The Official PS4 thread!

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The Official PS4 thread!

Post by Aslanna »

So who is ready for the next console generation? Too soon? Too late?
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Re: The Official PS4 thread!

Post by Winnow »

I'm buying it...then hacking it!

Hoping they solve the crab hands issue with a controller designed for this century and maybe actually give it a custom GPU this time and standard CPU that's not retarded hard to program for developers.

Early rumors have the "Xbox 720" having twice the memory of the "Orbis" Not a good start.

It better support 4K resolution to future proof it.

Total rumor comparisons which may be completely off:
PS4 (Project Thebes) leaked specs:

CPU: 4x Dual-Core AMD64 “Bulldozer” (so, 8x cores)
GPU: AMD R10xx
RAM: 4GB RAM, 512MB of this is reserved for the OS
HDD: 160GB
Audio Output: HDMI & Optical, 2.0, 5.1 & 7.1 channels
Blu-Ray capability
No backwards compatibility
Rumours that PS4 won’t be able to play used games
Xbox720 (Project Kryptos) leaked specs:

CPU: AMD x86 Jaguar 1.6GHZ 8-core processor, and a single core is dedicated for OS-based tasks
GPU: DirectX 11.1 class 800-MHz graphics processor
RAM: 8GB, with 3GB of that being reserved for the operating system
HDD: 500GB (Rumoured 640GB)
Blu-ray capability
Backwards compatibility
Kinect 2.0 and rumoured Augrmented Reality
Each console gets a clean slate for the new generation but I'm liking the "rumored" 720 specs better so far. Would suck if PS4 skimps on the hard drive, memory and backwards compatibility.
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Re: The Official PS4 thread!

Post by Aslanna »

Well hard to tell on specs now since dev console specs don't necessarily mean that's what the release versions will have.

Current rumor seems to be 20-Feb for the 'announcement' for PS4.

Personally for me if I do decide to move on to the next generation it won't be for a year or two after they come out. Let them both work out the ylod/rrod issues while I continue to play current gen bargain bin releases!
Would suck if PS4 skimps on the hard drive, memory and backwards compatibility.
HDD is a nonissue if they use 'standard' HDDs like the PS3. Easy to stick in something larger.

Also don't really give a shit about backwards compatibility. How many xbox games do you play on your 360?
Last edited by Aslanna on February 1, 2013, 12:15 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The Official PS4 thread!

Post by Fairweather Pure »

I'll get them both day one. They look good to me. I'm surprised Sony is getting the jump on the next gen announcement over MS, but they have a lot more to lose and it shows they may have actually learned from past mistakes.

BC is very important to me this time though since I have so many fucking games. The WiiU BC is fantastic. The HDMI alone has lead to cleaner looking Wii games (of which I have many unplayed). It also allowed me to move my Wii to another TV in the house. I would do the same with PS3 and one of my 360's if next gen has BC for those systems. I think MS will, but Sony's cell my cause issues. We'll have to wait and see.

I'm pretty excited about next gen! This gen has had some of the best experiences of my entire life of playing video games.
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Re: The Official PS4 thread!

Post by Winnow »

biggest issue I see is this if accurate:

PS4 : RAM: 4GB RAM, 512MB of this is reserved for the OS

720 : RAM: 8GB, with 3GB of that being reserved for the operating system

4GB is crap for a next gen system. Looks like MS gave themselves plenty of space for the OS. Don't know why Sony would skimp so bad on memory. Supposedly it's DDR5 as opposed to DDR3 for MS. I can envision less laggy game/os swapping and a much better integrated OS with all the extra room. 512mb for the OS is weak with all the crap being thrown into consoles as the central media/entertainment hub these days.

Will have to see the actual specs but still is a big concern for now.

As for Hard drives, yeah, it would be nice of Microsoft allowed for easy external HD additions this time or even easy upgrading of the internal HD.

Prediction: both consoles will physically look as ugly as this generation.

I also hope both companies don't try to go nuts miniaturizing the consoles. I could give a damn about size. I'd rather have something well ventilated and reliable. 100GB Blu Ray on both sounds good to me.

Hoping any kind of possible touch pad integration into the game controllers isn't as retarded as the Wii U's lame ass controller.
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Re: The Official PS4 thread!

Post by Aslanna »

Winnow wrote:Hoping any kind of possible touch pad integration into the game controllers isn't as retarded as the Wii U's lame ass controller.
More than likely the Vita will play into the next PS console as a controller in some fashion. Just a guess!

Anyway, your PS4 specs look slightly outdated:
That being the case, here's what we know is inside PS4 development kits—model # DVKT-KS000K—as of January 2013. As you'll see, some things have changed since earlier kits became available in March 2012.

