.

The jet situation with the U.S. line is a mess with a bunch of crap to grind through to get to the best Sabres going up the P-line. I may get a Panther Jet instead (next on the tree after the F8F) to avoid an ass-ton of grinding. Need to research jets more though first as I'm grinding the required rest of the planes needed to move on.

As with WoWP, WT has a ton of planes to fly, all with their unique performance and mods. You need to experiment and try out different types of planes. One plane won't do it. You may hate turn and burn style planes and love boom and zoom, or end up liking Ground Attack/Bombers. Once you do find your niche, then it's time to research the various countries to see what has the best lineup for what you like. You can always eventually get them all, or in the case of captured planes, get premium planes for your tech tree that handle differently than most planes in your tech tree so you can have fun with those while also getting boosted XP points toward your future planes.

A note on premium time, planes ,and talismans.

Paying for premium (you can buy a day of premium, week, month, etc) gives you double the research points and double the currency in the game used to buy your planes. A premium plane also gives you a certain bonus to RPs and currency on top of the premium account. A talisman is something you can buy to "elite" any plane you have researched to give you the 100% Research bonus, but it doesn't also give you the currency boost. I will probably end up placing a talisman on my F8F once all the mods are fully researched as it will be a staple of my line up and I may as well be getting good benefits from flying it often. Premium and Talisman XP boosts stay with you even if your premium time expires so that's a good thing.

With me flying two premium planes and also currently under a premium account, I get a lot of Research and Silver lions right now.

The entire game may be played without spending a cent. The only thing you couldn't access would be premium planes but the best planes, as with WoWP are fully mod'd non premium planes so it's all a matter of time spent. Also as with WoWP, you may like to dogfight in tier I biplanes and never go higher.

If you do decide to pay a little to get started if you end up liking the game, the best value by far is the Ace Starter Pack bought through Steam only. (don't need steam to play but need it to get that particular pack). You spend 39 to get 49 worth of Golden Eagles (10,000) (currency in game) and on top of that get two free premium planes and 60 days premium time. You don't even have to like the two planes you get for it to be a good deal although the British Typhoon is a nice plane and the Russian Bomber is decent. Of course, All of your plane stuff/account is tied to the Tank side of things as well so you can to kill stuff on the ground as well and work up Tank tech trees if you want.
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Re: World of Tanks/Planes/Warships

Post by Winnow »

I just had a great tank battle with my U.S. Lineup of tanks.


9 of the 11 kills came in my M4A3E2 Jumbo Assault Tank (Cobra King). What's remarkable about the outcome isn't the kills but the total points (tier III match). The Jumbo is an assault tank (really a Heavy Tank) and can take a major beating from the front. You earn points for taking damage (and not drying).


As long as you are careful to not get flanked and take a hit from the side, you can take a crapload of hits unless you run into a Tank Killer with a huge gun and then you need to be more careful. The machine gun is the only weak spot on the front so people tend to aim for it. You can see all the hits I took during the battle. I've dumped a lot of points into my crew skills so when I do take damage, I'm able to repair it pretty fast.

I highly recommend the Cobra King if you are considering a premium tank. It's Tier III not IV so is reasonably priced. The reason it's so effective is that you earn points for taking damage and staying alive so while your tank it getting the crap beat out of it, you're raking in the Silver Lions. The 75mm gun is it's weak point. You're not going to one shot too many things but it's reload speed is great. I think it starts out at 6.3 second reload and I have it down to 5.6 seconds so far with reload and tank commander leadership crew skills. You can get pretty much the same tank by working your way up the tech tree. I'm about to get the non premium Jumbo as well.


What's cool about War Thunder (as apposed to World of Tanks) is that you don't have a HP bar. It matters where you get hit. In fact, it matters how much ammo you load, etc as well. This is a kill cam capture of the kill shot that took me out. I started with 105 rounds but was down to 35 at this point so most of my ammo racks are empty making it harder for another tank to cause my ammo to ignite. If you study the tanks, you learn where the ammo racks are and you can aim for them.

I didn't get the best screen of the kill cam but it looks like I got penetrated right below my gun and the fragments took out my driver and probably hit the ammo rack beside him, taking out everything else.

Lots of things can be damaged and not kill your tank. Tracks, Barrel, Engine, Turret, crew members killed or knocked unconscious. Depending on your crew skills you can repair damage and the better your crew, the faster it's repaired.

Lots of ammo types to consider with both planes and tanks.

