Presidential Debates

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Presidential Debates

Post by Winnow »

Obama looked like he was asleep at the wheel. Looks like the election will be closer than I thought. Obama has to be a complete moron to lose this thing.
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Re: Presidential Debates

Post by kyoukan »

insightful commentary from veeshan vault's own political expert
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Re: Presidential Debates

Post by Aslanna »

Leave Big Bird alone!
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Re: Presidential Debates

Post by masteen »

While Romney might have "won" the debate due to not being called out on many of his obfuscations and even a few outright lies, by tonight all most people are gonna remember is that Mitt wants to give more to rich people by killing Big Bird.
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Re: Presidential Debates

Post by miir »

Cutting PBS support (0.012% of budget) to help balance the Federal budget is like deleting text files to make room on your 500Gig hard drive
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Re: Presidential Debates

Post by Aslanna »

Just one of his lies:
Republican nominee Mitt Romney has frequently railed against efforts championed by President Barack Obama steering money to promote "green energy."

He continued that line of attack Wednesday night, decrying what he described as "$90 billion in breaks to the green energy world."

"These businesses, many of them have gone out of business -- I think about half of them -- of the ones that have been invested in have gone out of business," the former Massachusetts governor said.

It is fair to say that the 2009 stimulus authorized $90 billion for green energy, as Romney asserted. Whether or not one terms these as "breaks" is subjective, and one shouldn't assume that all the funds went to specific businesses like Solyndra.

Most of the large projects that benefited from the Department of Energy loan program remain in operation -- contrary to Romney's assertion that "almost half" of them had closed.
Romney just sounded like a robot car salesman to me. Answering questions based on what sounded good or what he thought people wanted to hear. How many times did he use the word "jobs"? The answer: A lot. 'For me, this is about jobs. This is about getting jobs for the American people.'. Oh you mean like those jobs you helped eliminate and send overseas to make a profit? Got it! Fucking hypocrite. I don't believe a word that comes out of the guys mouth.

Do people really base who they vote for on these debates? My vote wont change regardless of who "wins". It seems like the only people they might sway are those too lazy to find out about the candidates on their own.
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Re: Presidential Debates

Post by Winnow »

I was watching the debate on PBS but had CNN's web page up streaming it there as well where they had undecided Colorado voters with positive/negative reaction clickers. Seemed rigged. Every time before Obama spoke, the female trend line shot up before he even said anything. The male trend line seemed to actually reflect reactions to what the candidates were saying.

It would be nice to see Obama put a little more effort into these debates since we'll most likely be stuck with him another 4 years. Even Obama supporters should want a little more enthusiasm out of this future lame duck president.
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Re: Presidential Debates

Post by Aslanna »

Proper credit:

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Re: Presidential Debates

Post by miir »

Obviously wasn't trying to take credit (which is why I put it in quotes).
Figured you guys here would be savy enough to use the google if you really wanted to know who said it.
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Re: Presidential Debates

Post by Aslanna »

I was just putting it in context since NdGT obviously gets a a few government dollars!
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Re: Presidential Debates

Post by Aabidano »

Watched a little bit of it, Romney seemed hungry-used-car-salesman-desperate, Obama seemed bored and annoyed.

I'm not sure I see the point of the debates, no one who pays any attention is going to change their mind at this stage.

The "market" isn't magic, and it isn't run by some benign, well meaning Buddha-types. The people running US for profit corporations will in general shaft anyone, anytime they can get away with it to make a buck. Assuming it's even quasi-legal, insurance companies in particular.

They've shown it time and again, it's their responsibility to maximize profits and no one will call them on the carpet or publicly shame them on it (as would be happening if we actually had "liberal" media.).
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Re: Presidential Debates

Post by miir »

At least Obama wasn't trolled into saying something that could be repeated ad-nauseum by right wing pundits and in attack ads. The best they can do is attack his record over the past 4 years... which isn't going to whip any people into a frenzy (who aren't already there).
I was just putting it in context since NdGT obviously gets a a few government dollars!
Indeed. :)
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Re: Presidential Debates

Post by Winnow »

Can't wait for the foreign affairs debate to see how many times Obama mentions Bin Laden. (bonus points if he mentions how tense it was in the ready room)
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Re: Presidential Debates

Post by Aslanna »