System Memory: 8GB
Video Memory: 2.2 GB
CPU: 4x Dual-Core AMD64 "Bulldozer" (so, 8x cores)
GPU: AMD R10xx
Ports: 4x USB 3.0, 2x Ethernet
Drive: Blu-Ray
HDD: 160GB
Audio Output: HDMI & Optical, 2.0, 5.1 & 7.1 channels
So... That's really more usable RAM than the '720' (calling it that for now!) since they more than likely aren't reserving 3GB for a crappy Windows 8 variation.
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Re: The Official PS4 thread!

Post by Fairweather Pure »

PS4 has faster RAM and more brute force. The Xbox has more RAM but it's dedicated to run the OS and other bells and whistles (Kinect 2.0?). 3rd party will likely not take advantage of the extra oomphf that the PS4 has, instead choosing to maintain parity between the 2 consoles. The difference would be negligible anyway, much like now. Although almost every single 3rd party game runs better on the 360 and, who knows, that may switch this gen. The real difference will be with first party offerings and the talent behind them. Once again, I think both sides will put out such amazing offerings that any graphical difference will be nitpicking. Basically, it's this gen all over again only 6x-10x more powerful. The problem for MS is that they are going to try and make the Xbox do 100 different things. That could really blow up in their face. Personally, I just want a game console with BC that streams media and plays games. I don't need a DVR in my xbox!

Here is the current stats listed on NeoGaf for the respective consoles.

Durango (Xbox)
- x64 Architecture
- 8 CPU cores running at 1.6 gigahertz (GHz)
- each CPU thread has its own 32 KB L1 instruction cache and 32 KB L1 data cache
- each module of four CPU cores has a 2 MB L2 cache resulting in a total of 4 MB of L2 cache
- each core has one fully independent hardware thread with no shared execution resources
- each hardware thread can issue two instructions per clock

- custom D3D11.1 class 800-MHz graphics processor
- 12 shader cores providing a total of 768 threads
- each thread can perform one scalar multiplication and addition operation (MADD) per clock cycle
- at peak performance, the GPU can effectively issue 1.2 trillion floating-point operations per second

High-fidelity Natural User Interface (NUI) sensor is always present

Storage and Memory:
- 8 gigabyte (GB) of RAM DDR3 (68 GB/s)
- 32 MB of fast embedded SRAM (ESRAM) (102 GB/s)
- from the GPU’s perspective the bandwidths of system memory and ESRAM are parallel providing combined peak bandwidth of 170 GB/sec.
- Hard drive is always present
- 50 GB 6x Blu-ray Disc drive

- Gigabit Ethernet
- Wi-Fi and Wi-Fi Direct

Hardware Accelerators:
- Move engines
- Image, video, and audio codecs
- Kinect multichannel echo cancellation (MEC) hardware
- Cryptography engines for encryption and decryption, and hashing
Orbis (PS4)
Custom implementation of AMD Fusion APU Arquitecture (Accelerated Processing Unit)
Provides good performance with low power consumtion
Integrated CPU and GPU
Considerably bigger and more powerful than AMD’s other APUs

Orbis contains eight Jaguar cores at 1.6 Ghz, arranged as two “clusters”
Each cluster contains 4 cores and a shared 2MB L2 cache
256-bit SIMD operations, 128-bit SIMD ALU
SSE up to SSE4, as well as Advanced Vector Extensions (AVX)
One hardware thread per core
Decodes, executes and retires at up to two intructions/cycle
Out of order execution
Per-core dedicated L1-I and L1-D cache (32Kb each)
Two pipes per core yield 12,8 GFlops performance
102.4 GFlops for system

GPU is based on AMD’s “R10XX” (Southern Islands) architecture
DirectX 11.1+ feature set
Liverpool is an enhanced version of the architecture
18 Compute Units (CUs)
Hardware balanced at 14 CUs
Shared 512 KB of read/write L2 cache
800 Mhz
1.843 Tflops, 922 GigaOps/s
Dual shader engines
18 texture units
8 Render backends

UPDATE: some people is confused about the GPU, here you have more info about it:

Each CU contains dedicated:
- ALU (32 64-bit operations per cycle)
- Texture Unit
- L1 data cache
- Local data share (LDS)

About 14 + 4 balance:
- 4 additional CUs (410 Gflops) “extra” ALU as resource for compute
- Minor boost if used for rendering

