Being Hacked Sucks

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Being Hacked Sucks

Post by Bagar- »

Especially when you're not the original owner of the account, but you've been playing it for about 2 years now, and blizzard tells you to fuck off.

This is a long and somewhat poorly composed / boring story. If you want the gist of the post, skip to the bottom.

When I began playing WoW, I decided to roll a warrior, as in EQ I had played a paladin and enjoyed tanking but I understood that (at the time) paladins were not viable tanks. So I leveled my warrior, I played him through Vanilla WoW, raiding from MC to about halfway through Naxx with my guild. In this guild were two RL friends of mine, and one of them was friends with a paladin. That paladin decided to quit right about when BC came out, and gave his account to my friend. My friend had no interest in paying for two accounts, or playing a paladin, so he gave it to me. I never intended to play the account on a serious basis, due to the risk of playing an account that one does not originally own.

Flash forward to about 6 months into BC. There are fucking prot warriors everywhere, my guild has just died, and I can't for the life of me find a new one. So I decide to try my hand at Holy paladin, as healers are in short order. Turns out i'm a pretty good paladin, and turns out I rather enjoy the class as a whole. So I joined my current guild, raided from SSC to Sunwell with them as a holy paladin, and I grew quite fond of the class.

Wrath launches, and if anything, paladins are more fun and enjoyable than ever. I'm loving the changes made to each tree, the new viability of Ret and Prot (respecced at least 5 or 6 times a week), and i'm now leading raids for my guild, which is one of the best groups of people i've ever had the pleasure of interacting with over the interwebs. Needless to say, i'm enjoying myself, my guild, my class.

December 26th. I'm leveling the aforementioned prot warrior, I still enjoy the hell out of him and my guild is starting to do alt naxx runs. I see myself log on.

In a matter of seconds, most of the people have been kicked from the guild. I make the immediate assumption that my account has been hacked, and also make the immediate assumption that i'm fucked.

So nothing was really lost from the guild bank, since even officers have a withdrawl limit, we got people reinvited pretty quickly, but my account is totally gone. Password's been changed and I can't find the original owner. I resign myself to losing my paladin after a quick phone conversation with blizzard.

My guild is aware of the fact that it isn't my original account. I have several options - play my warrior, accept a guildie's offer of giving me his 70 paladin, or level a new paladin.

I don't want to play the warrior, because the paladin class as a whole is one of the things I enjoy about WoW, and I don't want someone's paladin since that's what got me into this situation to begin with, so I begin the arduous task of releveling a new paladin.

That was on the 27th, and I dinged 80 about two hours ago. 6 days played time. My guildies donated about 10k gold and a shitload of instance runthroughs. Certainly made leveling more bearable.

I'm still pretty fucking pissed off, there are some things that I can't get back, like my amani warbear, and some things that are going to be a bitch to get back, like my JC / Alch. All in all it was a pretty good time to get hacked though I guess, with raiding being a joke and gear being super easy to get, and me being on holiday break and able to level quickly.

Waiting on blizzard to get fucking authenticators back in stock. I don't know how it got hacked, since I run spyware / trojan protection almost daily. I presume due to the IE security exploit a few weeks ago. I use firefox for the most part but it doesn't work well with blizzard's website, so I use IE for that. That's about all I can think of.

This is my question:

So I say all of this to say - the account is gone, I can't get it back, and I accepted that almost immediately. The thing that bothers me is that it's been sold and the person that bought it is a prick who doesn't have the common sense to realize that if this company stole it from me, sold it to him, it's likely that at some point they're going to steal it back from him. Now I'd like to get the account banned, but I'm afraid if I call blizzard and explain the situation and the account gets banned, they'll trace my credit card and IP history to my current account and ban it too (since giving away / sharing accounts is against TOS). I don't want to risk my account - especially after having spent the last week releveling a paladin and drinking quarts of mountain dew - just to get some asshole banned. However, seeing some fucker run around IF all day with my paladin pisses me off so much that words cannot describe.

Any thoughts?
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Re: Being Hacked Sucks

Post by Fash »

Open the door and go outside, loser. I can't believe you wasted the last 11 days making a new paladin, leeching all this effort and time from your guildies, and are still crying. No one cares. :vv_bonk:

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Re: Being Hacked Sucks

Post by Bagar- »

You're attacking me for playing an MMO on forums created from an MMO, which undoubtedly most of us spent an unhealthy amount of time on at one point or another. I hope you're just trolling, because if not, you're even more fucking stupid than I thought.