As opposed to Romney who will have to sit there looking stupid because he has no foreign affairs experience. Unless you count insulting England and the Palestinians. If he wins the election we really shouldn't let him leave the country.
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Re: Presidential Debates

Post by Boogahz »

Aslanna wrote:As opposed to Romney who will have to sit there looking stupid because he has no foreign affairs experience. Unless you count insulting England and the Palestinians. If he wins the election we really shouldn't let him leave the country.
Kinda like the muzzle generally kept on Biden!
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Re: Presidential Debates

Post by Kilmoll the Sexy »

Romney destroyed him in the debate. When even the liberal leaning rags are declaring it was a lopsided win and that Obama was not prepared for what Romney brought, then you have problems. You are not going to change the minds of the people who already decided who they are voting for....but you can sway the very important middle that voted for Obama last time and that is the deciding votes in this race.

I bet you Obama is not going to be allowed by his handlers to go do the talk show circuit instead of preparing for the next one.
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Re: Presidential Debates

Post by Sylvus »

I agree that Romney "won", by the standard that we judge a debate, but I think that just reflects on how fucked up our debates are. How did he win? Because he looked prepared and remembered his lines from the script he was supposed to follow? He didn't really provide any details about any of his plans, yet again; it's more of "I'll reduce the budget and get rid of things people don't like and give them more of what they do want" platitudes with a wink and a smile and a twinkle in his eye.
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Re: Presidential Debates

Post by Winnow »

That's the way it works. Last election Obama could say anything he wanted. It's a little different once you're in office.

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Denver, Colorado (CNN) -- By most accounts, Republican challenger Mitt Romney was the clear winner of Wednesday's first debate with President Barack Obama. Romney engaged the incumbent while Obama looked down at his lectern. The challenger was a more forceful debater while Obama appeared less than engaged.

Romney appeared practiced, at ease, confident and fluent in all things Obama. He aggressively criticized the president's record while also outlining, however vaguely, his own ideas about taxes and the deficit. Obama -- his answers slow, dry and cautious -- looked shaky.

When the sparring turned to taxes -- an issue on which voters trust Obama over Romney, according to polls -- Romney played down legitimate questions about his tax plan and stressed again and again that he wants to reduce taxes on middle income families.

Opinion: Romney shakes up the race

He seized on Vice President Joe Biden's latest verbal miscue about how the middle class has been "buried" by the policies of the last four years.

"Under the president's policies, middle-income Americans have been buried," Romney said. "They're just being crushed. Middle income Americans have seen their income come down by $4,300. This is a tax in and of itself. I'll call it the economy tax. It's been crushing."

Obama had a chance to brush his opponent back by hammering home the fact that Romney has been strikingly vague in explaining just how he would pay for an across the board 20% tax cut without cutting cherished tax deductions.

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Instead, a lethargic Obama veered into a plodding, numbers-based criticism of Romney's tax plan that was a far cry from his campaign trail rallying cries about how Republicans favor the rich.

Obama's performance in the first part of the debate called to mind a segment on "The Daily Show" in the early days of the Obama administration, when Jon Stewart teased the newly burdened president's press conferences as boring and uninspiring -- a far cry from the inspirational figure of 2008.

Romney entered the encounter with Obama battered, weary and under fire from his fellow Republicans. At the end of the night, he stood on equal footing in a 90-minute debate with the president of the United States. That's a win.

Candidates hit campaign trail after Romney's strong debate
2. Romney holds his own

It was the biggest question coming into this first showdown: Could Romney seem presidential standing next to the Obama?

"He held his own against the president of the United States, and for a Republican challenger that's pretty good," commented CNN's Wolf Blitzer, chief anchor of the network's political coverage.

"Romney at least held his own on the big questions: On the economy and the role of government," added CNN Chief National Correspondent John King. "When you're the challenger and you at least hold your own with the president of the United States in the very first debate, you walk off the stage happy."

Opinion: It wasn't just Romney who won

Romney's campaign was thrilled with its candidate's performance.

"If it was a boxing match, it would have been called," said Eric Fehrnstrom, a senior adviser to the former Massachusetts governor. "I've got to believe that the heels on the president's shoes are worn down from being back on them for 90 minutes."

As you can imagine, the Obama campaign saw the debate very differently.

"(Romney) was on defense all night long," said David Plouffe, a senior adviser to the president.

It appears debate watchers think Romney passed the test every challenger faces in trying to stand with an incumbent president. According to a CNN/ORC International poll conducted right after the session, 67% of debate watchers questioned said that Romney won. One in four said Obama was victorious.