Dual Shader Engines:
- 1.6 billion triangles/s, 1.6 billion vertices/s

18 Texture units
- 56 billion bilinear texture reads/s
- Can utilize full memory bandwith

8 Render backends:
- 32 color ops/cycle
- 128 depth ops/cycle
- Can utilize full memory bandwith

4 GB unified system memory, 176 GB/s
3.5 available to games (estimate)

- High speed Blu-ray drive
single layer (25 GB) or dual layer (50 GB) discs
Partial constant angular velocity (PCAV)
Outer half of disc 6x (27 MB/s)
Inner half varies, 3.3x to 6x

- Internal mass storage

One SKU at launch: 500 GB HDD
There may also be a Flash drive SKU in the future

1 Gb/s Ethernet, 802.11b/g/n WIFI, and Bluetooth

Evolved Dualshock controller
Dual Camera
Move controller

Audio Processor (ACP)
Video encode and decode (VCE/UVD) units
Display ScanOut Engine (DCE)
Zlib Decompression Hardware

GPU Details:

Each CU contains dedicated:

- ALU (32 64-bit operations per cycle)
- Texture Unit
- L1 data cache
- Local data share (LDS)

About 14 + 4 balance:
- 4 additional CUs (410 Gflops) “extra” ALU as resource for compute
- Minor boost if used for rendering

Dual Shader Engines:
- 1.6 billion triangles/s, 1.6 billion vertices/s

18 Texture units
- 56 billion bilinear texture reads/s
- Can utilize full memory bandwith

8 Render backends:
- 32 color ops/cycle
- 128 depth ops/cycle
- Can utilize full memory bandwith
Controllers are still a wild card, although Sony has hinted at updating theirs (thank god).

Also, I was gifted a WiiU for Xmas along with 3 games (ZombieU/Mario/Nintendoland) and it's actually pretty damn cool. There are a bunch of really unique features and gameplay in that package. However, there are no games for the damn thing so I sure as hell wouldn't recommend anyone buying one right now. There is Rayman coming up at the end of Feb and then Monster Hunter Tri HD in March. Nintendo Direct teased a slew of games last week, many of which I would actually have bought a WiiU for if I didn't already have one, but they won't be out for a looooong ass time. I'm talking about Wind Walker HD, Xenoblade sequel, Pikmin 3, Youshi game, new 3D Mario & Mario Kart playable at E3, New Brawl, Bayonetta 2, Fire Emblem, and the updated WiiU Virtual console that allows offscreen play on the tablet. Wonderful 101 looks pretty amazing and I'll likely buy the new Aliens game for the WiiU over the other consoles due to the gamepad integration. But even that is fucked up. The game was farmed out to code for the WiiU and it won't be released the same time as the xbox/ps/PC versions. Stuff like this is just killing any chance the WiiU has. They need to get some fucking games out, like yesterday.

I told my friend to wait until summer or fall to buy one. The problem there is that MS and Sony are going to be drawing an awful lot of money from gamers and Nintendo may just get the table scraps. It has already been a very soft launch for the WiiU and without the games it's going to continue to sit on shelves. They also need a price cut, like yesterday.

The controller is pretty sweet though. You can do all sorts of crazy shit with it that I didn't know about. The other week I watched a football game on TV and the wiiu controller had all the plays on the screen with stats and such. Meanwhile, people were texting play by play commentary. It was fun, but a novelty at best IMO. Still, it was cool! It is also the best TV remote I've ever owned, knocking my Harmony One off it's throne! (Which is interesting since Logitech just announced they are dropping the product along with a bunch of others)
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Re: The Official PS4 thread!

Post by Winnow »

Aslanna wrote: Anyway, your PS4 specs look slightly outdated:
That being the case, here's what we know is inside PS4 development kits—model # DVKT-KS000K—as of January 2013. As you'll see, some things have changed since earlier kits became available in March 2012.

System Memory: 8GB
Video Memory: 2.2 GB
CPU: 4x Dual-Core AMD64 "Bulldozer" (so, 8x cores)
GPU: AMD R10xx
Ports: 4x USB 3.0, 2x Ethernet
Drive: Blu-Ray
HDD: 160GB
Audio Output: HDMI & Optical, 2.0, 5.1 & 7.1 channels
So... That's really more usable RAM than the '720' (calling it that for now!) since they more than likely aren't reserving 3GB for a crappy Windows 8 variation.
Hope that's true regarding the 8GB for the PS4. I assume they would expand on 512mb for the OS as well since both GPUs appear to have adequate memory for textures, etc.

Looks like the major drawback (whacky cell processor) has been avoided this round so the two consoles should be more competitive. Sony has also learned quite a bit from their complete online fail for most of this console generation. While PLUS is looking good, their online store, etc still needs a lot of work.

On the hacking side of things, the PS3 ended up being more fun to screw around with as Xbox's hack was more for straight forward pirating while PS3 (because Sony sucks at security and was completely compromised) had more homebrew stuff to play around with.
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Re: The Official PS4 thread!

