L.A. Noire (Rape Panties)

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L.A. Noire (Rape Panties)

Post by Winnow »

Tried out La Noire today.

First of all, it's from Rockstar (GTA series and Red Dead Revolver) so the production values are going to be high.

You play a 1940's cop/detective in Los Angeles.


-Game map area is huge and detailed. Best looking open world yet and looks very much the part of the time frame.

-Lip sync for the avatars is best I've seen as well. Faces look great and are at times a little freaky to look at due to the realism. This plays a big role as you must use your detective skills to evaluate facial expressions and mannerisms.

-Animations are excellent. The characters and scenes flow well from cut scene to live action and back to cut scenes.



-I'd put driving on par with GTA IV. Being a cop, you can ram a few cars (accidentally) and not get an all points bulletin put out on you. At the same time, your partner will give you a hard time if you drive bad. I've made a point to avoid running anyone over. I may have killed one pedestrian...not sure. A red icon popped up on the screen after I was in an accident but at the same time there was some criminal activity so it may have been a random crime event I could have pursued while on my way to the next case.

-Searching for clues is fun and they don't always lead you to the clues. Once you find a clue spot (controller rumbles...wonder what they do for original PS3 owners with no rumble) you can move your hand around...pick up various items if more than one...once in your hand you can move it around and examine it...turn it the right way and you may spot a serial number, etc.

-Story seems ok, and it better be for a game like this. There are 21 cases to solve as well as 40 other crimes.

-Voice acting is excellent

-You get experience for doing a good job questioning witnesses, etc. If you guess right on determining if they are telling the truth, doubt them or lying, you get XP. You also have a cool cluebook with all your gathered stuff. Sometimes when calling out a witness, you need to select the clue/evidence that proves or calls into question the witness' statement. You can use your XP to make it easier to find clues at crime scenes.

-The main character is a WW2 war hero so there's some flashbacks which give some insight into the character. So far they've been well done.

-it's one of those games that you sometimes stop and look around at how nice everything looks in the game (just like Red Dead)

-game mechanics are simple as they can be. when possible, the game makes it so you don't need to push buttons to do things...like climbing, jumping over fences, etc. Hand to hand fighting is fun. Shooting on the run is well done. Cover mechanics are well done

-pretty lengthy game stats. Typical stuff like max speed in an automobile...number of cars driven, ways killed people, etc. There's a lot of those kinda stats.

-Looks like they made an attempt to make the games UI as simple and unobtrusive as possible. So far it's been great. Tutorial runs the first few cases and is well integrated.

-If you don't feel like driving around town to get from place to place, you can make your partner drive. I think that's a good move. Sometimes it's fun to drive but with all the locations, you might want to take a breather from behind the wheel once in awhile.


-Hadn't played more than an hour and I was 10% done. Now, I think the percentage is based on the 21 cases alone and the first few cases are really short and easy so I'm thinking that's why it shows close to 10%. I had completed 3/21 cases and 0/40 side crimes so the percentages don't add up. Case #4 which I'm on, seems to be taking longer so I don't think there's reason to panic on game length.

-So far, I've been almost perfect in my detective work. I have feeling this is also due to the tutorial/beginning part of the game. For the first few cases, I didn't have a lot of choice and felt like I was in an interactive movie, pushing a button here and there. It's too early to tell and I think the game world will open up. I wasn't restricted to going anywhere. I could walk across the entire town if I wanted to but stuck to the case.

-Game may move a little slow for the FPS fans out there. This game is story driven not shooter driven.


I'm not far into the game. Less than two hours, so the negatives I've mentioned may not hold true. There's probably not much convincing needed to try out this game. If you've played GTA IV and Red Dead, you know it's going to be a quality game. Where this game takes another step up is in the facial expressions, lip syncing, etc. I received a promotion after three cases from cop to detective. It's going to be fun watching the main character advance through the story.
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Re: La Noire

Post by Aslanna »

Winnow wrote:First of all, it's from Rockstar (GTA series and Red Dead Revolver) so the production values are going to be high.
Did you mean Red Dead Redemption? I'd say Revolver was more a Capcom game than Rockstar since they were the initial developers and then Rockstar picked it up then added to it and changed some stuff around. So yeah while they were involved I'd say more people know Redemption than Revolver. omg the same initials so can't use RDR!
Winnow wrote:-Game may move a little slow for the FPS fans out there. This game is story driven not shooter driven.
I'm not really a big fan of FPSs but from what I've seen and read about the game it just doesn't sound that interesting to me. I know they spent a lot of time on it and the characters are supposed to look realistic and such but I don't see how asking people questions and watching for facial expressions to be very exciting. Then again I never liked detective type books/movies so maybe that has something to do with my interest level being so low.