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3. Missed opportunities

Heading into the debate, there was a belief, an expectation that Obama would challenge Romney on the infamous 47% remark in an attempt to paint the former Massachusetts governor as a cold-hearted patrician with little empathy for the middle class and poor. If executed correctly, it could have put Romney on defense and changed the tenor of the debate.

Obama didn't do it, which turned out to be a major mistake.

Nor did the president question Romney on why he wouldn't release more details about his taxes. Another opportunity lost in an effort to try and portray Romney as being an out-of-touch elitist.

Obama's failure to take the fight to Romney and the challenger's ability to dictate the tone and speed of the debate helped Romney win.

Opinion: Romney wasn't stellar, Obama fell short

The narrative heading into the evening was that Romney's campaign was listing and in serious need of a win. To Romney's credit, he never blamed his staff for problems that beset his campaign over the past few weeks and he was the one who righted the ship.

Romney made the case that he was in the race to help the middle class at the same time advocating a government that was more business friendly. Romney's repeated references to business -- particularly his pledge to help small businesses -- opened a door for Obama to bring in the former Massachusetts governor's time at Bain Capital. It was never brought up.

Romney's strong performance comes at a critical time as conservatives have been openly criticizing his campaign and poll numbers in key battleground states such as Ohio were trending toward Obama.

Romney played offense, while Obama was forced to play defense. With 33 days until Election Day -- you don't want to be on defense.

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4. Body language matters

Sometimes how a candidate looks is more important than what he says.

That may have been the case in the first presidential debate, in which Romney often looked more at ease than Obama. When speaking, Romney often looked directly at Obama, while the president mainly looked at the moderator or the cameras when he was speaking. And Obama looked down quite often while Romney was speaking.

"The president could barely look at Mitt Romney, which was interesting. He really wouldn't engage with him, where as Romney would take the president on, on every issue." said CNN Chief Political Analyst Gloria Borger.

While Romney's body language seemed energetic, the president's body language was just the opposite. He seemed a bit irritated.

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"I don't think anyone's ever spoken to him like that over the last four years. I think he found that not only surprising but offensive. It looked like he was angry at times," added CNN Senior Political Analyst David Gergen, who has advised both Democratic and Republican presidents.

While Romney took part in nearly 20 GOP primary debates this cycle, Obama has not participated in a debate in four years. And it showed.

"Participating in so many Republican primary debates helped Mitt Romney. He was, right from the beginning, more comfortable debating. The president was rusty as a debater. He hasn't done this in four years." King said.

Senior Obama campaign advisers disagreed, saying that it was Romney who appeared ill at ease.

"People at home saw (Romney) get testy, interrupt the moderator," Obama campaign deputy communications director Stephanie Cutter told CNN.

"My thought is that you're going to find that people watching at home thought he was quite testy," Plouffe added.

Read the transcript of the first presidential debate
5. Chris Christie vindicated

New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie bothered the heck out of Romney-world last Sunday when he shirked the expectations game and stated flatly that the GOP nominee would deliver an earthquake of debate performance that would turn the presidential race "upside down."

Not on message in the slightest. But it turns out Christie might have been right.

In the post-debate spin room, the very same Romney backers who were hyper-cautious heading into Wednesday night's debate were suddenly sounding a lot like Christie.

"Chris Christie is quite the prognosticator," said Romney adviser Eric Fehrnstrom.

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South Dakota Sen. John Thune said Romney assuaged the Republican concerns about his candidacy -- and then some.

"I think this was a make or break moment for the Romney campaign and he delivered," Thune told reporters. "This is a whole new ball game."

One high-ranking Romney adviser also acknowledged what no one on their team would admit prior the debate: That a poor showing Wednesday could have derailed Romney's candidacy.

"We needed a big performance and we got a big performance," the adviser told CNN. "There's a lot of relief right now."

After the debate concluded, Christie adviser Bill Palatucci made sure to plug his boss.

"Only Chris Christie had the guts to say what he really thought -- that Mitt would shine," Palatucci told CNN in an email.
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Re: Presidential Debates

Post by Asheran Mojomaster »

Romney only won by lying about almost every point...and Obama didn't call him on any of it.