Post by Funkmasterr »

Unless the PS4 has online functionality that's on par with Xbox live (cross game chat,parties,game invites, much faster comparisons to friends for trophies, etc) it will be the second of the two consoles I buy and there will be no chance of me buying a cross platform game on it.
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Re: The Official PS4 thread!

Post by Aslanna »

Funkmasterr wrote:Unless the PS4 has online functionality that's on par with Xbox live (cross game chat,parties,game invites, much faster comparisons to friends for trophies, etc) it will be the second of the two consoles I buy and there will be no chance of me buying a cross platform game on it.
Cross chat is overrated but I'm fairly certain the PS4 will have it. The Vita does. The only reason they can't add it to the PS3 is due to a hardware limitation/poor planning. Something to do with the memory where it's all given to the game and it can't be changed at this juncture. Some Sony dude gave a bit of an explanation a couple/few years ago.

PS3 already has game invites so not sure what that means. It could be implemented a bit (lot) better but the functionality is there in most games.

Trophies used to be somewhat fast, although it has always synched quite slowly, but when they moved it from Games to Network (or whatever the XMB menu items are) they did something and now it's slower and more annoying. It's quite speedy on the Vita though. I don't see why that shouldn't carry over to the next gen.

Speaking of XMB.. Wonder if they will stick with that or end up redesigning the UI. I hope not.. We'll end up with something hideous and nonfunctional like their redesigned store.
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Re: The Official PS4 thread!

Post by Leonaerd »

Too bad Ratchet & Clank will have terrible online multiplayer.
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Re: The Official PS4 thread!

Post by Winnow »

Aslanna wrote:The only reason they can't add it to the PS3 is due to a hardware limitation/poor planning. Something to do with the memory where it's all given to the game and it can't be changed at this juncture. Some Sony dude gave a bit of an explanation a couple/few years ago.
That's why I'm concerned about the memory in the PS4 since they failed last generation on many parts of their console that any competent company should learn from, especially considering the mega bad publicity they received when PSN was down for a month. I can't imagine they'd repeat the same mistakes but they need to be wise enough to take the opportunity to make major enhancements to PSN with the introduction of the new console.
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Re: The Official PS4 thread!

Post by Aslanna »

Winnow wrote: they need to be wise enough to take the opportunity to make major enhancements to PSN with the introduction of the new console.
No cross game chat for the PS3 is not a failing of PSN. It's a hardware issue. As I said the Vita has cross chat as far as I know.. And it uses PSN!

Cross-game voice chat is not possible on the PlayStation 3 because of memory restrictions, Sony has revealed.

The PS3's RAM is gobbled up by the games it runs, which prevents the much-desired feature from being implemented, Sony Worldwide Studios president Shuhei Yoshida told Eurogamer.

"Once a game gets RAM we never give it back," he said. "It's not possible to retrofit something like that after the fact."

As revealed by Eurogamer yesterday, PS Vita, due out in Europe early next year, actually has more RAM than the PS3.

Vita has 512MB of RAM and 128MB of V-RAM, compared to the PS3's 256MB of system RAM and 256MB of video RAM. This enables features such as cross-game voice chat to run in the background while games are being played.

On the PS3, however, things are different.

"The game has to use its own memory to do [in-game voice chat]. There's always voice chat in the game. But it's a part of a game feature. It's not a part of an OS feature. That's the reason in terms of the ability to have voice chat across different games."
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Re: The Official PS4 thread!

Post by Funkmasterr »

Aslanna wrote:
Funkmasterr wrote:Unless the PS4 has online functionality that's on par with Xbox live (cross game chat,parties,game invites, much faster comparisons to friends for trophies, etc) it will be the second of the two consoles I buy and there will be no chance of me buying a cross platform game on it.
Cross chat is overrated but I'm fairly certain the PS4 will have it. The Vita does. The only reason they can't add it to the PS3 is due to a hardware limitation/poor planning. Something to do with the memory where it's all given to the game and it can't be changed at this juncture. Some Sony dude gave a bit of an explanation a couple/few years ago.

PS3 already has game invites so not sure what that means. It could be implemented a bit (lot) better but the functionality is there in most games.

Trophies used to be somewhat fast, although it has always synched quite slowly, but when they moved it from Games to Network (or whatever the XMB menu items are) they did something and now it's slower and more annoying. It's quite speedy on the Vita though. I don't see why that shouldn't carry over to the next gen.

Speaking of XMB.. Wonder if they will stick with that or end up redesigning the UI. I hope not.. We'll end up with something hideous and nonfunctional like their redesigned store.
Not overrated for me. I use cross game chat and parties, and cross game invited almost every time I use my Xbox. It's a major selling point for me, and I imagine I'm not alone. I also forgo comparing my trophies to my friends most of the time on the PS3 which I like to do and do all the time on the Xbox.
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Re: The Official PS4 thread!