So while it's not for me hopefully it will do ok in sales so more developers will take chances and not just push out sequels or first person shooters. Or sequels of first person shooters.
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Re: La Noire

Post by Fairweather Pure »

I'll buy it when it's dirt cheap.
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Re: La Noire

Post by Winnow »

I did mean Red Dead Redemption. I couldn't remember the last part of the name. If Rockstar didn't develop that one then it at least looks as good as that one and has all the same kind of characteristics in environment quality except stepped up a notch.

OK, the cases get longer so the initial 10% complete in an hour shouldn't be a concern.

A few things to note from my 5th case. No spoilers:

At the end of the case I got a report.

Clues found: 13/14
Questions Correct: 8/13
Vehicle Damage: $1,099 (pretty serious head on collision)
City Damage: $278 (I knocked over a few street lamps)

So you can't go on rampage in your car unless you want vehicle and city damage bills to get out of control.

Also, there's Case Notes at the end. Even though I solved the case, it tells me what I could have done to make a witness give some information to make it easier.

Besides determining if lying or telling the truth, if you do tell someone they're lying, you need to pick the right piece of evidence you found to help prove they're lying. I missed a question or two before I figured that out.

Your partner also acts like a GPS while driving if you hit X he'll tell you which way to turn, etc.

Another nice thing is that you can skip certain action scenes if you fail them or altogether. I screwed up tailing someone three times and it asked if I wanted to skip the scene. Nice. Tailing isn't super hard but if you swerve at all, the suspect will notice you, if you hit anything, they'll notice...too close or too far away, etc. On the other hand, I've done ok so far in scenes where I'm chasing someone on foot. The chase scenes flow well over rooftops, up and down stairs, pipe drains etc. It's a credit to the simple UI. This isn't a platformer. You don't need to push the button at the right time to make a jump across a rooftop.

I'm conflicted on this game. Detective type games are not what I like but the quality of the game keeps me wanting to check out the next case. This is one of those games where the developer needs to be rewarded for their efforts. It's also a game that I think the majority of you will like playing at some point. The quality is just too good to pass up. I'd classify it as a game that you throw in when you're not up for high action. Driving, walking and investigating highly detailed, beautiful looking crime scenes (as well as the entire city as a whole) is worth checking out. The voice acting is worth checking out. If you like detective/story driven games then this is a no brainer as well as a no brainer when it sells for cheap. The avatars/face/lipsync/animations are something that should get people pumped up for other games coming down the road in genres they may prefer. The UI is also something that should get people pumped up.

Another thing I like about this game is there's not a single way to solve a case...or I should say...you don't need to find every single thing or get everything right. You are rewarded if you show skills by questioning, searching, etc right, but you don't fail the case if you're not perfect. I like that the game told me after the case was solved that I could have grilled a witness more to get them to rollover on the suspect. He did seem a little shady! That will help me with the next case. Using your evidence during the questioning is cool too. You can't just accuse someone of lying. Generally you'll have picked up some sort of evidence that you can use...if you don't pick the right evidence, you miss on that question. You don't lose XP but you gain it if correct.

Here's a good example of the acting/facial expressions, etc:


No Witcher 2 out yet so I'm testing this some more today!
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Re: La Noire

Post by Winnow »

Arrgh, I'm screwing up my questioning. The cases getting a lot longer now.

It's pissing me off that I'm not questioning the witnesses right. Seems pretty subjective as to whether they're lying, doubt them or telling the truth. I tend to choose that they're telling the truth too much. Last case I was 5/15 on questing but found 18/19 clues.

I also handled a pair of rape panties way too long.

Game environment is amazing. Incredible detail. I walked around some of the locations I needed to go for clues or to investigate and the detail of the surroundings doesn't stop anywhere. I walked through backstreets I probably would never see in the game or have any reason to go and they're all so unique and detailed. I'm not noticing much duplication. One part of the city doesn't start looking like another part. When you go to a scene, you don't just get dumped off into a little area. You walk through impressively detailed areas...different shops you go to have lots of detailed things on the racks...a backstage movie set has all sorts of props all over...not anything key to the story except for immersion. There's unique looking things everywhere. There's a lot of verticality to the game as well. You hoof it up hills to get to crime scenes. When you need to talk to someone on the sixth floor, you take the elevator...walk all the way and find the apartment # yourself. Every piece of evidence you pick up looks different..has scratches,random markings, scribbles, etc.

They put some serious effort into building this city. You can wander off in buildings where you have no business going and it's all detailed. This is a truly wide open game. I can see after solving a case that there are entire scenes/game play I've missed on cases that I won 't see unless I replay the game. You can't always take your time though. Sometimes if you take too long to get somewhere you miss opportunities. You won't know it till you get the case statistics at the end of the case where it tells you what you could have done better.