Oh, and I'm not crying. I gave my "story" to explain why the question I asked at the end of my post was relevant.
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Re: Being Hacked Sucks

Post by masteen »

I think you should repeat to yourself "caveat emptor" and enjoy the schadenfreud of the ebaytard gnashing his teeth when the account gets yanked back in a couple months.

Also, think of all the nice Chinamen who will eat for an entire YEAR from what they make selling your former account.
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Re: Being Hacked Sucks

Post by Jarori Bloodletter »

Bagar- wrote:Especially when you're not the original owner of the account, but you've been playing it for about 2 years now, and blizzard tells you to fuck off.

This is a long and somewhat poorly composed / boring story. If you want the gist of the post, skip to the bottom.

When I began playing WoW, I decided to roll a warrior, as in EQ I had played a paladin and enjoyed tanking but I understood that (at the time) paladins were not viable tanks. So I leveled my warrior, I played him through Vanilla WoW, raiding from MC to about halfway through Naxx with my guild. In this guild were two RL friends of mine, and one of them was friends with a paladin. That paladin decided to quit right about when BC came out, and gave his account to my friend. My friend had no interest in paying for two accounts, or playing a paladin, so he gave it to me. I never intended to play the account on a serious basis, due to the risk of playing an account that one does not originally own.

Flash forward to about 6 months into BC. There are fucking prot warriors everywhere, my guild has just died, and I can't for the life of me find a new one. So I decide to try my hand at Holy paladin, as healers are in short order. Turns out i'm a pretty good paladin, and turns out I rather enjoy the class as a whole. So I joined my current guild, raided from SSC to Sunwell with them as a holy paladin, and I grew quite fond of the class.

Wrath launches, and if anything, paladins are more fun and enjoyable than ever. I'm loving the changes made to each tree, the new viability of Ret and Prot (respecced at least 5 or 6 times a week), and i'm now leading raids for my guild, which is one of the best groups of people i've ever had the pleasure of interacting with over the interwebs. Needless to say, i'm enjoying myself, my guild, my class.

December 26th. I'm leveling the aforementioned prot warrior, I still enjoy the hell out of him and my guild is starting to do alt naxx runs. I see myself log on.

In a matter of seconds, most of the people have been kicked from the guild. I make the immediate assumption that my account has been hacked, and also make the immediate assumption that i'm fucked.

So nothing was really lost from the guild bank, since even officers have a withdrawl limit, we got people reinvited pretty quickly, but my account is totally gone. Password's been changed and I can't find the original owner. I resign myself to losing my paladin after a quick phone conversation with blizzard.

My guild is aware of the fact that it isn't my original account. I have several options - play my warrior, accept a guildie's offer of giving me his 70 paladin, or level a new paladin.

I don't want to play the warrior, because the paladin class as a whole is one of the things I enjoy about WoW, and I don't want someone's paladin since that's what got me into this situation to begin with, so I begin the arduous task of releveling a new paladin.

That was on the 27th, and I dinged 80 about two hours ago. 6 days played time. My guildies donated about 10k gold and a shitload of instance runthroughs. Certainly made leveling more bearable.

I'm still pretty fucking pissed off, there are some things that I can't get back, like my amani warbear, and some things that are going to be a bitch to get back, like my JC / Alch. All in all it was a pretty good time to get hacked though I guess, with raiding being a joke and gear being super easy to get, and me being on holiday break and able to level quickly.

Waiting on blizzard to get fucking authenticators back in stock. I don't know how it got hacked, since I run spyware / trojan protection almost daily. I presume due to the IE security exploit a few weeks ago. I use firefox for the most part but it doesn't work well with blizzard's website, so I use IE for that. That's about all I can think of.