Post by Winnow »

Here are some details on the controller etc: ... 3768.phtml
The controller

Sony's new console will introduce a new take on the traditional PS controller, according to Edge, keeping the same size while adding a small touchpad in place of the Select, Start, and PS buttons. The touchpad is based on the Vita handheld's rear touch tech.

Along with the touchpad, a new "Share" button will give players the ability to immediately capture and distribute screenshots and video online (similar to OnLive's Brag clips); the console will continuously record the last 15 minutes of gameplay, so video is always ready to go (or maybe military are using it to find the next star fighter?), according to Edge. CVG's source echoed this info, which increases its likelihood to be true. It is unclear if this Share button is a physical button or the touch pad itself, accessed by clicking down on it, according to Kotaku.

PS4 will continue to support Sixaxis (improved with tilt correction) and the Move motion controller, according to documents reported by Kotaku. The system launch will also bring about an improved version of the PlayStation Eye peripheral, according to Edge.

Why is this exciting? Sony's new controller will be a natural evolution, as it continues to occupy a place between current trends (touch, motion controls) without fully committing in the way Nintendo has with the Wii and Wii U or dividing the userbase like Microsoft did with Kinect. It's hard to imagine what can be done with such a tiny touch pad, and it's frighteningly easy to imagine what terrible touch gimmicks can be shoved into games after the Vita. The share feature makes me more hopeful, as it sends an early message that Sony is investing in online infrastructure in a big way.


Sony's console may have an advantage over Microsoft's codenamed Durango due to the high performance GDDR5 memroy in the system that can move data at 176 gigabyters per second, according to Edge. A source told the magazine that the PS4 is “slightly more powerful [than Durango]” and “very simple to work with.”

Why is this exciting? The framework of the PS4 will closely resemble a PC, making it easier to develop for and fix (when the inevitable launch batch problems occur). Eurogamer compare the PS4's GPU to the Radeon 7970M laptop GPU (used to run Crysis 2 in the video above). Unless the reports are wrong, PS4 should out do the Durango in terms of sheer power. Can you imagine the next Killzone or Uncharted on this thing?



Rewriting the rulebook on console networks, PS4 will allow more than one user to be logged into a single console at the same time via controllers. Accounts won't be locked to a controller, but each connected controller will require an account to associate it with.

Kotaku reports that this will allow even distribution of trophies in games, such as all four logged players gaining the same achievements from defeating a difficult boss.

There are also premature reports of the console putting a greater emphasis on media, which is kind of stating the obvious at this point. What's more interesting is Sony's plans for the Gaikai tech.

Why is this exciting? Though Xbox Live and PlayStation Network function well enough, it's always a hassle to log in with other players. Starting an offline co-op session can often feel like puzzle to be solved, in certain games. This new system will make the process easier and faster, while putting a greater emphasis on offline couch play -- something hardware manufacturers and game publishers thought would go away, but instead the Wii only increased its value and presence.



Sony's next console will make its debut at a New York event ("See the future.") on Feb. 20, with a holiday launch in US and Japan to come (Europe in 2014), according to The Wall Street Journal, Polygon, and Edge. The predicted price point is somewhere around $350 - 400.
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Re: The Official PS4 thread!

Post by Kluden »

I have to doubt the price...although, since they are using "mainstream" type PC hardware to build this puppy, I imagine initial build costs are lower than the PS3 with all its custom hardware. I foresee it being $399 and $449 for the two initial models.
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Re: The Official PS4 thread!

Post by Winnow »

Kluden wrote:I have to doubt the price...although, since they are using "mainstream" type PC hardware to build this puppy, I imagine initial build costs are lower than the PS3 with all its custom hardware. I foresee it being $399 and $449 for the two initial models.

500 or less seems reasonable. 600 if there's a good reason to pay it (PS4 that comes with an Xbox type controller that also uses normal AA batteries (eneloop ftw!) instead of recharging with a 3 foot cable, or something like that)
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Re: The Official PS4 thread!

Post by Aslanna »

Winnow wrote:
Kluden wrote:I have to doubt the price...although, since they are using "mainstream" type PC hardware to build this puppy, I imagine initial build costs are lower than the PS3 with all its custom hardware. I foresee it being $399 and $449 for the two initial models.

500 or less seems reasonable. 600 if there's a good reason to pay it (PS4 that comes with an Xbox type controller that also uses normal AA batteries (eneloop ftw!) instead of recharging with a 3 foot cable, or something like that)
There's no way they'll come out with a $600 PS4. They got way too much shit for the "Five hundred ninety nine US dollars!" PS3 thing at E3. I expect $400 for the base model. More for Move bundles or whatever.