I believe the street crimes are associated with getting yourself a new wardrobe. For the one I did complete. I got a nice blue suit. Felt good to get out of the ugly brown one I had.

Game uses good use of driving time for dialog with partner.


Wow things just picked up a lot with case case 7. Lots of action in this one. Super cool set running around on, lotta bad guys. I've died a few times now. Restarts are too bad. There are auto saves throughout the cases. I just quintupled my enemies shot dead count with this case alone. 4 headshots, 100 shots hit, 75 shots missed. 12 m, 3 secs spent gun fighting. 14.4 miles driven so far. Longest vehicle jump: .05 feet! Half an inch jump!

Chasing, gunfighting and fist fighting are fun, not frustrating. Good use of cover mechanics and the game tends to target well for you.

Shows I'm 21% finished with about 4.5 hours played. 7/21 cases solved. With 1/40 of the street crimes complete. Looks like percentage is just for main storyline. Still on disk 1 of 3. I'm guessing the 40 street crimes are on all 3 disks. I've done a mix of driving to destinations and skipping with my partner driving.

This solid game to begin with is getting better as it goes. This is going to be one of those 90+ rated games. Reviewers with attention deficit disorder would be the only reason this would score below a 90.

Edit 2:

Guessing this is Mature 18 rated because this latest female victim is completely naked with a 40's era bush. Bush is 3D, not just single texture. Pretty hot except face and skull has been crushed.
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Re: La Noire

Post by masteen »

Winnow wrote:I also handled a pair of rape panties way too long.
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Re: La Noire

Post by Winnow »

You'd figure my glowing review would be enough but it turns out the critics like La Noire as well!


BTW, this involves driving so default to 360 version. I haven't swapped a disk yet 5 + hours in.
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Re: La Noire

Post by masteen »

Oh I've had this pre-ordered for months now. i r rawkstrr fanboi
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Re: La Noire

Post by Aslanna »

Technically it's L.A. Noire. La Noire makes it sound like a crappy French game or something.
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Re: La Noire

Post by masteen »

I know la noir isn't this type of game, but I am going to continue my Rockstar tradition of killing a hooker ASAP.
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Re: La Noire

Post by masteen »

So, it turns out you CANNOT kill, beat, or abuse hookers in any way in this game. You cannot go on a vehicular homicidal rampage.

This game sucks.
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Re: La Noire

Post by Winnow »

masteen wrote:So, it turns out you CANNOT kill, beat, or abuse hookers in any way in this game. You cannot go on a vehicular homicidal rampage.

This game sucks.
Sounds like you haven't gotten far enough into the game!

I had my first case go bad. I'm not sure if the game is designed that way or not but it appears the wrong person went to jail. Curious if this rectifies itself later in the story.

I'm on DVD 2 now!
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Re: L.A. Noire (Rape Panties)

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It's by design. If you care to, you can run your cases in true 1940's fashion, and put the first minority suspect you find in jail, EVERY TIME.
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Re: L.A. Noire (Rape Panties)

Post by Aslanna »

We have received some reports of PS3s overheating while playing L.A. Noire or beeping three times before shutting down/turning themselves off, mostly on older 60GB and 80GB fat models.

Primary reports seem to be that updating to firmware 3.61 will cause PlayStations to overheat. There have been various reports of this on a few different games now, all reporting their PS3s turning off or “Red Lighting” after having installed 3.61. This can range from games randomly freezing to PS3s turning off anywhere between 30 mins use to 2 hours. We have confirmed locally that multiple games (Rockstar and non-Rockstar) overheat or freeze only when 3.61 is installed.

At this time we are recommending contacting Sony directly to report the overheating issue. However, this is not the end of our support; we are continuing to test L.A. Noire on all firmware versions and hardware models to isolate the issues and see what can be done.
I wonder what Sony put in 3.61?
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Re: L.A. Noire (Rape Panties)

Post by Animalor »

That's odd. I had expected that the firmware would point the machine to a different server farm and connect to the new password reset system by default. The gameplay bits really shouldn't have changed..
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Re: L.A. Noire (Rape Panties)

Post by Winnow »

I always ditch my partner after investigating a location. It's fun watching him try to catch up to the car. I sometimes lead him on for a block or so and then floor it.

I also always grab a random car or truck. There's 95 different vehicles in the game. You don't get into trouble for grabbing random vehicles. I was grabbing the hearse after crime scenes. My partner would get all upset about having to drive around in a hearse. You can't go mowing people down but some collisions and reckless driving is ok.
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Re: L.A. Noire (Rape Panties)

Post by Aslanna »

Rockstar says nevermind!
After sending mixed signals last night that PlayStation 3 firmware 3.61 was causing some PS3s to overheat while running L.A. Noire, Rockstar Games said today that the firmware isn't the culprit.