I'm having fun with all three Tank nations available so far (Russia, Germany and U.S). I'm still flying but mostly my Spitfire Griffons while I focus on Tanks.
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Re: World of Tanks/Planes/Warships

Post by Al »

I have had an utterly disgusting time over the past 2 days with their customer service (specifically World of Tanks,) resulting from a friend receiving a 2 day ban over a FF incident in which he was responding to a friendly absolutely lighting him up. He was hit at least 3 times in the 6-8 shots I saw (he says 8-12, I saw 3 distinct damaging hits) before he responded by firing twice, and he was banned (2 days for a first offense, despite their site proclaiming a first offense is a 1h ban) while the other guy wasn't even punished.

From what I can tell, he was banned because he sucks at the game, while the other guy wasn't because he doesn't suck at the game. They want me to record every match so I can send them a video of what happens when these things happen. I want them to look at the offenders profile, where they will see his 4200+ battles and only 11 Battle Buddy awards (50 consecutive fights w/o dmging a friendly.) He's a habitual offender who ruined the gaming experience for myself and certainly my friend, and he didn't get punished because Screw Newbs or something. Fwiw, I also have 11 Battle Buddy awards, and only 712 fights.

I don't want to tell you what to do, but I am boycotting these guys and every game they have. I don't want to, but I have to. If you want me to elaborate, I will, but I am ginning up support for a wider boycott. Their automated system does not work as well as they think, and the onus is entirely upon the player to ensure others follow the rules, in that I have to record my matches and take screenshots of offending behavior. Without video and screenshot evidence they won't even look into a complaint. The incident in question was light-years from accidental (his turret was following my friend as he was attempting to dodge the fire) but their position is that the other guy would have been punished if he had done something wrong. I understand they can't just ban people left and right based on typed complaints, but a quick glance at the guys profile will back up my claim that he's a douchebag trolling n00bs into banning themselves, and they won't even do that. I don't even want the guy banned, all I asked for was a reduction of my friends ban to 2x the base suspension (2 hour instead of 2 day) as this was his first offense and he clearly did shoot at a teammate, though that shooting was provoked by relentless assault.
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Re: World of Tanks/Planes/Warships

Post by Winnow »

Al wrote:I have had an utterly disgusting time over the past 2 days with their customer service (specifically World of Tanks,) resulting from a friend receiving a 2 day ban over a FF incident in which he was responding to a friendly absolutely lighting him up. He was hit at least 3 times in the 6-8 shots I saw (he says 8-12, I saw 3 distinct damaging hits) before he responded by firing twice, and he was banned (2 days for a first offense, despite their site proclaiming a first offense is a 1h ban) while the other guy wasn't even punished.

Sorry to hear that. I gave up on WoWP and WoT months ago and only play War Thunder now. I never had a customer service issue but the game changes they implemented made the game unplayable or no fun for me.

Give the Tank side of WT a try if you haven't. You may be a little frustrated at being bombed by planes occasionally but it's a lot better than it used to be. War Thunder is highly active with updates and making their already very high quality graphic game even better. Actually having to aim for areas on the tank (ammo/personnel) make the game more interesting than just a HP bar.

I changed the title of this thread to include War Thunder.
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Re: World of Tanks/Planes and War Thunder

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Well, despite what CS has been telling me, my buddy says he got a msg when he logged on just now that his suspension was lifted yesterday afternoon. I almost think those tools at CS were just playing me for some weekend entertainment. I hold no grudge against them if they were, as I have worked for a call center and understand the perils of being on that end of CS, and I have also always been a sucker for a troll. If it wasn't that, I don't know why they wouldn't tell me that the case was resolved amicably by my stated measures.

I might check out WT. I want to give Warplanes a try first, as I had just downloaded it when everything went down the other day, and my boycott has been in place since.
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Re: World of Tanks/Planes and War Thunder

Post by Winnow »

Al wrote:Well, despite what CS has been telling me, my buddy says he got a msg when he logged on just now that his suspension was lifted yesterday afternoon. I almost think those tools at CS were just playing me for some weekend entertainment. I hold no grudge against them if they were, as I have worked for a call center and understand the perils of being on that end of CS, and I have also always been a sucker for a troll. If it wasn't that, I don't know why they wouldn't tell me that the case was resolved amicably by my stated measures.

I might check out WT. I want to give Warplanes a try first, as I had just downloaded it when everything went down the other day, and my boycott has been in place since.
Well my WoWP comments in the beginning of this thread probably still hold true. WT is a little more giving when it comes to earning planes. I worked my ass off in WoWP had like 25 planes. In War Thunder I have almost 250 planes. A little more variety to play around with.

It's worth giving both games a shot. I swore by WoWP to begin with but ended up with WT. There are some things I miss in WoWP such as the smaller community allowed for getting familiar with some of the pilots you fly against but at the same time, the wait times for battles, especially at higher tiers was ridiculously long. WoWP has less than 1K pilots online while WT has 25-45K. It makes a huge difference in wait times. I also liked WoWP for it's more of a focus on air to air as opposed to bombing targets.