Also pass on a controller that uses AA batteries. Ones that charge via USB are just fine.
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Re: The Official PS4 thread!

Post by Winnow »

Aslanna wrote: Also pass on a controller that uses AA batteries. Ones that charge via USB are just fine.
Screw that. PS3 controller recharging is retarded. The console has to be on to charge which is stupid to have it on when not using it. I'd rather have two sets of rechargeable batteries that you swap out in about 5 seconds (as you can in the current Xbox controller) and not have to fuck around with a stupid cable or having your console wasting power on all night or finding somewhere else to charge the thing.

eneloop rechargeable batteries kick some serious ass, well worth the investment. You can find them at Costco among other places.


even some inferior rechargeables would work fine
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Re: The Official PS4 thread!

Post by Fairweather Pure »

I bought a PS3 controller charger for 15$ that holds and charges 4 controllers at once and plugs into an outlet. The same thing is on sale on Amazon for $6.40. ... B002RJLHZY
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Re: The Official PS4 thread!

Post by Funkmasterr »

Yeah the charging situation is something I wouldn't mind seeing addressed. Short cords so I can't use the controller while its charging makes a second controller a requirement, and it having to be powered on is a pain.

And I don't use any third party peripherals with my stuff, so there's no legitimate solution for the issue.
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Re: The Official PS4 thread!

Post by miir »

Here's a legitimate solution:

Any mini-usb AC adapter will charge PS3 controllers.
Likewise, any mini-usb cable will charge it.
A 15 foot usb cable costs $2 and a USB AC charger is about $5 @ monoprice.
That's a lot more reasonable than $20+ for 4 X AA + charger you'll need for the 360 controller.
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Re: The Official PS4 thread!

Post by Funkmasterr »

I have the charger already, because using non rechargeable batteries is wasteful. I have the batter pack for the Xbox. 10 dollars for the battery ack and long cord, and it's lasted me all this time. Then if the battery fails I don't have to replace the whole controller.

Plus the Xbox charging it on low power and powering down when it's done is slick. Againthough these are things I have to imagine they know that many prople want addressed, so I'm sure it will be on the PS4.
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Re: The Official PS4 thread!

Post by miir »

Then if the battery fails I don't have to replace the whole controller.
I still have the original 2 controllers from my PS3 (nearly 6 years)... plus one more I bought last year and 2 more move controllers.
I've not had a single controller battery fail.
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Re: The Official PS4 thread!

Post by Winnow »

miir wrote:Here's a legitimate solution:

Any mini-usb AC adapter will charge PS3 controllers.
Likewise, any mini-usb cable will charge it.
A 15 foot usb cable costs $2 and a USB AC charger is about $5 @ monoprice.
That's a lot more reasonable than $20+ for 4 X AA + charger you'll need for the 360 controller.
I have like 16 or so eneloop AA batteries and use them for anything that needs AAs. Well worth the 19.95 w/charger I got them for at Costco. They're awesome. I always have a spare set charging so whatever happens to die, I swap and am good to go. Don't have to hassle with the PC Xbox controller either. They work great in my blue tooth wireless keybord for the iMAc as well.

They're great for Xbox controller (and PS3 if Sony had a clue instead of their 3 inch recharge /waste power solution) but even better in remotes, etc. Not hassling with AA batteries has been great the past 5 years. That's not worth 19.95? It is to me. You can even cheap out and buy lower grade rechargeables if 20.00 breaks your budget.

I hope Xbox sticks with AAs but who knows what the strategy will be if there are touch pads built in.
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Re: The Official PS4 thread!

Post by Aslanna »

AA batteries add unneeded bulk to the controller. That's great for giant monkey hands that find the 360 controller just fine but they're really outdated technology. Get with the times, Microsoft!

As far as a new PS3 controller when the battery dies (hasn't happened to me yet) there are replacements you can buy. However changing the battery isn't quite a straightforward experience since it requires a screwdriver.
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Re: The Official PS4 thread!

Post by Winnow »

I'm willing to concede that I'm right on the battery issue and move onto other specs of the upcoming consoles until we actually know what the recharging method will be.
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Re: The Official PS4 thread!

Post by Aslanna »

Winnow wrote:I'm willing to concede that I'm right on the battery issue and move onto other specs of the upcoming consoles until we actually know what the recharging method will be.
But you're not!
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Re: The Official PS4 thread!

Post by Animalor »

I was originally concerned with the battery life in the PS3 controller but I haven't noticed any appreciable loss of life in my PS3 controller. Now keep in mind they don't get nearly the amount of wear as the 360 controller.