"We have received a very small number of customer support questions about PS3's overheating or shutting down while playing L.A. Noire," the company said in a statement on its blog which is jointly attributed to PS3 maker Sony. " At this time, Rockstar Games and Sony can confirm that neither L.A. Noire or firmware update 3.61 are causing the PS3 hardware to overheat. We are both committed to working hard to find solutions to this and any issues that may arise."
So if it's not the game... And it's not the firmware.. What other possibility is there? I mean there's not too many other variables involved when you're playing a specific game.
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Re: L.A. Noire (Rape Panties)

Post by miir »

Aslanna wrote: So if it's not the game... And it's not the firmware.. What other possibility is there?
Maybe people are just fucking liars.
Sony is a pretty easy target for internet trolls these days.
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Re: L.A. Noire (Rape Panties)

Post by Aslanna »

miir wrote:
Aslanna wrote: So if it's not the game... And it's not the firmware.. What other possibility is there?
Maybe people are just fucking liars.
Sony is a pretty easy target for internet trolls these days.
It was RockStar themselves that said it originally. Not really sure how much trolling they do! They even said they had confirmed it:
We have confirmed locally that multiple games (Rockstar and non-Rockstar) overheat or freeze only when 3.61 is installed
So... Yeah.
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Re: L.A. Noire (Rape Panties)

Post by Animalor »

It's the exact same phenomenon that happened when they said that Halo3, GTA4 and then other games were causing more 360's to RROD. Game pushes a system hard and the onles that are more susceptible to overheating and failure do.

The components that come off those lines aren't perfect and some of them will perform normally until stressed to some point or another then start acting wierd.
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Re: L.A. Noire (Rape Panties)

Post by Winnow »

Cases are taking significantly longer now. I'm only through case 10 of 21 with 2/40 street cases complete.

Game Time 9h 30m although I tend to take my time. 31.8 % complete but I've also found 0/50 film reels, driven 15/95 vehicles and 6/30 landmarks discovered so I have a lot to check out after the main cases. My rank is 9/20 (experience point based on getting interrogations correct etc.)

Here's something that might be hard to beat.

Longest Vehicle Jump: 197.31 ft

Top that one!

You can be pretty obnoxious in the game and not get in trouble for it. Running people over is the only no no. Being a cop, you can commandeer any vehicle you want. When in a police vehicle, it does help to put the siren on sometimes. People will scatter.
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Re: L.A. Noire (Rape Panties)

Post by Aslanna »

. A typical case mid-game takes around 40 minutes to complete, so it's not as if you're going to be jockeying discs left, right and centre - but the fact that 360 owners have to swap over even if all three are installed to HDD is a bit of a pain.
Lame that you still need disk swaps if installing it to the HDD. I can see having the original in there (disc 1) but that should be sufficient. Sounds like it isn't doing a full install!
In the final analysis, L.A. Noire on PlayStation 3 is the one to get. It's smoother, it seems to have fewer streaming bugs, and of course there's no disc swapping. However, factoring in the enormity of the game, it's a credit to Team Bondi that the Xbox 360 version is as close as it is, and so long as you're aware of the gameplay issues and annoyances that Oli covered off in the L.A. Noire Eurogamer review, it's a great buy regardless of the console you own.
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Re: L.A. Noire (Rape Panties)

Post by Winnow »

Who cares about disk swaps? I've player 10+ hours and swapped disks once. I'll swap one more time at some point before the end of the game.

It's a non factor.

As for the game quality. it appears that PS3 managed to have the better version of this game. An extremely rare occurrence. Grats to PS3!
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Re: L.A. Noire (Rape Panties)

Post by Lynks »

Winnow wrote:Here's something that might be hard to beat.

Longest Vehicle Jump: 197.31 ft

Top that one!
209.26 ft. Found a road that had a jump at the end with a big drop off.
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Re: L.A. Noire (Rape Panties)

Post by masteen »

So, in total, how many rape panties did you "mishandle" throughout the game? :D
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Re: L.A. Noire (Rape Panties)

Post by masteen »

The character switch towards the end pretty much killed any good thoughts I had about this game. I was willing to overlook many of the flaws, but that was just stupid. So glad I fucked up my pre-order and just borrowed a copy. Team Bondi can eat an upside-down dick.
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Re: L.A. Noire (Rape Panties)

Post by Lynks »

I agree. It felt like the game lost a lot of momentum at that spot. I still liked it overall but I wish I didn't rush out to get it on day 1.
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Re: L.A. Noire (Rape Panties)

Post by Spang »

I'm enjoying this game quite a bit so far. The last case I solved was of the guy who got run over in front of the bar. I haven't swapped any disks, but I haven't inserted any, either.
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Re: L.A. Noire (Rape Panties)

Post by Fairweather Pure »

I have my eye on this for the Best Buy sale next week!
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