They are both idiots.
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Re: Presidential Debates

Post by Neroon »

It's pretty sad when the only one calling him out on the lies is John Stewart (not a shot at John, I love the Daily Show). God forbid any major news outlets do their job.
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Re: Presidential Debates

Post by Winnow »

Obama better watch out. A solid performance in the next debate along with a few "bonus" votes and Romney's in business!
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Re: Presidential Debates

Post by Tyek »

Winnow wrote:Can't wait for the foreign affairs debate to see how many times Obama mentions Bin Laden. (bonus points if he mentions how tense it was in the ready room) (NSFW for Language) (NSFW for language)

happy the show is back.
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Re: Presidential Debates

Post by Siji »

Asheran Mojomaster wrote:Romney only won by lying about almost every point...and Obama didn't call him on any of it.
This, and honestly I'm getting really f'n sick of it. (The Obama not calling Romney on his shit part) There's like a bigger pool of crap to pull from on making Romney look like the idiot he is and Obama didn't even dip his toe into the water. I don't know what to think of his performance at the debate, I honestly don't. Whatever it is, he needs to fucking get with it or he deserves to lose.

I know a lot of you don't like him and I can understand that, but I seriously question your sanity if you think Romney is a good choice of people to have in office. 'Enough digits to hold a pen'. That's what your party thinks of him. That this doesn't frighten you frightens me.

All of that said, Romney won that debate no question. Regardless the lack of truth, regardless of what he said, he said it quickly and with conviction. There was no hesitation, there was a comeback for every point made, etc. Obama looked like he barely knew who Romney was. Just fucking pathetic.
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Re: Presidential Debates

Post by Aabidano »

Romney isn't the problem IMO, it's the party driving the bus who are the issue. Ryan as a VP choice shows clearly the shape of a Romney presidency.

RNC Koolaide drinking co-worker asked "what if Romney brought his LDS values to the presidency?". I said I thought he'd be a great president for about 3 months then the party would rebel underneath him and and he'd either knuckle under and comply (like the democrats do) or waste the rest of his term.

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Re: Presidential Debates

Post by masteen »

The modern GOP is all about hard lines and purity tests, which is why I drift away from them.
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Re: Presidential Debates

Post by Jice Virago »

That shit basically started when all the pro-Israeli people jumped to the GOP and allied with the "rapture can't come soon enough" Jeebus freaks to form the neo-conservative arm of the party, mostly in the late Carter/early Reagan years. When Clinton made Bush 1 a one term president is when they flipped their shit, because they had more than a decade of things going their way on all fronts and thus the propaganda war on Rush and Fox began, though to be fair CNN was called the "Clinton News Network" for a reason. When they started enshrining Reagan as some sort of religeos figure is when the wheels came off and the party was never going to be reasonable again, with shit like wanting to replace Jefferson on Mt Rushmoore with Reagan because Jefferson boinked some of his slaves. The whole propaganda ball got rolling after Watergate, though, because the people behind the scenes (and Nixon publically) stated that they felt they needed control of the media to prevent all of the backlash (ie people getting pissed at the illegal/unethical shit you are doing) from happening. Of course if you ask a modern day conservatard how a bunch of wealthy war mongering jews and illiterate baptists formed up the base of the largest pro business party in the history of the planet, they have no fucking clue how their party got from Ike to where it is now.

The irony is that if Reagan or Nixon were alive and to run on their record today, they would both be run out of the party on a rail for being hippy liberal douches. Nixon made peace with China, ended the Veit-Nam war, resigned rather than drag Watergate out, and was actually fairly moderate on a lot of social positions. Reagan made peace with the Soviets, taxed the fuck out of people, was pro gun control, made many bi-partisan agreements on policy, was a Hollywood figure, and negotiated with Iran. What fucking communist pussies!
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Short of changing human nature, therefore, the only way to achieve a practical, livable peace in a world of competing nations is to take the profit out of war.

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Re: Presidential Debates

Post by Kilmoll the Sexy »

You lost me completely when you said Reagan was pro-gun control. He may have been catering to his base in Kalifornia and he supported the Brady Bill for 7 day waiting periods (which was before our instant checks of today), but he was definitely not for a broad gun control.