The 360 battery packs however do seem to degrade quickly.

That being said, I greatly prefer the ergonomics of the 360 controller. The wired version (without the hump in the back) is very close to perfect.
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Re: The Official PS4 thread!

Post by Winnow »

Animalor wrote:
That being said, I greatly prefer the ergonomics of the 360 controller. The wired version (without the hump in the back) is very close to perfect.
Agreed, except for the wired part. I always prefer wireless for input devices.

I like the weight of the battery powered 360 controller. The PS3 device feels cheap and flimsy. I could (and will if needed as a reminder) dredge up my post about the bazillion reasons the 360 controller is better than the PS3.

The PS3 needs an ergonomic redesign. Not necessarily the button placement (of course the triggers need some serious work) but the structure of the controller itself which is hard to hold with no gripping points on the bottom which adds to the pain and suffering of crab hands. God (if you believe in that fake bastard) help you if you need to hold the controller with one hand to take a drink or something. If a touch pad is added to the controller, it will hopefully add some much needed weight. Weight, Triggers and ergonomics are what needs to be addressed mostly, along with the recharging issue.

Wii U copied the Xbox, not the PS3 controller, for its "professional" controller. hint hint.
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Re: The Official PS4 thread!

Post by Aslanna »

Animalor wrote:That being said, I greatly prefer the ergonomics of the 360 controller. The wired version (without the hump in the back) is very close to perfect.

Exactly. Because the AA batteries make it too bulky!
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Re: The Official PS4 thread!

Post by Funkmasterr »

I've put in like 85 hours playing ni no kuni since it came out, which is the first time I've put a substantial amount of time into a ps3 game in a while, and it's really a race to finish the game before the controller completely destroys my hands at this point.
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Re: The Official PS4 thread!

Post by Aslanna »

Not sure what the big deal is on the PS3 controllers. I've never felt they were uncomfortable. Only thing I don't quite care for are the bottom triggers. But that doesn't really impact comfort in any way. I have hundreds of hours on the controllers and my hands are doing quite fine.

Maybe it's just what you're used to because when I use the 360 controller for any length of time now I find it uncomfortable.
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Re: The Official PS4 thread!

Post by Funkmasterr »

That could be. I also have nerve damage and other fun side effects in my arms/hands that psoriasis has caused so for whatever reason the xbox controller must put my hands in a better position.
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Re: The Official PS4 thread!

Post by Animalor »

Aslanna wrote:
Animalor wrote:That being said, I greatly prefer the ergonomics of the 360 controller. The wired version (without the hump in the back) is very close to perfect.

Exactly. Because the AA batteries make it too bulky!
Not quite =) The protrusion just forces my fingers down a groove that's a bit too narrow for my taste =)
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Re: The Official PS4 thread!

Post by Aslanna »

Animalor wrote:Exactly. Because the AA batteries make it too bulky!
Not quite =) The protrusion just forces my fingers down a groove that's a bit too narrow for my taste =)[/quote]

Isn't that the same thing? The protrusion is there because that's where the batteries go!
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Re: The Official PS4 thread!

Post by Aslanna »

As if Metro wasn't enough to keep people away from the 720...
A new Edge report suggests that Microsoft's next Xbox gaming console, code-named Durango, will require an Internet connection to use. It also won't be able to play used games, Edge says.

We have not been able to confirm the veracity of this new report, which claims that Durango discs will ship with one-time-use activation codes that render them irrelevant to anyone but the person who first uses them.

Edge also says that the next Xbox will use Blu-ray discs, ship with a new version of Kinect, and hold an AMD eight-core CPU that runs at 1.6GHz and 8 gigabytes of DDR3 RAM.
I have officially zero interest in that console. Even if I don't even buy used games. The constant internet connection thing is lame. Many times I prefer to not be online when playing single player games. My 'assumption' would be that just having the cable plugged in wouldn't be sufficient and you'll need to be logged into your Live account.
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Re: The Official PS4 thread!

Post by Funkmasterr »

We'll see, I'm not going to get all pissed until I know for sure, there have been shitty rumors about both.
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Re: The Official PS4 thread!

Post by Kluden »

That does seem to coincide with the one time use codes with new would need to verify every time you turned on the unit to make sure its yours.

I'm a little surprised that these systems would be one time use only. They better lower the price of games to $40 then...yeah looks like I'm going to just PC game till I get comfortable with no used market. Why does Sony or Xbox care if games are resold? Its not like either is losing money on the current gen anymore. I could understand if publishers care...but why would MS and Sony care about publishers? they will make the games no matter what. I would say they could add one time multiplayer codes to each game. That way if someone wanted to buy a used game and then multiplayer, they would have to buy a new code from the publisher, for say $5.
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Re: The Official PS4 thread!