This is my question:

So I say all of this to say - the account is gone, I can't get it back, and I accepted that almost immediately. The thing that bothers me is that it's been sold and the person that bought it is a prick who doesn't have the common sense to realize that if this company stole it from me, sold it to him, it's likely that at some point they're going to steal it back from him. Now I'd like to get the account banned, but I'm afraid if I call blizzard and explain the situation and the account gets banned, they'll trace my credit card and IP history to my current account and ban it too (since giving away / sharing accounts is against TOS). I don't want to risk my account - especially after having spent the last week releveling a paladin and drinking quarts of mountain dew - just to get some asshole banned. However, seeing some fucker run around IF all day with my paladin pisses me off so much that words cannot describe.

Any thoughts?
Dont waste you'r time getting it /him banned.. You lost it. yes, but lesson learned yes?

Play whatever you like, have fun fuck off everyone else.. who cares right?~

I would NOT take another account from anyone just play your's.
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Re: Being Hacked Sucks

Post by Skogen »

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Re: Being Hacked Sucks

Post by Nick »

Hey fash, shut the fuck up mate! :P

Sucks to hear about being hacked Bagar, it happens pretty frequently somehow. I don't understand how people get hacked, how do scammers know you play wow? It's weird. Hopefully it never happens to me, that would be fucking horrific :O
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Re: Being Hacked Sucks

Post by Truant »

It's easy. They post links on wow forums. Both the blizzard forums and the various other sites (wowhead, etc.). These links, when opened, install keyloggers on your system. When you log into wow, they have get the login info and immediately change passwords and start stripping.
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Re: Being Hacked Sucks

Post by Psyloche »

So maybe not the most appropriate thread... but I didn't feel like starting one. Any tips on how to level a Paladin? I did RAF with a friend and got to 60 in 1 day played (could have done this faster if I was a bit more meticulous) and while I've leveled a Paladin to 70 before, I don't know what the fastest spec is because I took my time last time and only leveled during rested and only leveled by plowing through instances with a 70 (did War/Holy Pal).

Right now I'm Ret, which more or less explodes faces and am questing in HFP. I did a brief stint of Prot AE grinding on old paladin but kind of got annoyed at rounding up mobs and I don't know if that spec even exists anymore. I'd prefer to quest up to 80 because instance grinding means poor character and I want to be able to afford my epic flier at least by level 77, which I think is easily doable even if I have to use some gold from my main. So... any advice on Prot or Ret for quest grinding in Outlands and eventually Northrend? I bought the 10% exp shoulders and Bloodied Arcanite Reaper and could probably get whatever 1H version of BoA item is out there if I went Prot (if that is even remotely helpful?).
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Re: Being Hacked Sucks

Post by Truant »

if you're soloing. Ret.

Otherwise, spec to whatever role you're going to fill with whatever group you're going to level with.
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Re: Being Hacked Sucks

Post by Diae Soulmender »

This does cost money so if yer poor sorry... but I *highly* recommend this addon:

Its simply the best leveling addon there is period.

Make sure you also install Cartographer (not 3.0 which is the new one).

Some folks recommend "QuestHelper". I used it. Its crap compared to Joana.
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Re: Being Hacked Sucks

Post by Jarori Bloodletter »

Diae Soulmender wrote:This does cost money so if yer poor sorry... but I *highly* recommend this addon:

Its simply the best leveling addon there is period.

Make sure you also install Cartographer (not 3.0 which is the new one).

Some folks recommend "QuestHelper". I used it. Its crap compared to Joana.
Ok , whos on Diae's account... You'r saying you actually PAY to use a level guide?

Are you shitting me? lol
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Re: Being Hacked Sucks

Post by Hesten »

Truant wrote:It's easy. They post links on wow forums. Both the blizzard forums and the various other sites (wowhead, etc.). These links, when opened, install keyloggers on your system. When you log into wow, they have get the login info and immediately change passwords and start stripping.
I have been hacked again today.
Last time i was 99.9% sure it was a fault on Blizzards end, today im 100% sure.

Why, you ask....well, because the first time i had not played WOW for over a year, so no keyloggers and so on could have grabbed my password for it. I DID however play a little Starcraft 2, which also use the account, so there is some small possibility that either a keylogger or man in the middle attack could have gotten my info, however unlikely it is, especially since i actually work as an antivirus/malware guy, and am pretty sure that my system is not in any way infected.