Ronald Reagan, concerning gun control:

"You won't get gun control by disarming law-abiding citizens. There's only one way to get real gun control: Disarm the thugs and the criminals, lock them up and if you don't actually throw away the key, at least lose it for a long time... It's a nasty truth, but those who seek to inflict harm are not fazed by gun controllers. I happen to know this from personal experience."
Again, Reagan speaks to this fact:

"There are those in America today who have come to depend absolutely on government for their security. And when government fails they seek to rectify that failure in the form of granting government more power. So, as government has failed to control crime and violence with the means given it by the Constitution, they seek to give it more power at the expense of the Constitution. But in doing so, in their willingness to give up their arms in the name of safety, they are really giving up their protection from what has always been the chief source of despotism -- government."
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Re: Presidential Debates

Post by kyoukan »

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Re: Presidential Debates

Post by Funkmasterr »

I honestly don't see why anyone even acknowledges that kilmoll says anything in this forum anymore. It's a waste of time, he's a delusional nutcase.
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Re: Presidential Debates

Post by Jice Virago »

Because he is a swing state voter, which is to say he will be dressing up as a cop and standing outside polling places to scare the darkies off in a few weeks.
War is an option whose time has passed. Peace is the only option for the future. At present we occupy a treacherous no-man's-land between peace and war, a time of growing fear that our military might has expanded beyond our capacity to control it and our political differences widened beyond our ability to bridge them. . . .

Short of changing human nature, therefore, the only way to achieve a practical, livable peace in a world of competing nations is to take the profit out of war.

"Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired, represents, in the final analysis, a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, who are cold and are not clothed. This world in arms is not spending money alone. It is spending the sweat of its laborers, the genius of its scientists, the hopes of its children."

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Re: Presidential Debates

Post by kyoukan »

the huge gut and slumped shoulders of defeat in all things masculine may throw off the disguise.
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Re: Presidential Debates

Post by Kilmoll the Sexy »

Jice Virago wrote:Because he is a swing state voter, which is to say he will be dressing up as a cop and standing outside polling places to scare the darkies off in a few weeks.

does that job come with good health care coverage?

Is the midget trying to make cracks about people's weight or looks? Is that on the table now? I would just like to know so I can begin abusing it.
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Re: Presidential Debates

Post by miir »

I've got 99 problems and I'm not dealing with any of them - Lay-Z
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Re: Presidential Debates

Post by Leonaerd »

kil so small peen he get big gun for to compensate
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Re: Presidential Debates

Post by kyoukan »

sounds like someone's feelings got hurt. go ahead and make fun of my looks. later I'll try to find a blind person to make fun of my eyesight.
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Re: Presidential Debates

Post by Kilmoll the Sexy »

I am sure anyone who tolerates you on a regular basis would need to be blind and/or deaf. I am actually surprised that anyone, outside of whichever crazy family member raped you, would actually get near you long enough to stick any part of their body into you.
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Re: Presidential Debates

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Re: Presidential Debates

Post by Funkmasterr »

Oh no he di'int!
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Re: Presidential Debates

Post by Jice Virago »

Kilmoll frothing at the mouth made my day. Anytime he asks why no one takes him seriously, I am going to link back to this post. What a fucking Cromagnon.
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Short of changing human nature, therefore, the only way to achieve a practical, livable peace in a world of competing nations is to take the profit out of war.

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Re: Presidential Debates

Post by Winnow »

Watching the male/female immediate response meter on CNN, I'm surprised the females haven't broken their clickers every time Ryan speaks.
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Re: Presidential Debates

Post by Asheran Mojomaster »

Biden came off as an arrogant windbag (though, he was right on most of his points)

Ryan came off as stuck up, and full of shit

I think I need to be a politician. I can already talk most people into doing whatever I want them to, and I can turn a simple answer into a 5 minute speech.

Maybe I will run for President in 2024!
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Re: Presidential Debates

Post by Winnow »

I was watching CNN so they had both candidates on screen at all times. Biden came off as a huge douche to me with all of his laughing. I don't give a shit what your position is, you look like a douche when you're laughing, especially about nukes, etc.

Biden interrupted Ryan 82 times. EIGHTY-TWO TIMES! Jesus. Even democrats should have been wanting him to just shut the fuck up while Ryan was speaking and choose his interruptions a little more wisely. Interruptions lose effectiveness when you do it constantly and sit there laughing/smirking whenever he wasn't.

I thought Ryan did a decent job. At least he interrupted Biden about eight times less, with only a couple smirks. I thought it was funny that Biden kept asking if he'd have time to respond when Biden's talk time was longer than Ryan's the entire debate.