One negative of tank battles are bombers: (watch these in 1080p of course!)

(graphics are outstanding though!)

After you play WoWP, you'll appreciate these War Thunder Graphics more:

This guy makes great videos:

He uses some of the planes that aren't considered the best in his videos and still does well: (USA! This one's motivating)

Last video he's flying a f9f Panther while most people that fly US Jets prefer the Sabres.
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Re: World of Tanks/Planes and War Thunder

Post by Chidoro »

War Thunder's plane experience is just better. It's also a lot more active, WoWP is a dead game on the NA servers. I have actually had a 1 v 1 battle before because the game doesn't wait for 15 v 15 games to fill up any longer, they just make matchups as needed.
As far as tanks goes, I like them both. Winnow pointed out the differences already. I've played a lot more WoT (pretty full garage, ~60 tanks) and that will probably continue, but I like them both.
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Re: World of Tanks/Planes and War Thunder

Post by Winnow »


I hadn't been on War Thunder in awhile. Seeing the World of Warships thread made me log back into WT to see if I still had some skillz. It's like riding a bicycle, you never forget!

14 kills and 4 assists my first game back. Of course, that was with my Tier I clubbing mother Russia lineup. Good way to ease back in!

I-301 is IMO the best plane in the game. I was awarded it in some weekend event. Can't buy it or earn it. Be happy if you ever get it. It's so much fun.


Above is my favorite clubber lineup. Also designed to win. Everything is spaded and most have maxed reload/weapon repair skills.

The I-301 and LaGG-3-23 are awarded planes. Can't get those normally. The other two fighters MiG-3-14 (BK) and Yak-1 are also ridiculously OP for tier I (it's a Russian game with huge Russian plane bias IMO) The two Su-2 Light bombers with 6 x 100kg bombs are perfect for taking out AA, tanks, etc. You don't have to worry about bombing Air Bases in tier I matches so no need for huge bombs. the Su-2's both have tail gunners and handle almost like a fighter...sluggish fighter but very maneuverable for bombers.

I typically take out any fighter other than the I-301 to scout out the competition and do as much damage as I can. Then, depending on my team, I'll either break out the I-301 and wreak havok or take out one of the Su-2's if no one on my team is bombing.

Another point to make about this game is that the lower tiers can be some of the most fun. It doesn't take long to get a solid tier I or II lineup and work on your flying skills. No need to put the bazillion hours into getting jets as they aren't as fun anyway.

Before I'm accused of clubbing (because I am with the lineup above) I also play Tier V U.S. and my favorite competitive lineup are my 4X Griffon Spitfires. Tier V U.S. is mostly me bombing the crap out of everything in a B-57 since no one else seems to bomb and you lose if you don't. I've had the top plane F-86F-2 Sabre researched for awhile but haven't spent the SL on it. I typically take out the F-86F-25 along with F9F-2, F-80C-10. Jets just aren't as fun. I also have a lot of the German jets unlocked, including the Mig-15bis which has a nasty cannon but the dog fighting isn't as fun as in tiers I-IV

I lost a little interest after I unlocked all of the planes I was interested in. (240 of them with 65 spaded, well a few of those 240 are tanks).

Still, a 15 minute domination match is one of the most satisfying in gaming. Of the three (Tanks, Planes and Ships) I think planes takes the most skill with less chance of getting lame sniped, etc. When you get a one one one dogfight, it's all about how you fly. PvP at its finest.
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Re: World of Tanks/Planes and War Thunder

Post by Skogen »

WoT is awesome! I've been plying pretty consistently since beta. I've tried both World of Warplanes and World of Warships....they didnt stick. WoT continues to dominate my playtime.

oh and leik hai.
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Re: World of Tanks/Planes and War Thunder

Post by Noysyrump »

If anyone is still avid in WoT or ships or planes...

I really need to trade a Karma Koin card for Steam bucks (or other possible).

Wanted to buy some in-game currency for Mechwarrior Online... Used Karma Koin just a few months ago, but at some point since they dropped it at as a payment method. So now I'm stuck with this $50 card that neither War Thunder or MWO will accept.

So, if anyone wants some premium time or tanks in WOT, dont buy a card, use mine and and save $10 (will trade for $40 steam bucks or something)!

Chances are nobody will see this post... but I gotta try.

Hell I might just have to play WOT for a month or so now... Gawd, I'm so dumb.
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Re: World of Tanks/Planes and War Thunder

Post by Aslanna »

I saw it. But I can't help you. Sorry!
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Re: World of Tanks/Planes and War Thunder

Post by Noysyrump »

Sick Balls!
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