Post by Aslanna »

Well Sony already does the Online Pass thing where if you do get the game used (or from a friend) it will cost you $10 to access the multiplayer functionality. I'm not sure if Microsoft has a similar thing in place. I guess with the newly rumored system they want to extend it to all games not just MP so that people don't have a choice.

Either way, still no interest in the 720 but I can honestly say there wasn't any there from the beginning. I've actually just cancelled my Gold subscription. I have been meaning to do it for awhile now but this seemed good a time as any.

Can someone create an Official Xbox 720 thread so we can complain about how crappy their console will be in there? I suggest calling it 'Official Xbox 720 Blows Thread' just so there is no doubt!
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Re: The Official PS4 thread!

Post by Funkmasterr »

Ha! As long as nothing extreme happens, I'd be willing to bet the new Xbox is still far superior for multiplayer games. I just don't have faith in Japanese companies realizing the need to make their online services kick ass. Just look at Nintendo for example.
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Re: The Official PS4 thread!

Post by Winnow »

Didn't they already say PS4 won't allow used games? Why so hostile to the announcement that the New Xbox might now either?
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Re: The Official PS4 thread!

Post by Aslanna »

Not sure if you're talking to me or not.. I already stated the no used games thing isn't a deal breaker for me since I don't buy used games. And you're right the PS4 could have the same restriction on used games along with the always on BS. At least we might know that in two weeks! If so I don't see myself purchasing either console. I have no problem with just sticking with PC gaming. PC gaming is usually better quality (graphics-wise) and you can usually find them for cheaper. Being the bargain bin gamer I am that's important!
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Re: The Official PS4 thread!

Post by Funkmasterr »

To be honest I would be surprised if the part about always being online was true. If you can't play used games on it (I hope this doesn't turn out to be true) they don't need an Internet connection to enforce that.

But the no used games-always online tomfoolery could be a deal breaker for me if it turns out to be true.
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Re: The Official PS4 thread!

Post by Kluden »

well, with the added horsepower for the next gen, are the games all going to be 1080P at least? That would be the only thing making it slightly more worth it. And its pretty slight. Its not like the new graphics engines out there are used fully on consoles anyways nowadays. PC games will always look better.
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Re: The Official PS4 thread!

Post by Aslanna »

Ok, instead of complaining about the things we don't want to see I'll take the opposite approach. These are a couple of the things I'd like to see in the PS4:

- Ability to install games to the HDD. There should really be no reason this is not implemented.

- Cross chat ability. Just so the 360 people will shut up about it!

- A modular controller would be cool so that people could put the dpad and sticks where they want. I doubt we'll see that happen though. Just don't get too fancy with the controllers.

- No "redesigned" UI. You already screwed up the store just leave it at that. Although maybe that falls under things we don't want. But seriously.. Don't force a crappy metro UI clone on us.

That's about really. I'm not asking for much.
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Re: The Official PS4 thread!

Post by Funkmasterr »

I can get behind that. I'd really like the ability to buy games day one through the store, with the caveat that I only want that if I then own it and can play it offline.
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Re: The Official PS4 thread!

Post by Leonaerd »

Funkmasterr wrote:with the caveat that I only want that if I then own it and can play it offline.
Sad that we have to specify.
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Re: The Official PS4 thread!

Post by Aslanna »

The next generation of consoles are unlikely to accommodate older games with backwards compatibility, Electronic Arts' chief financial officers told an audience of investors in San Francisco today.

Blake Jorgensen, addressing how EA will manage when new consoles arrive later this year, as is widely expected, pointed to the company's sports catalog and particularly their multiplayer offerings in explaining why they should sell strong up to the changeover.

"An important thing to remember is that next-gen consoles will most likely not be backwards compatible," he said at Goldman Sachs Technology and Internet Conference in San Francisco, according to a transcript of remarks published by Gamasutra. "And if you [play] multiplayer on a game, you'll most likely not be able to play with someone on a different generation."
No surprise there (if true). I didn't expect backwards compatibility for the 720 or the PS4. Not any sort of deal breaker for me. A "nice to have" feature? Sure. But it just adds cost and complexity to the console.
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Re: The Official PS4 thread!

Post by Winnow »

Closer to zero chance for PS4 since they went with the uber retarded honeycomb processor in the PS3. Microsoft could do it much easier if they wanted.

I guess in Microsoft hater viewpoints, that's a point against Xbox 720 since they were less retarded than Sony and could actually possibly include backwards compatibility...they still may via download even if they decide not to support the game DVDs.

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