I'm sure Biden was told to just try and disrupt the debate so he didn't outright lose it.
: CNN-ORC post-debate poll of Registered Voters: 48% said Ryan won. 44% said Biden won. Sampling error: +-5%
I'd call that being generous to Biden. I guess we'll see the "bad-ass" side of Obama next election try to make himself look less sleepy and non caring that last debate.
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Re: Presidential Debates

Post by Asheran Mojomaster »

Winnow wrote:I was watching CNN so they had both candidates on screen at all times. Biden came off as a huge douche to me with all of his laughing. I don't give a shit what your position is, you look like a douche when you're laughing, especially about nukes, etc.

Biden interrupted Ryan 82 times. EIGHTY-TWO TIMES! Jesus. Even democrats should have been wanting him to just shut the fuck up while Ryan was speaking and choose his interruptions a little more wisely. Interruptions lose effectiveness when you do it constantly and sit there laughing/smirking whenever he wasn't.

I thought Ryan did a decent job. At least he interrupted Biden about eight times less, with only a couple smirks. I thought it was funny that Biden kept asking if he'd have time to respond when Biden's talk time was longer than Ryan's the entire debate.

I'm sure Biden was told to just try and disrupt the debate so he didn't outright lose it.
: CNN-ORC post-debate poll of Registered Voters: 48% said Ryan won. 44% said Biden won. Sampling error: +-5%
I'd call that being generous to Biden. I guess we'll see the "bad-ass" side of Obama next election try to make himself look less sleepy and non caring that last debate.
I'm not a Dem at all, and I completely disagree. I think Biden won that, hands down. No matter how arrogant he was acting, or how much he was interrupting, he was controlling that debate. He had Ryan on his heels, and he did it while mostly telling the truth (I would debate how "truthful" some things were, based on my own views, but they were truthful in what he was doing, and according to the numbers).

Ryan lied, or twisted facts more, and still couldn't get the upper hand.

I am pretty sure Ryan is only the VP nominee because he is "cute" and a good speaker. If you really listen to what he is saying, it makes very little sense, or is completely wrong. He does sound very smart while he is saying it though.
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Re: Presidential Debates

Post by Asheran Mojomaster »

It makes me so sad that McCain picked Palin as his VP for the 2008 election. He is one of the few politicians that I actually have respect for. I was a Ron Paul supporter in the Republican primaries leading up to the 2008 election (I know hes a bit crazy on some of his views, but he is so dead on for others), but I would have voted for McCain if he had ANYONE other than Sarah Palin as his VP.

The man is so old, and has had so many health problems, that I, and many people like me, could not vote for him in good conscience. Putting that woman a heart attack from the presidency was unthinkable.
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Re: Presidential Debates

Post by Winnow »

Poll: Romney leads Obama in Florida by 7 points

By Holly Bailey, Yahoo! News | The Ticket – 5 hrs ago

Mitt Romney has opened up a 7-point lead over President Barack Obama in Florida—yet more proof that last week's presidential debate may have been a game changer for the Republican nominee's campaign.

A new Tampa Bay Times/Miami Herald/Bay News 9 poll found Romney leading Obama 51 percent to 44 percent among likely Florida voters. That's a major shift from last month when the two contenders were statistically tied in the state.

According to the poll, 5 percent of previously undecided and 2 percent of Obama backers moved to Romney's corner after the debate, while another 2 percent of Obama supporters now say they are undecided.

The poll comes as both candidates have intensified their focus on the state. Romney spent last weekend campaigning in Florida, while Obama stumped there on Thursday.
Maybe the GOP won't need any "special" votes in Florida after all.
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Re: Presidential Debates

Post by Asheran Mojomaster »

Winnow wrote:
Poll: Romney leads Obama in Florida by 7 points

By Holly Bailey, Yahoo! News | The Ticket – 5 hrs ago

Mitt Romney has opened up a 7-point lead over President Barack Obama in Florida—yet more proof that last week's presidential debate may have been a game changer for the Republican nominee's campaign.

A new Tampa Bay Times/Miami Herald/Bay News 9 poll found Romney leading Obama 51 percent to 44 percent among likely Florida voters. That's a major shift from last month when the two contenders were statistically tied in the state.

According to the poll, 5 percent of previously undecided and 2 percent of Obama backers moved to Romney's corner after the debate, while another 2 percent of Obama supporters now say they are undecided.