But todays hack make me 100% sure that Blizzards security resemble a sieve.
The last hack happened on 24/09/2010, and i logged in there, got a GM to give me my stuff back, in case i would play again someday, then changed my password to a random generated 20 char password with capital letters and a few numbers in it. Since i didnt play i didn't need a password i could easily remember, but figured I would pick a "safe" password, so the account was protected, then if i needed account again someday, for Diablo 3 for example, i could use forgot password and change it to something useful, and buy a Blizzard authenticator.
So we now have an account that has been dormant for over a year, i have not logged into WOW or any games in that time, and the password on it is a randomly generated 20 char password with capital letters and a few numbers...way above and beyond normal account security.
And i still got hacked, which can ONLY have happened from Blizzards end.

Can it really be needed to get an authenticor to protect a CLOSED account?
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Re: Being Hacked Sucks

Post by Lynks »

I was hacked too. Haven't had an active wow account in years. Last week, I got an email saying that a new email was changed to my account. I couldn't log in anymore, not even with the security questions. A 5 minute phone called resolved the issue. I was impressed.
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Re: Being Hacked Sucks

Post by Boogahz »

Hesten wrote:The last hack happened on 24/09/2010, and i logged in there, got a GM to give me my stuff back, in case i would play again someday, then changed my password to a random generated 20 char password with capital letters and a few numbers in it. Since i didnt play i didn't need a password i could easily remember, but figured I would pick a "safe" password, so the account was protected, then if i needed account again someday, for Diablo 3 for example, i could use forgot password and change it to something useful, and buy a Blizzard authenticator.
So we now have an account that has been dormant for over a year, i have not logged into WOW or any games in that time, and the password on it is a randomly generated 20 char password with capital letters and a few numbers...way above and beyond normal account security.
And i still got hacked, which can ONLY have happened from Blizzards end.

Can it really be needed to get an authenticor to protect a CLOSED account?

FYI: Think I brought it up before, but as of at least a year ago, passwords are not case sensitive. Caps didn't help a bit. Also, many of the more recent "hacks" have actually been getting access to the email account itself. That is probably the PW you should change.
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Re: Being Hacked Sucks

Post by Fairweather Pure »

So how many times are you going to get hacked before you get an Authenticator?

I think the issue is on your end. You have a keylogger or somethin'!
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Re: Being Hacked Sucks

Post by Winnow »

Fairweather Pure wrote:So how many times are you going to get hacked before you get an Authenticator?

I think the issue is on your end. You have a keylogger or somethin'!

Many of the Asian MMOs (Aion in particular) have you enter in a pin # on an onscreen number pad (using your mouse) where the numbers are scrambled on the pad each time. It seems to have solved most of the hacking issues. Maybe SWTOR and WoW should consider something like that. It looks like SWTOR is going the Authenticator route again but why should you need a physical device. That's kind of lame.
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Re: Being Hacked Sucks

Post by Boogahz »

Blizzard has made some good improvements with the authenticator system which limits how often you enter the info based on where you play from (comp/ip/whatever).
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Re: Being Hacked Sucks

Post by Hesten »

Fairweather Pure wrote:So how many times are you going to get hacked before you get an Authenticator?

I think the issue is on your end. You have a keylogger or somethin'!
A keylogger still require me to actually USE the password. This password have never logged onto WOW, i changed it on after the last time I got hacked, 13 months ago :)
Thats why i claim that a keylogger can not have been used. Not for a randomly generated 10 char password thats not used anywhere else.
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Re: Being Hacked Sucks

Post by Fairweather Pure »

Hacked twice, 13 months apart each time you used your WoW account? For someone to pick our account out of a hat twice, 13 months apart between logging in is just astronomical. The hackers have your number and you're handing your account over to them on a silver platter by not having an Authenticator!
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Re: Being Hacked Sucks

Post by Hesten »

Fairweather Pure wrote:Hacked twice, 13 months apart each time you used your WoW account? For someone to pick our account out of a hat twice, 13 months apart between logging in is just astronomical. The hackers have your number and you're handing your account over to them on a silver platter by not having an Authenticator!
No no....i have not used my WOW account at all. I have NOT been logged in, I'm not playing, stopped over two years ago.
But twice in those two years, my account has been reactivated with a trial account, and someone have logged in, which i found out from friends who wondered if i started playing again.
Each time my response to it have been to DL the fucking huge WOW patch, log in, make a report of it, wait for GM restore account, log out, delete WOW, log on to once, change password, never log in with that again.
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