The poll comes as both candidates have intensified their focus on the state. Romney spent last weekend campaigning in Florida, while Obama stumped there on Thursday.
Maybe the GOP won't need any "special" votes in Florida after all.
Well, if the old people (aka most of the voters in Florida) paid attention to the VP debates tonight, they may rethink that. Biden was not lying when he talked about Obama\his medicaid numbers VS Romney\Ryan's.

I honestly want Obama to win at this point. He has a poor showing in the debate, but at least I know his plan and the way he is going to fuck me.

I'm still unsure on most of Romney's, and the ideas he has been clear about do not sit well with me.
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Re: Presidential Debates

Post by Funkmasterr »

Asheran Mojomaster wrote:It makes me so sad that McCain picked Palin as his VP for the 2008 election. He is one of the few politicians that I actually have respect for. I was a Ron Paul supporter in the Republican primaries leading up to the 2008 election (I know hes a bit crazy on some of his views, but he is so dead on for others), but I would have voted for McCain if he had ANYONE other than Sarah Palin as his VP.

The man is so old, and has had so many health problems, that I, and many people like me, could not vote for him in good conscience. Putting that woman a heart attack from the presidency was unthinkable.
Apparently you didn't look much into McCain. Look up how he acted throughout the entire process of removing the don't ask don't tell policy. When they actually surveyed people in the military, and came back with the results (that the majority don't give a shit about the sexual preference of the people they are serving with), he actually threw a little temper tantrum and stomped out of the meeting like a 4 year old. The man is a racist, homophobic, ignorant child in an old mans body.
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Re: Presidential Debates

Post by Asheran Mojomaster »

Funkmasterr wrote:
Asheran Mojomaster wrote:It makes me so sad that McCain picked Palin as his VP for the 2008 election. He is one of the few politicians that I actually have respect for. I was a Ron Paul supporter in the Republican primaries leading up to the 2008 election (I know hes a bit crazy on some of his views, but he is so dead on for others), but I would have voted for McCain if he had ANYONE other than Sarah Palin as his VP.

The man is so old, and has had so many health problems, that I, and many people like me, could not vote for him in good conscience. Putting that woman a heart attack from the presidency was unthinkable.
Apparently you didn't look much into McCain. Look up how he acted throughout the entire process of removing the don't ask don't tell policy. When they actually surveyed people in the military, and came back with the results (that the majority don't give a shit about the sexual preference of the people they are serving with), he actually threw a little temper tantrum and stomped out of the meeting like a 4 year old. The man is a racist, homophobic, ignorant child in an old mans body.
Well, I didn't say I agreed with him on 100% of his policies. I do not think that would be possible unless I decide to run for office myself, and the majority of people his age are not going to be very gay friendly. I was also sad to see how he changed a lot of his views in the years prior to his presidential campaign(s). He did a few small changes before attempting it in 2000, then pandered a lot to the extreme right in 2008, but still kept his own views on most issues.

No politician will ever be perfect, but some are much better than others.
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Re: Presidential Debates

Post by kyoukan »

Mccain was a great politician up until 2004 when he sold out his integrity and endorsed Bush for a shot at running for president in 2008. It showed how defeated he was after that. He just stopped giving a shit about anything but winning and has turned into one of the more obnoxious republican trolls.

Before that, he was so non-partisan that there was serious talk about Kerry picking him as a VP candidate. He ended up taking Lieberman, who is an even bigger repubican troll.
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Re: Presidential Debates

Post by Zaelath »

kyoukan wrote:Mccain was a great politician up until 2004 when he sold out his integrity and endorsed Bush for a shot at running for president in 2008. It showed how defeated he was after that. He just stopped giving a shit about anything but winning and has turned into one of the more obnoxious republican trolls.

Before that, he was so non-partisan that there was serious talk about Kerry picking him as a VP candidate. He ended up taking Lieberman, who is an even bigger repubican troll.
I still think McCain could win 2016, if he's still alive. Call me cynical, but the republican primaries this year looked like what was left after everyone else took a step back.

He'd need to run with someone a little to the right of Cheney to placate Kilmoll and the rest of the teabaggers, but he's still the cleanest candidate they have that doesn't make you want vomit and has some hope of winning votes in the centre. Perhaps by 2016 the GOP will realise they can't win by getting 250% of the far right votes until they're the ones in control of the voting machines again.
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